SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.

if and I mean if Biden stays the four years then yes he will be light years better than Trump just by the simple fact he will be boring...

With the USSC decision today and the other day it is clear Trump path through the courts has ended and there is no path to victory but this will not stop his loyal followers from being deniers, so I have given up on their nonsense...

I agree. They still have time for more nonsense on December 14 and January 6.
And January 20th, so do not count them out and believe me I do believe some will become violent and start fights while proclaiming they are saving the Republic.

When a blooming idiot like myself tell you it is over, well it is over but Trump voting base keep on trying to prove they can put retard this simpleton!

I agree! Trump has radicalized some of his base into domestic terrorists.
Trump has one last path to victory, i dont think it will happen though. That path is if electors break from the popular vote and cast for trump. This would cause a massive outrage, even though the dems were all for this type of action in the matter of the national popular vote compact, they would likely riot if electors did this.

Because of this, I dont think states will send trump electors, but, in my opinion, if trump is to win, that's about the only path left available to him.

The electors are loyal democrats. The odds of any of them breaking from Biden is slim. The odds of 40 or so breaking and voting for Trump is zero.

Even if republican held States sent Trump's electors, the Letters of Ascertainment from each of the States has already named 306 Biden electors. By law, only the electors named in the Letters can be seated.

Its over. Its been over since about November 7th.
So, the way I understand it is, if the state in question has a republican held legislature, they could opt to send the republican electors instead of the democrat slate.

The letter of ascertainment is just a formal letter from the government GSA. I dont think that holds any sway over what the states do. At the end of the day, state legislatures can award their electoral votes to anyone they want, and its constitutional.

Forgive me if I missed it, but the articles I read on ascertainment didn't mention anything about the letter naming the electors, or any law stating they had to be seated. It would seem odd that would be the case, because if that were true, the situation of "faithless elector" wouldn't be possible.

As far as I'm aware, the letter of ascertainment is just that, the GSAs acknowledgement they have ascertained the "likely winner", and I put that in quotes because that's how all the articles I read phrase that statement. It allows the transition process to start.

Again, I doubt it will go that way, I was just giving my opinion that that is about they only way left trump could possibly win.

Here's an excellent summary on the issue from the 2016 election. And I mispoke. It wasn't 'letters of ascertainment'. It was 'certificate of ascertainment'.

Here's the official time lines as laid out by the US Archives, also citing the safe harbor dates and the certificates of ascertainment.

And here are the certificates of ascertainment for all 50 states for the 2020 election:

"Under federal law 3 U.S. Code § 5, known as the safe harbor provision, each state must determine, or ascertain, its electors and its election results six days before the Electoral College members meet in person."

There's no time left under federal law for the States to 'change their mind', even if they wanted to. Only those electors named in the certificates of ascertainment on the safe harbor day can be seated.

And the States have, with 306 electors to be seated for Biden.
Trump Pursues Appointing Special Counsel to Probe Election, Hunter Biden

President Trump has expressed interest in pursuing the appointment of a special counsel to investigate allegations of fraud in the November elections and issues related to Hunter Biden, according to people familiar with the matter.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has told people that the president is interested in pursuing a special counsel to investigate election fraud and wants to act quickly, one of the people said.

Senior White House officials have also discussed the possibility of pursuing a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, expressing frustration over Attorney General William Barr’s handling of investigations into Mr. Biden’s business and financial dealings and concern that the incoming administration of Joe Biden could seek to shut down any probes into Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, an administration official said.

Trump may be batshit insane - but he's persistent. I'll give him that...
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So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Nah, we just resoundingly beat the Trump cult.
You defeated Americans. And you did it with corruption.
I and 80 million other Americans defeated a treasonous cult that just failed in overturning a free and fair election.
It was a very good day for true patriots today.
Yep. Dinner was a bit extra tasty tonight.

Now, I hope that these Trumpublicans are held accountable for these ridiculous lawsuits.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Nah, we just resoundingly beat the Trump cult.
You defeated Americans. And you did it with corruption.
I and 80 million other Americans defeated a treasonous cult that just failed in overturning a free and fair election.
It was a very good day for true patriots today.
Yep. Dinner was a bit extra tasty tonight.

Now, I hope that these Trumpublicans are held accountable for these ridiculous lawsuits.

And what would that be in your mind?

Round them up from the lists the dems have compiled?
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Nah, we just resoundingly beat the Trump cult.
You defeated Americans. And you did it with corruption.
I and 80 million other Americans defeated a treasonous cult that just failed in overturning a free and fair election.
It was a very good day for true patriots today.
Yep. Dinner was a bit extra tasty tonight.

Now, I hope that these Trumpublicans are held accountable for these ridiculous lawsuits.

And what would that be in your mind?

Round them up from the lists the dems have compiled?
Put them all in a ring and drop a dollar in the middle, then watch them kill each other over it.

I dunno... disbarment for continuously wasting the court's time. Since they have tried to throw out a free and fair election, they have shown that they aren't fit to hold office and should be expurgated from their positions of public trust.
So our future elections are guaranteed to be illegitimate and we will have Chinese collaborators running the USA. Congratulations you win, America loses.

So this means there are still state rights.
No, there are now state wrongs. From here forward.
Way to go, democrats. You just defeated the USA.
Nah, we just resoundingly beat the Trump cult.
You defeated Americans. And you did it with corruption.
I and 80 million other Americans defeated a treasonous cult that just failed in overturning a free and fair election.
It was a very good day for true patriots today.
Yep. Dinner was a bit extra tasty tonight.

Now, I hope that these Trumpublicans are held accountable for these ridiculous lawsuits.

And what would that be in your mind?

Round them up from the lists the dems have compiled?
Put them all in a ring and drop a dollar in the middle, then watch them kill each other over it.

I dunno... disbarment for continuously wasting the court's time. Since they have tried to throw out a free and fair election, they have shown that they aren't fit to hold office and should be expurgated from their positions of public trust.
Well, I meant the high profile people who've been spouting this bullshit for 40 days now. By Christmas, all of this will be forgotten and they will be happily telling you about SuperBeets or MyPillow again. In the past, your credibility was your entree to the airwaves. Now? You needn't be credible at all...only willing to play to the crowd. Much like professional wrestling.
Democrats hate Trump, and I get that, but they cant be proud of Joe.
There have been numerous threads on this forum asking what they're proud of, or what policies you stand behind, and there is no real substance, or legitimate answers to be had, just hate for Trump.
Look at what just happened with all this fraud going to the SCOTUS, and Trumps best case got shot down, but look at what you're left with. Poor dementia, broken foot, broken spirit Joe.
I know you want to be proud of Joe, and I want to be happy for you, but look at that crippled old man that doesn't have a spine to stand up to China, Iran, N. Korea, like a true president did. Trump is and continues to be the greatest ever !
Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and you can vote in a real president next term. Sadly for now it looks like you might be stuck with Mr. Stained Forever, stole an election through fraud, Joe. :boo_hoo14::cul2:

Trump is the worst negotiator ever. Kim got a nuclear arsenal with ICBM capability and in exchange Dumb Donald got a box of bones.

The Chinese took over the lead national in the TPP, and found cheaper sources of soy beans, enhancing their alliances throughout the Pacific Rim and especially South America. Yeah Trump really stood up to those guys.

That you’ve swallowed all of Trump’s self -aggrandizing bullshit tells me that you haven’t look at US trade numbers, especially your trade deficits, since Trump tore up all your trade deals.

You haven’t looked at any economic indicators. You’ve just swallowed the “greatest economy ever” lies because you don’t know what the numbers mean anyway.
You're the crazy old man sitting on his porch screaming nonsense
Not really

you stole a presidency for the real crazy old man
Toro stole a presidency? Is that really where your head is, now? Toro is one of the agents of sedition? Listen to yourself. Look at the actual words you are typing. They have meaning. You sound insane.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.

if and I mean if Biden stays the four years then yes he will be light years better than Trump just by the simple fact he will be boring...

With the USSC decision today and the other day it is clear Trump path through the courts has ended and there is no path to victory but this will not stop his loyal followers from being deniers, so I have given up on their nonsense...
I will never accept biden as president because it was a stolen election
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.

if and I mean if Biden stays the four years then yes he will be light years better than Trump just by the simple fact he will be boring...

With the USSC decision today and the other day it is clear Trump path through the courts has ended and there is no path to victory but this will not stop his loyal followers from being deniers, so I have given up on their nonsense...
I will never accept biden as president because it was a stolen election

What stolen election?
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.
Trump is now openly calling for his supporters to overturn the election.


He need to be very careful with his words...

no evidence of widespread fraud...
No evidence that the corrupt weasels were willing to accept
So all those judgez including Trump's SCOTUS PICKS ARE CORRUPT?

That is what his voting base will tell us while ignoring the reality Trump is no better than the Belarusian President who should have been taken out of power already...
Biden will be no better than a bought and paid for tin-pot dictator
Still light years better than the blob.

if and I mean if Biden stays the four years then yes he will be light years better than Trump just by the simple fact he will be boring...

With the USSC decision today and the other day it is clear Trump path through the courts has ended and there is no path to victory but this will not stop his loyal followers from being deniers, so I have given up on their nonsense...
I will never accept biden as president because it was a stolen election

Its "stolen" just so Trump can make more money.

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