SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

No it isn't. States are allowed to set their own rules when it comes to voting and elections. Either you believe in the state's right to do so or you don't really believe in the Constitution. You believe in selective interpretation.
States can make their own rules but they must be legislated. These changes were not. That’s a violation of the constitution.
The scotus chickened-out on this one.
And you just advocated for the elimination of genuine elections. Way to go, sheep.

They were not violations of the Constitution. If they were, the SC would be taking the case up. Only Thomas and Alito offered a dissent...and that was just to allow the brief to be filed but not granting any other relief....THAT'S chickenshit!!
No one that Trump put on the bench offered a dissent.
Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
No not by a long shot, the deep state won another and you left wing lying yoyos can take a hike.
This is being confirmed by multiple sources such as NEWSMAX

so guess we have lost the white house to democrat voter fraud
No, you lost the WH the will of the American people who saw fit to vote Trump out of office in a fair, free, honest, and legal election devoid of fraud or cheating.
No, you lost the WH the will of the American people who saw fit to vote Trump out of office in a fair, free, honest, and legal election devoid of fraud or cheating.


its a stolen election
It was a fair, free, honest, and legal election devoid of fraud or cheating; the people overwhelming voted Trump out of office – America wins, the people win, rightwing tyranny is defeated by a conservative Supreme Court.
SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.



Yup. War is coming now for sure.
LOL..Give it a sound like a frighten loser throwing a tantrum..grow the fuck up.

Not a tantrum at all. Just sad to see this country sold out to the chinese. That leaves only one option. And that is going to be tragic.
Keyboard marksman ^^
SCOTUS to Texas

You got no dog in this fight
I might be wrong but it sounds a lot like they messed with Texas
Texas messed with them first.
Well, when you have dumb people making ridiculous arguments and then rely on highly educated legal scholars to say, "Yes"...they are setting themselves up for disappointment. Deep down, nobody with two working brain cells in this nation thought the lawsuit had a chance on the surface. When you probed one millimeter deeper and saw that Texas itself changed it's voting laws without legislative action right before the election...the ridiculous nature multiplied.

I sort of wish the court would order Texas to apologize to all 50 states in writing for this sort of shameful BS.
Well in a society NOT half full of delusional cultists, laughing this right out of court would send that message.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

No it isn't. States are allowed to set their own rules when it comes to voting and elections. Either you believe in the state's right to do so or you don't really believe in the Constitution. You believe in selective interpretation.
States can make their own rules but they must be legislated. These changes were not. That’s a violation of the constitution.
The scotus chickened-out on this one.
And you just advocated for the elimination of genuine elections. Way to go, sheep.
They "chickened out". LOL You guys are too much.
you are the crazy dotard queefing about war. you have been consistently wrong for all the time i interacted with you, have never shown any sort of intelligence, and now you need to take nap. tomorrow biden will still have won the election, trump will have lost, and you will still be an arrogant, old whiner. but, you will have had a nap. and that is something.
SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.



Yup. War is coming now for sure.
LOL..Give it a sound like a frighten loser throwing a tantrum..grow the fuck up.

Not a tantrum at all. Just sad to see this country sold out to the chinese. That leaves only one option. And that is going to be tragic.
What option is that? Let all the crazy out. Tell us how you are hoping to see violence for your own, perverse pleasure and your insane delusions.
Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief order. It dismissed all other related claims as moot.
The United States is now, a banana republic. Social order will deteriorate more rapidly.
Exactly the opposite

Democracy has prevailed. Trumps attempt to overturn the will of the people and install a Banana Republic of partisan jurists has been defeated
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