SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2020

This proves that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a mental institution until January 20 2020 when the current occupation ends there and moved to Mar A Lago

He needs to be taken to Mar A Lago in a Straight Jacket so he is not a danger tI himself or others

Sure Mr Trump, you are still President
Yes Mr Trump, everyone is out to get you
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So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

You and the other dolts fail to realize that if there was something to this and the SCOTUS would have gone through with a hearing and happened to throw those state votes out you're republican down ballot winner's would be loser's today.
Even the Trump Court calls Republicans batshit crazy
The lawsuit was an embarrassment to Republicans. Those Republicans that backed this lawsuit look like like complete asswipes.

When Cons can’t even get Alito and Thomas to agree with them then you know that the lawsuit was nothing but cesspool material.

Remind me - was it 126 House Republicans that signed on to this piece of crap?
They need to be shamed and ridiculed - Like this:
Even the Trump Court calls Republicans batshit crazy
The lawsuit was an embarrassment to Republicans. Those Republicans that backed this lawsuit look like like complete asswipes.

When Cons can’t even get Alito and Thomas to agree with them then you know that the lawsuit was nothing but cesspool material.

Remind me - was it 126 House Republicans that signed on to this piece of crap?
They need to be shamed and ridiculed - Like this:

They should not be seated.
SCOTUS to Texas

You got no dog in this fight
I might be wrong but it sounds a lot like they messed with Texas
Texas messed with them first.
Well, when you have dumb people making ridiculous arguments and then rely on highly educated legal scholars to say, "Yes"...they are setting themselves up for disappointment. Deep down, nobody with two working brain cells in this nation thought the lawsuit had a chance on the surface. When you probed one millimeter deeper and saw that Texas itself changed it's voting laws without legislative action right before the election...the ridiculous nature multiplied.

I sort of wish the court would order Texas to apologize to all 50 states in writing for this sort of shameful BS.

The time has come for sanctions on these ambulance chasers. Of course, Paxton will be in prison soon. :)
I'm going dark and all other conservatives should do so too.

The Biden Nazis are making a list and checking twice and the future of conservatives is not very nice.

So sad to see our nation sold out by EVERYONE in our government.

When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope, truer words have never been said.
I grow tired of the implicit threats of violence made by you fat ass sissies. Peel your full diaper off the couch and do something, or shut the f**k up.

Hopefully the FBI and CIA are keeping an eye on some of these assholes.
Illegal aliens, refugees, foreigners, and criminals all have no problem gaining standing in court.

But American workers, American voters, and American states?

No, because the Court is too chickenshit to take a stand on blatant voter fraud.
If the Court could fashion a remedy in Massachusetts v. EPA, 127 S. Ct. 1438 (2007), then it certainly could in the Texas election case.

A State must have at least a "quasi-sovereign" interest to bring a suit where other states are not following their own elections laws in the case of a NATIONAL ELECTION for president. I would agree if we were talking about state level elections. However, a state that blatantly disregards its own election laws in National level elections harms other states that follow their own rules. The Constitution says that state legislatures get to decide how to electors. It does not say they get to disregard their own laws.

If carbon dioxide can be regulated as a "pollutant", if rights can foundation in emanations of penumbras, and Obamacare is Constitutional, then the Court could have heard this case too.
Another case where the Court said the Plaintiff had no standing?

Dredd Scott.

How did that work out?
The traitors,the scum lose
Supreme court REJECTS - Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

Supreme Court rejects Texas’ bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election, handing decisive blow to Trump
Ruling lifts uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College votes in AG Ken Paxton’s attack on elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Updated at 5:37 p.m. with court ruling
WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court finalized the ouster of President Donald Trump late Friday, soundly rejecting a demand from Texas to nullify 10.4 million votes in four states that put President-elect Joe Biden over the top.
Seventeen states that Trump carried had backed Texas’ request, while 25 others, including two where Biden was victorious, had filed motions opposing the idea that one state can meddle in another’s elections.
The ruling lifts the biggest cloud of uncertainty ahead of Monday’s Electoral College vote.

Texas had asked the court effectively to nullify 10.4 million votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, depriving Biden of 62 electoral votes, suggesting the court authorize the legislatures in those states – all controlled by Republicans, to choose electors instead.
Trump and a half-dozen other states have asked permission to join Texas’ lawsuit. And 17 states in all, all controlled by Republicans, have told the Supreme Court they support Texas’ cause.

Time is short for a ruling.
The Electoral College meets on Dec. 14 after presidential elections. Biden topped Trump 306-232. The only remaining formality comes Jan. 6, when Congress votes on whether to accept the Electoral College vote.
The four states whose elections Texas is trying to overturn filed scathing rebuttals at the Supreme Court.
“Texas’s effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact. The Court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated,” Pennsylvania argued in its motion, deriding Texas’ “bogus claims” of cheating, fraud and ballot manipulation.
(Read the motions here. Watch for the Supreme Court opinion here.)

I just love the language here...So, now I guess we will see the criminalization of Conservative politics...If you can call trying to abide by the letter of the Constitution, "sedicious", then what's next? Jailing those who refuse to become progressives?

Enjoy the war....
nigga please. grow up.

You first.
you are the crazy dotard queefing about war. you have been consistently wrong for all the time i interacted with you, have never shown any sort of intelligence, and now you need to take nap. tomorrow biden will still have won the election, trump will have lost, and you will still be an arrogant, old whiner. but, you will have had a nap. and that is something.
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