SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
Very true. I guess the system has to be tested now and then. Not very pleasant. Let's just hope we've hit rock bottom.

I'm so sorry but no we have not hit rock bottom.

We thought that with the bush boy.

What you don't realize is that there is no low too low for those people. There is no lie to sick and destructive. There is nothing, absolutely nothing they won't do.

What I realized in the bush boy years was that the republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower.

At the time I couldn't imagine what was worse. I didn't want to find out.

Unfortunately we did.

The next republican president will be worse than trump. Yes you can't imagine what is worse but take a look around the Republican Party. See how many of them have supported and enabled trump all this time. See how most of them are terrified of trump and his followers.

The next republican president will be more farther right, more fascist and more authoritarian. That republican will be worse than trump.

Don't fool yourself. These people aren't going away.
Agreed, they're not going away. I'm just hopeful that we have consciously corrected our mistake. This bizarro spell that Trump and talk radio have been able to cast over these people may not last. They had their chance, it was a freak show, and hopefully we've learned.

One very positive sign to me is the possibility that young people are finally engaged. Our daughters (22 & 25) couldn't freaking WAIT to vote, and their friends were the same way. If that continues (yeah, that's a big IF) we might turn the corner.

I'm always hopeful. We'll see.
AND this is why we should know He didn't send us Trump, that other entity did! :eek:
As imperfect as he is, Trump was our last hope before the End Times

If you dont know biden is corrupt then you dont know anything
They wouldn’t accept it if God came down and told them Biden won and the election was fair...
Most libs dont believe in God

But God would never lie to us so there is zero chance of the Creator endorsing this election as fair

As I wrote you would call God Satan and declare Trump God...

The election was fair and the courts have ruled or just flat out denied Trump and his base their request...

You can accept it or don’t but nothing is stopping Biden from being sworn in on January 20th 2021 unless Trump and his base does something really stupid and believe me I wouldn’t expect anything less!
End of times and Trump was our savior?


but he was the last honestly elected president reflecting the better nature of the American people

now there is nothing but liberal insanity to drag the country down
Let look at what really happen, shall we?

The Obama/Biden administration gives away American jobs and technology to China and China flourishes. Biggest growing economy in the word. China is happy.

The Biden family gets a two billion dollar investment from the Chinese.

Trump is elected. Trump puts America's interest first. Forces fair trade deals and stops technology thievery. China is pissed.

China releases a virus and there is a worldwide pandemic.

The pandemic destroys the greatest economy the US ever had that was driven by Trump's lower taxes, less regulation and fair trade deals.

The election happens and the Democrat's Dirty Tricks Department uses the Pandemic to have massive mail in ballots. No ID verification in the Democrat controlled states.

Trump gets 10 million more votes than he got in 20116 but Biden wins just enough votes in the Democrat controlled areas of the swing states to carry the states. Republicans poll watchers are prevented from observing the Democrats counting the votes. Mail in ballots with only Biden on them magically appear from nowhere, like hidden under tables.

Eighteen states sue to have the Supreme Court to correct the injustice.

The Supreme Court says

China is happy. They fucked America with the help of the Democrat Useful Idiots and all is good.
congratulations to DUMBO DON! :clap2::clap2::clap2:


you'll ALWAYS be KING of the DUMBOS!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election
And in 2024 when Pence or another Republican beat Harris can I show you this and ask you how stupid you must feel?
You are delusional

Says the poster that has proclaimed no Republican will ever win again... In 2008 the left told me the next Republican President was not born yet and the House was their for the next one hundred years, and in 2010 Democrats lost the House and in 2016 Trump won, so you are as full of shit as those Democrats were...

In 2022 the House will flip to the Republicans and in 2024 a Republican will beat Harris, and if you are still here I will be laughing at you!
Let look at what really happen, shall we?

The Obama/Biden administration gives away American jobs and technology to China and China flourishes. Biggest growing economy in the word. China is happy.

The Biden family gets a two billion dollar investment from the Chinese.

Trump is elected. Trump puts America's interest first. Forces fair trade deals and stops technology thievery. China is pissed.

China releases a virus and there is a worldwide pandemic.

The pandemic destroys the greatest economy the US ever had that was driven by Trump's lower taxes, less regulation and fair trade deals.

The election happens and the Democrat's Dirty Tricks Department uses the Pandemic to have massive mail in ballots. No ID verification in the Democrat controlled states.

Trump gets 10 million more votes than he got in 20116 but Biden wins just enough votes in the Democrat controlled areas of the swing states to carry the states. Republicans poll watchers are prevented from observing the Democrats counting the votes. Mail in ballots with only Biden on them magically appear from nowhere, like hidden under tables.

Eighteen states sue to have the Supreme Court to correct the injustice.

The Supreme Court says

China is happy. They fucked America with the help of the Democrat Useful Idiots and all is good.

So are you saying Alito, Thomas, Roberts and the three Justices that Trump appointed are working for China, Deep State and Soros?
If you don't know trump IS corrupt then YOU don't know anything.
Trump has led an immoral (i.e. anything goes, of it feels good do it, liberal) life as an alpha male who likes women

but as a politician of 4 short years he did everything sithin his power to keep his promises to the American people

Something that few other republicans ever did
If you don't know trump IS corrupt then YOU don't know anything.
Trump has led an immoral (i.e. anything goes, of it feels good do it, liberal) life as an alpha male who likes women

but as a politician of 4 short years he did everything sithin his power to keep his promises to the American people

Something that few other republicans ever did

He wanted to punish Mexico because Mexico courts ruled he owed fifty million U.S. Dollars in a court case and had they just dropped the case he would have not have been so hell bent on building that small portion of the wall that was a waste of taxpayer money...

Trump did nothing unless it benefited him and his family and he does not care about you and like all charlatans in the history of the World you have been taken but what is so funny you will deny all this and proclaim Trump is great until the next GOP win against Harris and then you will proclaim you never liked Trump, ya know how you guys are with Bush and Romney and McCain...
In 2008 the left told me the next Republican President was not born yet and the House was their for the next one hundred years
Anything the left tells you is likely go be a lie.

but you bought into their falsehoods to help elect biden

why should the democrats allow a republican to be president when they have the keys to the ballot box?

dems are evil but they arent stupid
In 2008 the left told me the next Republican President was not born yet and the House was their for the next one hundred years
Anything the left tells you is likely go be a lie.

but you bought into theirs lies to help elect biden

why should the democrats allow a republican to be president when they have the keys to the ballot box?

dems are evil but they arent stupid

24 States used the Dominion machines and States like Texas changed their early voting laws with executive orders, so let be clear all your nonsense is the typical partisan bullshit spread by tabloid sites like OAN and Newsmax!

You are as daft as the fringe left and believe that if your candidate loses then it is the end of the World...

I voted for Biden because I hate Trump and when you get my fence sitting ass motivated to vote for the Democrats you know your guy is the wrong guy!
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