SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Still light years better than the blob.
Biden will be a terrible president

So what!? At least Adolf Trump will be gone! Praise Gawd.

They said that Obama and Clinton were terrible presidents too.

Yet they said that the first bush, the bush boy and trump were good ones.

So it seems they believe destroying our economy, leaving it in ruins and allowing a deadly virus to run rampant to destroy hundreds of thousands of Americans and our economy is a good job.

Cleaning up the mess that the republicans leave behind and leaving a robust economy with the rest of the world respecting and liking us is a bad job.

These people are totally nuts.
The traitors,the scum lose
Supreme court REJECTS - Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
Ruling lifts uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College votes in AG Ken Paxton’s attack on elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Updated at 5:37 p.m. with court ruling
WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court finalized the ouster of President Donald Trump late Friday, soundly rejecting a demand from Texas to nullify 10.4 million votes in four states that put President-elect Joe Biden over the top.
Seventeen states that Trump carried had backed Texas’ request, while 25 others, including two where Biden was victorious, had filed motions opposing the idea that one state can meddle in another’s elections.
The ruling lifts the biggest cloud of uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College vote.

Texas had asked the court effectively to nullify 10.4 million votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, depriving Biden of 62 electoral votes, suggesting the court authorize the legislatures in those states – all controlled by Republicans, to choose electors instead.
Trump and a half-dozen other states have asked permission to join Texas’ lawsuit. And 17 states in all, all controlled by Republicans, have told the Supreme Court they support Texas’ cause.

Time is short for a ruling.
The Electoral College meets on Dec. 14 after presidential elections. Biden topped Trump 306-232. The only remaining formality comes Jan. 6, when Congress votes on whether to accept the Electoral College vote.
The four states whose elections Texas is trying to overturn filed scathing rebuttals at the Supreme Court.
“Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” Pennsylvania argued in its motion, deriding Texas’ “bogus claims” of cheating, fraud and ballot manipulation.
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

I just love the language here...So, now I guess we will see the criminalization of Conservative politics...If you can call trying to abide by the letter of the Constitution, "sedicious", then what's next? Jailing those who refuse to become progressives?
Using lies to overthrow the results of a lawful election is Sedition

And to think 126 House Pugs signed onto this POS. Sedition indeed - They all need to be tarred, feathered and publicly humiliated.
You'll eventually get your gulags. You are putting final nails into the greatest experiment ever. And the dirty work was done by our forefathers. All we had to do is be good custodians. We failed.
Still light years better than the blob.
Biden will be a terrible president

So what!? At least Adolf Trump will be gone! Praise Gawd.

They said that Obama and Clinton were terrible presidents too.

Yet they said that the first bush, the bush boy and trump were good ones.

So it seems they believe destroying our economy, leaving it in ruins and allowing a deadly virus to run rampant to destroy hundreds of thousands of Americans and our economy is a good job.

Cleaning up the mess that the republicans leave behind and leaving a robust economy with the rest of the world respecting and liking us is a bad job.

These people are totally nuts.
Are you going to come out of your basement to get the wuflu vaccine or will first responders have to come to you?
IF conservatives rioted in the streets, which they dont, they should burn down all the local lib news media facilities.

its lucky for the propaganda arm of the democrat party that trump voters are so peaceful
The traitors,the scum lose
Supreme court REJECTS - Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
Ruling lifts uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College votes in AG Ken Paxton’s attack on elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Updated at 5:37 p.m. with court ruling
WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court finalized the ouster of President Donald Trump late Friday, soundly rejecting a demand from Texas to nullify 10.4 million votes in four states that put President-elect Joe Biden over the top.
Seventeen states that Trump carried had backed Texas’ request, while 25 others, including two where Biden was victorious, had filed motions opposing the idea that one state can meddle in another’s elections.
The ruling lifts the biggest cloud of uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College vote.

Texas had asked the court effectively to nullify 10.4 million votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, depriving Biden of 62 electoral votes, suggesting the court authorize the legislatures in those states – all controlled by Republicans, to choose electors instead.
Trump and a half-dozen other states have asked permission to join Texas’ lawsuit. And 17 states in all, all controlled by Republicans, have told the Supreme Court they support Texas’ cause.

Time is short for a ruling.
The Electoral College meets on Dec. 14 after presidential elections. Biden topped Trump 306-232. The only remaining formality comes Jan. 6, when Congress votes on whether to accept the Electoral College vote.
The four states whose elections Texas is trying to overturn filed scathing rebuttals at the Supreme Court.
“Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” Pennsylvania argued in its motion, deriding Texas’ “bogus claims” of cheating, fraud and ballot manipulation.
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

I just love the language here...So, now I guess we will see the criminalization of Conservative politics...If you can call trying to abide by the letter of the Constitution, "sedicious", then what's next? Jailing those who refuse to become progressives?
Using lies to overthrow the results of a lawful election is Sedition

And to think 126 House Pugs signed onto this POS. Sedition indeed - They all need to be tarred, feathered and publicly humiliated.
You'll eventually get your gulags. You are putting final nails into the greatest experiment ever. And the dirty work was done by our forefathers. All we had to do is be good custodians. We failed.

Still waiting for your "great fraud" evidence .. Is this you Rudy?
If so, FUCK you and your Trump antibody cocktail that only the Rump-connected get!!
The traitors,the scum lose
Supreme court REJECTS - Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
Ruling lifts uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College votes in AG Ken Paxton’s attack on elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Updated at 5:37 p.m. with court ruling
WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court finalized the ouster of President Donald Trump late Friday, soundly rejecting a demand from Texas to nullify 10.4 million votes in four states that put President-elect Joe Biden over the top.
Seventeen states that Trump carried had backed Texas’ request, while 25 others, including two where Biden was victorious, had filed motions opposing the idea that one state can meddle in another’s elections.
The ruling lifts the biggest cloud of uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College vote.

Texas had asked the court effectively to nullify 10.4 million votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, depriving Biden of 62 electoral votes, suggesting the court authorize the legislatures in those states – all controlled by Republicans, to choose electors instead.
Trump and a half-dozen other states have asked permission to join Texas’ lawsuit. And 17 states in all, all controlled by Republicans, have told the Supreme Court they support Texas’ cause.

Time is short for a ruling.
The Electoral College meets on Dec. 14 after presidential elections. Biden topped Trump 306-232. The only remaining formality comes Jan. 6, when Congress votes on whether to accept the Electoral College vote.
The four states whose elections Texas is trying to overturn filed scathing rebuttals at the Supreme Court.
“Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” Pennsylvania argued in its motion, deriding Texas’ “bogus claims” of cheating, fraud and ballot manipulation.
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

I just love the language here...So, now I guess we will see the criminalization of Conservative politics...If you can call trying to abide by the letter of the Constitution, "sedicious", then what's next? Jailing those who refuse to become progressives?
Using lies to overthrow the results of a lawful election is Sedition

And to think 126 House Pugs signed onto this POS. Sedition indeed - They all need to be tarred, feathered and publicly humiliated.
If they are willing to sign up to 2020 being a fraudulent election, they should be willing to resign their seats that were gained by that election

Yep, Dems are crappy cheaters.
They only flipped votes at the top of the ticket.
And then scanned them 150 times (on average) ...
Improvements must be made!! :D
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Interesting. Makes you wonder though, what is the point of having the electors meet then? If the slates are already chosen and are bound to vote in a specific way, then the whole meeting of the electoral College is really pointless.

They have to actually hold that vote.

Just like we had to actually hold the vote on November 3rd.

That election told the electors how to vote when they meet on Monday.
According to snowflakes, for reviewing the suit at all before making the decision not to take up the case, the USSC just participated in Trump's and 20 states' attempted destruction of our Democracy...

...despite it all being part of the legal, Constitutional process established / created to challenge an election...the same process Al Gore used to challenge the 2000 Presidential election.

IF conservatives rioted in the streets, which they dont, they should burn down all the local lib news media facilities.

its lucky for the propaganda arm of the democrat party that trump voters are so peaceful

Yeah, armed Rump militias only plot to kidnap governors and hang out outside their homes.
Give 'em a break! :rolleyes-41:
And you think others are a sham?

Stats are not facts.

The New England Pats have the most winning statistics and numbers of all time, but they don't tell you that NE cheated many times in getting there.

Hillary Clinton was investigated many times but never found guilty. But that doesn't mean that she was innocent of criminal activity.

No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. To even suggest that is laughable. Biden's victory the way he won is a mathematical impossibility. To argue otherwise means you're either dumber than shit or so partisan as to be beyond all reason, either way, you're a waste of my time.

Joe Biden may be appointed to the WH, but he will never serve even 1 full term, the man is too feeble, and will never be accepted by over half the country. That means someone who never even got one vote in the primaries, an unelected and totally unelectable person will eventually now serve in the highest office in the land. A person acknowledged even by CBS to be the most radical person to ever serve in Congress.

Democrats compounded by stupid people like you have unleashed an eventual holocaust on America.
Yeah, armed Rump militias only plot to kidnap governors and hang out outside their homes.
Give 'em a break!
No weasel governors have been killed so far

possibly because they demand that the few remaining police officers to protect them instead of the public
Yeah, armed Rump militias only plot to kidnap governors and hang out outside their homes. Give 'em a break! :rolleyes-41:

Why do you intentionally spread ALREADY DEBUNKED lies and expect anyone to believe anything you post after destroying your own credibility?

The planned kidnapping you are referring to is the one that targeted MI Gov Whitmer. This case was discussed extensively on this board, and every member of this board you are now lying to already knows the militia you are speaking about very publicly expressed their HATRED for President Trump.

The FACT in the end is that the militia hated Whitmer's hypocritical, un-lawful, Un-Constitutional lock-down, shut-down edicts that oppressively violated state resident's Constitutional and Civil Rights even more!

Due to your continued demonstrations of how you constantly, intentionally LIE, you have shown you have ZERO credibility and there is no reason to read of the propaganda and bullshit you post.
You know one of the main things that you can do to prevent Civil War?

Have legitimate elections.

That didn't happen in 2020 thanks to the Democrat Dirty Tricks Deparment with a little help from their Chinese friends and the Useful Idiots.
Yeah, armed Rump militias only plot to kidnap governors and hang out outside their homes.
Give 'em a break!
No weasel governors have been killed so far

possibly because they demand that the few remaining police officers to protect them instead of the public

Tell your minions to please not act out.
Even electors have been death-threatened and will need security to and from.
Y'all are quite disgusting and dangerous - Really, y'all are! :omg:
And you think others are a sham?

Stats are not facts.

The New England Pats have the most winning statistics and numbers of all time, but they don't tell you that NE cheated many times in getting there.

Hillary Clinton was investigated many times but never found guilty. But that doesn't mean that she was innocent of criminal activity.

No one with the intelligence above a child could possibly look at the massive body of evidence in this election fraud and conclude that it was totally aboveboard much less the most straight up election of all time. To even suggest that is laughable. Biden's victory the way he won is a mathematical impossibility. To argue otherwise means you're either dumber than shit or so partisan as to be beyond all reason, either way, you're a waste of my time.

Joe Biden may be appointed to the WH, but he will never serve even 1 full term, the man is too feeble, and will never be accepted by over half the country. That means someone who never even got one vote in the primaries, an unelected and totally unelectable person will eventually now serve in the highest office in the land. A person acknowledged even by CBS to be the most radical person to ever serve in Congress.

Democrats compounded by stupid people like you have unleashed an eventual holocaust on America.
Until you can produce evidence to support your insane claims, you and they go in the garbage with claims of 71 virgins and claims of spoonbending.
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