SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.
Where in the constitution does it say that mail in voting is in any way illegal or improper?
Kinda figured this was coming. As I mentioned in another thread, the next thing to prepare for is the republicans losing of both senate races in Georgia. Its likely to happen.
I could be wrong, for sure, but, we thought trump would win in a landslide, that didn't pan out, we thought we could take it to the courts, that didn't pan out, we thought we could take it to the Supreme Court, that didn't pan out.

I'm just looking at reality. If there was fraud, it's never going to be proven because repubs keep losing in court, if the election was legit, then it proves that people really wanted trump gone. Either way, the repubs have not made any gains, so, my only conclusion is that the same thing is going to happen in the run offs. Whether dems cheat, and the repuns will never prove it, or people legitimately elect the dem senators, seems like momentum is moving to the left.

I'm just trying to get people prepared for the inevitability of what will probably happen, so when that time comes, people are not taken by surprise.
You need to snap out of it.
I just call it like I see it. There was widespread election malfeasance, and we will have Chinese collaborators in all major positions in our government. There is no snapping out of that.

You should provide your "evidence" to proper authorities for investigation and prosecution.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

I suggest you study the constitution.
I suggest you study the constitution...

“non-legislative changes to state election laws facilitating the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law violates the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution”
you should take it to court. no one had ever had these colossal insights you demonstrate here.
Plenty of people have pointed out these discrepancies. You just don’t know about it because you’re a slave to propaganda. That’s the extent of your current events knowledge.
nigga please.
Nigga please yo’ ass.
You just made my point about your willful ignorance.
you never made a point, son. you somehow think that your idiotic thoughts need to be addressed when better idiots have tried your idiotic thoughts in courts of all levels? the results are in. keep up. and fuck off, if you can
I gave specifics and you went group-think gutter.
you gave nothing that wasn't already litigated and laughed out of all sorts of courts. if you have anything novel to add, inform trump. you might get a pardon out of it, if you are fast. and furious.
It wasn’t laughed out. It was denied either by corrupt democrat judges or a scotus that is afraid of democrat violence. Shakedown stole this election and appeasement just invited more corruption. But you don’t care because you root for a team that is going to hurt you in the big picture.
yeah. this is over. your acceptance of that fact is not required. quit whining about serious people not caring for your grievances, snowflake.
You don’t care about the integrity of the system? That speaks for you.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Nah, we just resoundingly beat the Trump cult.
You defeated Americans. And you did it with corruption.
You need to snap out of it.
I just call it like I see it. There was widespread election malfeasance, and we will have Chinese collaborators in all major positions in our government. There is no snapping out of that.

You should provide your "evidence" to proper authorities for investigation and prosecution.

Its telling that in all of Trump's suits, they never *once* argued that fraud has ever occured.
The cowardly traitors on the Supreme Court dismissed the case because they declared Texas did not have standing.

That will go down as one of the worst decisions ever made by the Court. To determine that a state does not have an interest in the outcome of a national election that determines the leader of the Federal government is absolutely ludricous.

Fine. If the Federal government doesn't mean shit then Texas and the other states that joined in the lawsuit should secede.
Who will pay all the elderlies SS, because at 70 living on the street and starving is not an option.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.
fuck your feelings, loser.
Those aren't my feelings, charming one. That is reality.

Or....its your imagination. Your ilk have lost every significant course case for a reason:

You have shit arguments backed by worse 'evidence'.
You need to snap out of it.
I just call it like I see it. There was widespread election malfeasance, and we will have Chinese collaborators in all major positions in our government. There is no snapping out of that.

You should provide your "evidence" to proper authorities for investigation and prosecution.

Its telling that in all of Trump's suits, they never *once* argued that fraud has ever occured.
and the texas suit relied on appearance of fraud. these twats can be happy that they were not slapped down on the merits as well. it was completely meritless.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.
fuck your feelings, loser.
Those aren't my feelings, charming one. That is reality.

Or....its your imagination. Your ilk have lost every significant course case for a reason:

You have shit arguments backed by worse 'evidence'.
You need to snap out of it.
I just call it like I see it. There was widespread election malfeasance, and we will have Chinese collaborators in all major positions in our government. There is no snapping out of that.

You should provide your "evidence" to proper authorities for investigation and prosecution.

Its telling that in all of Trump's suits, they never *once* argued that fraud has ever occured.
and the texas suit relied on appearance of fraud. these twats can be happy that they were not slapped down on the merits as well. it was completely meritless.

It was like watching Trump trying to jump 40 flaming school buses with nothing but a pair of roller skates.

It was never going to end well. But watching the attempt was probably going to be entertaining.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.
trump could also, by twitter fiat, claim, for electoral vote purposes, all states.
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