SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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I'm going dark and all other conservatives should do so too.

The Biden Nazis are making a list and checking twice and the future of conservatives is not very nice.

So sad to see our nation sold out by EVERYONE in our government.

When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope, truer words have never been said.

We already know who you are. Just wait until that vaccine chip gets into you. Track you by satellite.
Wait a minute...only Santa has a list and checks it twice....have you been naughty??:auiqs.jpg:

Who are you kidding? I can already hear the phones been tapped on going to Parler and the computers going to every alt-right den to cry and let the butthurt out. :)
This country just succumbed to shakedown nazi-style threat and you’re OK with that.
You couldn’t even respond to my post. You just went gutter. Try using your brain if you have one.

You live in an alternative universe, believing the lies because that's what you wanted to hear.

The grown-ups have finally stood up.

No amount of whining and bleating will change that.

Now hopefully the Democrats can finish the job in GA, and the insane Republican Party Trump Cult can be defeated decisively.
They are still being conned, they give him money to help the "cause."
What a bunch of rubes.
PT Barnum.... a sucker born every minute.
Hey tRUMPsters!! Tired of losing yet lol

Just reported on MSNBC.

All you rubes who actually thought they were going to take it....see how fucking brainwashed you are by the Donald?

Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
No not by a long shot, the deep state won another and you left wing lying yoyos can take a hike.
You and your ilk are just a bunch of delusional, bootlicking morons.
Back at ya. Demats stopping vote counting in Philly, Atlanta and some other places, creating votes without a chain of custody etc. Take your so called election and stick where the sun don't shine. I had no use for Clinton and BO but they did win. This is far far different.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.
fuck your feelings, whiner. you respect no institution of the country you allegedly love.
This country just succumbed to shakedown nazi-style threat and you’re OK with that.
You couldn’t even respond to my post. You just went gutter. Try using your brain if you have one.
When Trump said, "This is the big one!", he must have been referring to the load in his diaper.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

No it isn't. States are allowed to set their own rules when it comes to voting and elections. Either you believe in the state's right to do so or you don't really believe in the Constitution. You believe in selective interpretation.
States can make their own rules but they must be legislated. These changes were not. That’s a violation of the constitution.
The scotus chickened-out on this one.
And you just advocated for the elimination of genuine elections. Way to go, sheep.

They were not violations of the Constitution. If they were, the SC would be taking the case up. Only Thomas and Alito offered a dissent...and that was just to allow the brief to be filed but not granting any other relief....THAT'S chickenshit!!
No one that Trump put on the bench offered a dissent.
The scotus was just shaken down. The threat of violence from democrats just overwhelmed our system. And you’re such a sheep that you approve.
Supreme Court rejects Trump's bid to overturn election

Despite Trump's best efforts to steal an election that he lost by a landslide, in our collective joy we should not overlook the fact that the system worked. Democracy worked. The worst elements in America tried their best to subvert the will of the people, but were not allowed to do so.

America won today and anarchy lost, as it always does!
No not by a long shot, the deep state won another and you left wing lying yoyos can take a hike.
You and your ilk are just a bunch of delusional, bootlicking morons.
Back at ya. Demats stopping vote counting in Philly, Atlanta and some other places, creating votes without a chain of custody etc. Take your so called election and stick where the sun don't shine. I had no use for Clinton and BO but they did win. This is far far different.
It is so sad how pathetic you assholes are.
The system works. America won today!

Sorry, wrong. America has won nothing. For years, the government has been taking power out of the hands of the people for itself and Trump came along and sacrificed years of his life, countless headaches and millions of dollars to work hard to right the ship and put the power back in the hands of the citizenry for us where it is supposed to be!

And the idiot buffoons of the nation FOUGHT THAT, kicked him in the nuts and are HAPPY now that it has all gone back into the hands of a corrupt and ruthless big government to wield over your life!

Trump is the winner. He is free of all the headache now of dealing every day with endless corruption. All of us are the loser.
Well, it was a long shot. But I'm so proud of my beloved Texas.

Now it's time to start dividing up the properties like Monopoly and exiting this shit show. I can't stand another minute of these substandard filthy animals mooching off me.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.
fuck your feelings, whiner. you respect no institution of the country you allegedly love.
This country just succumbed to shakedown nazi-style threat and you’re OK with that.
You couldn’t even respond to my post. You just went gutter. Try using your brain if you have one.
oh. i responded all right. completely commensurate to your meagre offering. you GOT TOLD. for 30 days, now. try to grow up.
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