SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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No justice no peace!

we need you guys, we need something to laugh at.... :p :p :p

You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
Would you like for me to go back and copy each quote and show everyone, or would you like to answer the question ?
Need a lighter ?

Not sure what the "lighter" stuff is about.
And you don't really need to copy anything... I'm quickly losing interest in this conversation. You can tell us what you imagine I'll be paying or my kids will be paying or not. My guess is that you won't because you realize how silly you sound.
I will type this reply slower this time.
Politics = Votes = Election Consequences = our childrens future.
"Pay now or pay later", get it, or do I need to break out the crayons ?
Do I need to go back and show you my original comment or do you get it this time ?
In past posts youve always seem to reply in a manner that would indicate youre pretty smart, but now Im beginning to wonder.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.
They all flipped after midnight.
Yes, dope. When they were counting the mail in votes.

trump bad mouthed mail in voting for years. He impressed upon the Republican voters that mail in voting was bad. So...the majority of Republicans did not use mail in voting. He was winning states Tuesday night...but found he was losing when the mail in votes were being counted as Wednesday began. He then surmised....erroneously....that there was massive election fraud. He used that lie to win over his cult and to take $Millions.
You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
Would you like for me to go back and copy each quote and show everyone, or would you like to answer the question ?
Need a lighter ?
If that will keep you from spreading idiotic, dangerous lies about the election... Yes.
This wasnt directly about that.
You need to find a different supplier. Your crack is tainted.
You see that dark cloud over Joe's head ?
Doesnt look good does it ?
Like General Flynn just said in his Twitter .....among other things....

he said:

"Take a deep breath. More to come." - :up:

GOD BLESS you General! :clap:

The General is a the man who pardoned him.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
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