SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Piss on biden

Old Joe deserves no more than dems gave trump after 2016..

Democrats hate Trump, and I get that, but they cant be proud of Joe.
There have been numerous threads on this forum asking what they're proud of, or what policies you stand behind, and there is no real substance, or legitimate answers to be had, just hate for Trump.
Look at what just happened with all this fraud going to the SCOTUS, and Trumps best case got shot down, but look at what you're left with. Poor dementia, broken foot, broken spirit Joe.
I know you want to be proud of Joe, and I want to be happy for you, but look at that crippled old man that doesn't have a spine to stand up to China, Iran, N. Korea, like a true president did. Trump is and continues to be the greatest ever !
Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and you can vote in a real president next term. Sadly for now it looks like you might be stuck with Mr. Stained Forever, stole an election through fraud, Joe. :boo_hoo14::cul2:

Your blob says that he and the murderous dicatator of NK "fell in love". Trump has no spine.

Greatest ever...thanks for the laugh.
Tell you what, Joe has two years to get something accomplished, and then he gets neutered.
After his full term is painfully through, we can compare accomplishments side by side.
Joe is a spineless career politician who has cheated, lied, and stolen from the American people.
Are you actually aware of what he has done ?

And this is just a few...

  • Flip-flopped on the plan for a U.S. surge in Iraq that saved thousands of American lives.
  • Openly opposed the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, considered the hallmark achievement of the Obama presidency.
  • Approved a border wall long before President Trump ever advocate for it.
  • Opposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, then supported it.
  • Was derided by Obama’s own Defense Secretary Robert Gates as “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
  • Touted himself as “middle-class Joe,” while raking in more than $15 million in the first two years after leaving the White House.
  • Flew multiple times to China and Ukraine to help his son Hunter secure multi-million dollar business deals.
  • The truly shocking story of how Biden used U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian government fire the very prosecutor investigating him and his son.
  • How the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania was secretly bankrolled by the Chinese.
  • Seesawed on taxes — approving of a payroll tax cut during the Obama years, then slamming President Trump’s tax cuts.
  • Supported mass incarceration for minor drug offenders that almost destroyed the African-American community.
  • Lauded Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klux Klan member who opposed federally-mandated desegregation and civil rights, as someone who “elevated the Senate.”
  • Supports defunding the police by “redirecting” money from the enforcement on streets to education.
You don’t understand.

Many who voted for Biden are indifferent toward the president-elect.

The goal was to vote Trump out of office – Biden was a means to that end.

Whatever Biden’s faults and failings – and there are many – he’s far preferable to Trump.
Thank you, you have, succinctly, just laid out the exact argument of why people voted for trump over Hillary.
Except that the majority of people voted for Clinton.
Point remains the same
Biden will be a terrible president

He will be terrible for the deplorable irrelevant losers who don’t want to live in a Constitutional Republic anymore. Those who cannot graciously accept defeat will bitch whine, threaten the winners and mouth off just as all the Trump posters here will do. But no one on the outside of the Trump cult will care about their hurt feelings. They won’t have an asshole like them in the White House anymore so they have no relevance. TRUMP becomes irrelevant on January 20. When he tweets and holds his alternative reality rallies no one from REALITY will be there. No news media will be there except alternate reality news - so who cares what you think about Biden

I will never accept biden as president because it was a stolen election
Same as above. We real Americans don’t care. Biden won the 18 to 25 vote by 25 percent. Future elections will make you and your politicians toxic on the question of electability. It will get worse for you.

We will have the guns,
How do guns keep Trump in and Biden out?

Get lost commie. You and your kind don't belong in my country.
You don’t have a country. Your lie that Trump won this year is anti-American and anti-reality.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Interesting. Makes you wonder though, what is the point of having the electors meet then? If the slates are already chosen and are bound to vote in a specific way, then the whole meeting of the electoral College is really pointless.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Interesting. Makes you wonder though, what is the point of having the electors meet then? If the slates are already chosen and are bound to vote in a specific way, then the whole meeting of the electoral College is really pointless.
Its where they actually vote.

It makes as much sense as say, the States choosing their reps for the House....and those same House reps voting on any legislation.

The electoral college is a complete parliamentary body with just one session and just one matter to vote on before it disbands.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Interesting. Makes you wonder though, what is the point of having the electors meet then? If the slates are already chosen and are bound to vote in a specific way, then the whole meeting of the electoral College is really pointless.
Its where they actually vote.

It makes as much sense as say, the States choosing their reps for the House....and those same House reps voting on any legislation.

The electoral college is a complete parliamentary body with just one session and just one matter to vote on before it disbands.
Right, but if they are bound to vote as appointed, then we already know how they are going to vote. Again, pointless to even meet. See what I mean?
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Interesting. Makes you wonder though, what is the point of having the electors meet then? If the slates are already chosen and are bound to vote in a specific way, then the whole meeting of the electoral College is really pointless.
Its where they actually vote.

It makes as much sense as say, the States choosing their reps for the House....and those same House reps voting on any legislation.

The electoral college is a complete parliamentary body with just one session and just one matter to vote on before it disbands.
Right, but if they are bound to vote as appointed, then we already know how they are going to vote. Again, pointless to even meet. See what I mean?

Depends on the State. Some states have laws that require electors to vote in alignment with the candidate they were selected for. Some don't.

The SCOTUS had a fairly recent ruling on faithless electors and found that laws by States that require electors to vote in alignment ...were perfectly constitutional.

And there are occasionally faithless electors. Trump won 306 electors worth of states in 2016. But only got 304 electoral votes, as 2 defected.

The vote in the electoral college is as meaningful as the vote of any parliamentary body. Its where the authority of each elector (and by proxy, each State) is actually exercised. That we know the outcome doesn't change the exercise of authority necessary to enact that outcome.
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Neal Katyal

Folks are asking what Justice Alito was saying. He is saying he thinks Texas has the right to file papers but that it wouldn’t matter because if they did he wouldn’t rule for them anyway.

It is a strong 9-0 loss for Trump. It’s impossible to lose more.
your lying whiner in chief queefs:

"The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!

So, you’re the President of the United States, and you just went through an election where you got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far - and purportedly lost. You can’t get “standing” before the Supreme Court, so you “intervene” with wonderful states that, after careful study and consideration, think you got “screwed”, something which will hurt them also. Many others likewise join the suit but, within a flash, it is thrown out and gone, without even looking at the many reasons it was brought. A Rigged Election, fight on!"

Trump is the worst negotiator ever. Kim got a nuclear arsenal with ICBM capability and in exchange Dumb Donald got a box of bones.

The Chinese took over the lead national in the TPP, and found cheaper sources of soy beans, enhancing their alliances throughout the Pacific Rim and especially South America. Yeah Trump really stood up to those guys.

That you’ve swallowed all of Trump’s self -aggrandizing bullshit tells me that you haven’t look at US trade numbers, especially your trade deficits, since Trump tore up all your trade deals.

You haven’t looked at any economic indicators. You’ve just swallowed the “greatest economy ever” lies because you don’t know what the numbers mean anyway.
Im amazed that not one single member said anything about this comment.
Wow, "box of bones", is how you refer to our fallen soldiers.
I dont mind you throwing punches at me, the president, or anyone else for that matter, but our fallen hero's ? Really ?
Shame that someone would have so much hate for a president, theyd be willing to not only disrespect the dead, but our fallen soldiers. It will be interesting to see if any other Democratic members defend and support your comment.
Oh well, what goes around comes around.
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Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.

if and I mean if Biden stays the four years then yes he will be light years better than Trump just by the simple fact he will be boring...

With the USSC decision today and the other day it is clear Trump path through the courts has ended and there is no path to victory but this will not stop his loyal followers from being deniers, so I have given up on their nonsense...
I will never accept biden as president because it was a stolen election

They wouldn’t accept it if God came down and told them Biden won and the election was fair...

Truthfully they would proclaim God is Satan and Trump is their new God just because God stated the truth...

In the end it matter not if they accept Biden or not because the USSC ruled and like I stated all this time none of them would have accepted the ruling unless it was for Trump and seeing it was not, well now the USSC is rogue and part of deep state...

Next his ( Trump ) voting base will demand Trump setup a separate Government and rule their America and ignore the legitimate Government just like brainless sheep...
Same as above. We real Americans don’t care. Biden won the 18 to 25 vote by 25 percent. Future elections will make you and your politicians toxic on the question of electability. It will get worse for you.
That always happens

children know nothing about politics or about life

they are brainwashed by hollywood to embrace liberal insanity

but then they grow up and about half sober up and get a clue

it happens in every generstion
They wouldn’t accept it if God came down and told them Biden won and the election was fair...
Most libs dont believe in God

But God would never lie to us so there is zero chance of the Creator endorsing this election as fair
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