SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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I'm an American, AND I just won. I won, My Friends and Family won

Sorry, fool, you've just lost everything and are too dumb to even get it. America has now become no better than China, where they can take or do anything, install whom they want, and you have NO REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES against your government.


we are now no better than North Korea and the only step left will be when the Democrats start making their political enemies disappear in the middle of the night never to be heard from again.

And you think you won.

Americans are not the winner and if you think you've won then you're no American.
Why should any American vote again?

The Supreme Court has just legitimized the Democrat Dirty Trick's Department disenfranchising the American people.
We are living in two different cyber media worlds... we all on the left and some sane :) on the right, all believed this case would be denied, because Texas had no standing.... All legal and constitutional scholars were saying such as well....

but the Trumpers on the right did not hear all of this, at all...because the cyber social media world is set up to feed each customer, the Stories and blogs and political ads with a slant that the data tracking showed they were viewing previously..... this ONLY confirms their own bias, instead of opening them or us up, to what the other side is saying in their media.

Holy Cow! I believe I now think Facebook, may actually need to be broken up, or we need to stop this madness of how the business operates with sending us info, only from our own predetermined mind set....
Is this true? When I do a google search I won't get all results?
it is not true. the search result order might be tailored to your previous searches. but if you actually search and not just blindly take the first result, you will get information.
Why should any American vote again?

The Supreme Court has just legitimized the Democrat Dirty Trick's Department disenfranchising the American people.
Tell that to the republicans in Georgia. There's no need for them to vote January 5th.

They should just stay home.
Lefties rejoice over the death of American Democracy and line up in mass for the coming 666 mark of the beast.

you idiots should be mourning your devastating loss, supreme court just said; shut the fuck up, haaa ha ha

You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?
Lefties rejoice over the death of American Democracy and line up in mass for the coming 666 mark of the beast.

It could have been prevented had the Court shown the courage to do the right thing.

There have been many times in the history of this country when Americans of courage have stepped up to the plate to protect the Republic.

This was not one of them.
That so many Republicans — so late in the game — signed onto Trump’s “fuck the country and its election” shitshow attempt to remain in power ... will forever be a stain on them and any future claims they may make to put “country ahead of party.”

it is hard to imagine what might have happened to this nation had Trump managed to stay in power for another 4 years despite the people having clearly voted him out.

I have written elsewhere that the Republicans and their “Know Nothing” party of scapegoating is likely to emerge victorious with a smarter and more politically savvy demagogue. I fear Trump’s humiliation, as necessary as it was, is likely to prove only a temporary set-back to reactionary ultra-nationalist “Americanism.”

See: CDZ - America’s Next Authoritarian Will Be Much More Competent
you idiots should be mourning your devastating loss, supreme court just said; shut the fuck up, haaa ha ha
The lesson leanred. Even if your put three justices onto the court, and the court is now 6-3 conservative.

Not even one of the judges Trump put on the court would stand up for him.
SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.


No, Jim, the sun will rise tomorrow and the postman will bring you a few more Christmas cards and the toaster will pop up your toast and you can check your news feed and come to USMB to sling crap at the left. The USA isn't going anywhere and democracy still works.

I get it that you feel you've lost something valuable, something important, but because this is America, you have plenty of ways to continue to push for those ideas you agree with. You don't need that one man at 1600 Pennsylvania to do all that. WE do that.
That so many Republicans — so late in the game — signed onto Trump’s “fuck the country and its election” shitshow attempt to remain in power ... will forever be a stain on them and any future claims they may make to put “country ahead of party.”

It was like watching one ship come to the rescue of a sinking ship. And instead of taking the passengers off the sinking ship, they loaded their passengers on the sinking ship.
You might be better served to go back and read the messages again, rather than defer.
If you dont have children then thats alright but dont lie about it.

Again...what will be paid in your mind?
Nice try sweet cheeks.
Your quote below...

Pay? What do you imagine I'm going to be paying silly?

You asked what you would be paying, so that ship has sailed and you refuse to answer.
Do you need a lighter to get that pipe lit ?

You're not even making any sense now. The SCOTUS bitch slap has made you daffy.
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