SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Supreme Court denies effort to block election results in 4 key states that sealed Trump's fate

Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief order. It dismissed all other related claims as moot.
gee, they must be really stupid then as having any state not follow its basic laws allowing elections to be stolen does affect all other states.
Supreme Court denies effort to block election results in 4 key states that sealed Trump's fate

Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief order. It dismissed all other related claims as moot.
gee, they must be really stupid then as having any state not follow its basic laws allowing elections to be stolen does affect all other states.

What 'stolen election'?
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

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They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

I suggest you study the constitution.
I suggest you study the constitution...

“non-legislative changes to state election laws facilitating the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law violates the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution”
you should take it to court. no one had ever had these colossal insights you demonstrate here.
Plenty of people have pointed out these discrepancies. You just don’t know about it because you’re a slave to propaganda. That’s the extent of your current events knowledge.
nigga please.
Nigga please yo’ ass.
You just made my point about your willful ignorance.
you never made a point, son. you somehow think that your idiotic thoughts need to be addressed when better idiots have tried your idiotic thoughts in courts of all levels? the results are in. keep up. and fuck off, if you can
I gave specifics and you went group-think gutter.
you gave nothing that wasn't already litigated and laughed out of all sorts of courts. if you have anything novel to add, inform trump. you might get a pardon out of it, if you are fast. and furious.
It wasn’t laughed out. It was denied either by corrupt democrat judges or a scotus that is afraid of democrat violence. Shakedown stole this election and appeasement just invited more corruption. But you don’t care because you root for a team that is going to hurt you in the big picture.
It was laughed out. But since you are a cultish, delusional freak, you tell yourself the decision was corrupt. You are embarrassing yourself.
There has been no defeat over the last 38 days for which they accept responsibility or recognize reality. And there have been many.
Supreme Court denies effort to block election results in 4 key states that sealed Trump's fate

Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief order. It dismissed all other related claims as moot.
gee, they must be really stupid then as having any state not follow its basic laws allowing elections to be stolen does affect all other states.
Cute whining! Now do that thing you cultists do when you say there is going to be "war", then you sissies all look at each other and say, "No way dude, you first..."
Lol there is no way Trump will have a political career by then for a number of reasons.

Trump's political career is a product of conservative batshit.

And I've learned never to underestimate the danger of stupid people in large numbers.
It’s not that I think people won’t support him under normal circumstances. I just think he’s already going through dementia. By then he’ll probably be useless in a mental capacity. I also think he could wind up in prison by then as well.

I really don't think it matters. I think the 2024 nomination from the GOP has only one significant test:

Will Trump's image suffer as his claim to fame becomes being the most well known loser.

And it depends on the GOP's commitment to being the victim party. If they continue head down, ass up....lamenting endlessly about who fucked them in the ass and why, then I think Trump has a superb shot. As he's the reigning champ of losing.

If the GOP sacks up and tries to grow a backbone based on principle or success.....then Trump will fade away as an embarrassment.

And I genuinely think it could go either way.
I have little confidence Republicans will try to break from Trump or that Trump will let them

They are doomed with the stink of Trump

I dunno. He'll try to remain the king. He's in love with the power, accolades and attention. But his image is based on winning.

And this is an undeniable, significant, and massive loss.

I hope the GOP grows a backbone. I fear they'll just burrow deeper into bashit like a tick: head down, ass up.
Trump craves attention
He has lost his entire life. Failed businesses, Failed marriages, Failed investments, Failed Lawsuits

His answer is to never admit failure

The problem for the future is the number of adel brained Republicans who ignore his failure
It's going to take some time for Trump fans to spin this into a victory, but they'll do it.
How do you figure that?
What about Americans who recognize this precedent that undermines future elections? You don’t care about that? This makes all future elections the equivalent of a Harlem globetrotters basketball game. As long as the globetrotters are democrats and not Americans you’re OK with that? That’s creepy.

The only thing wrong with the election is the obvious loser pretended he won, and you demented fanboys pretended to believe him. Either your egos or your abject lack of self-respect keep you from admitting you've been played for a fool. You don't know what "Americans" are okay with. You're a Trumpkin, not an American. You're willing to throw away American democracy for the lies of a known fraud.
You didn’t address my post.

I said what I wanted. I'm not going to join you in pretending it was a fraudulent election. Your "evidence" is the word of Donald Trump. No one takes Trump's word for anything. What kind of idiot would?
So you underscore my point about you rooting for a team that cheats. Your OK with our election system being destroyed. Way to go.
You’re now an official enemy of the US.

You haven't proven cheating, ya yammering pinhead. Trumpkins don't care about the US - you're lackeys for "I Alone Can Fix It". That's for kings, not democracies.
There is plenty of evidence of potential cheating to warrant a hearing. The numbers defy not only plausibility but are practically statistically impossible. That hearing is denied out of fear of violence from democrats.
You don’t care because you blindly root for a team, the hell with policy. What’s more, the policy you ignorantly root for is to your own detriment.

Con men have been pissing in your ear. You have nothing, except devotion to a cult leader.
Another non-response. Try analysis. Why do you like the precedent of a corrupted election? Just because the side you blindly root for won?
Hell, yeah!

SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.



Yup. War is coming now for sure.
LOL..Give it a sound like a frighten loser throwing a tantrum..grow the fuck up.

Not a tantrum at all. Just sad to see this country sold out to the chinese. That leaves only one option. And that is going to be tragic.
No one is better friend to the Chinese than Trump and Trumpers. Xi and Putin love what you guys are doing to our democracy and institutions.
Spot on.

It was Trump who coddled dictators, it was Trump who made enemies of our closest allies, and it was Trump who attacked our democratic institutions.
Lol there is no way Trump will have a political career by then for a number of reasons.

Trump's political career is a product of conservative batshit.

And I've learned never to underestimate the danger of stupid people in large numbers.
It’s not that I think people won’t support him under normal circumstances. I just think he’s already going through dementia. By then he’ll probably be useless in a mental capacity. I also think he could wind up in prison by then as well.

I really don't think it matters. I think the 2024 nomination from the GOP has only one significant test:

Will Trump's image suffer as his claim to fame becomes being the most well known loser.

And it depends on the GOP's commitment to being the victim party. If they continue head down, ass up....lamenting endlessly about who fucked them in the ass and why, then I think Trump has a superb shot. As he's the reigning champ of losing.

If the GOP sacks up and tries to grow a backbone based on principle or success.....then Trump will fade away as an embarrassment.

And I genuinely think it could go either way.
I have little confidence Republicans will try to break from Trump or that Trump will let them

They are doomed with the stink of Trump

I dunno. He'll try to remain the king. He's in love with the power, accolades and attention. But his image is based on winning.

And this is an undeniable, significant, and massive loss.

I hope the GOP grows a backbone. I fear they'll just burrow deeper into bashit like a tick: head down, ass up.
Trump craves attention
He has lost his entire life. Failed businesses, Failed marriages, Failed investments, Failed Lawsuits

His answer is to never admit failure

The problem for the future is the number of adel brained Republicans who ignore his failure

Biden sitting in the oval office while Trump gets less and less attention is objectively difficult to spin as a victory for Trump.
There has been no defeat over the last 38 days for which they accept responsibility or recognize reality. And there have been many.

Trump has taken on the persona of Baghdad Bob
The Iraqi spokesman who claimed the Iraq Army was winning the war and driving back the US Army all the while US tanks were charging into Baghdad

Supreme Court denies effort to block election results in 4 key states that sealed Trump's fate

Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief order. It dismissed all other related claims as moot.
gee, they must be really stupid then as having any state not follow its basic laws allowing elections to be stolen does affect all other states.
How could they be so stupid? It's a 6-3 conservative-leaning court and Trump placed ⅓ of them.
gee, they must be really stupid then as having any state not follow its basic laws allowing elections to be stolen does affect all other states.
Actually the election fraud as you insist happened, doesn't mean the votes you insist were illegal didn't vote 100% for Trump.
And this is an undeniable, significant, and massive loss.
More lies.
Republicans likely kept the Senate and almost flipped the House, including 4 huge California districts.

2022 is right around the corner....bye Nancy and Adam.

Dude, you lost the white house, lost the house and lost ground in the Senate.

Even with an orbital buffer and a small stack of batteries, you're not going to be able to polish that turd.
And this is an undeniable, significant, and massive loss.
More lies.
Republicans likely kept the Senate and almost flipped the House, including 4 huge California districts.

2022 is right around the corner....bye Nancy and Adam.

Dude, you lost the white house, lost the house and lost ground in the Senate.

Even with an orbital buffer and a small stack of batteries, you're not going to be able to polish that turd.
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