SCOTUS rules that Biden has 100% power over enforcing immigration or not enforcing it, basically whatever he wants

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a Republican-led challenge to a Biden administration policy that prioritizes the deportation of immigrants who are deemed to pose the greatest risk to public safety or were picked up at the border.

The justices voted 8-1 to allow the long-blocked policy to take effect, recognizing there is not enough money or manpower to deport all 11 million or so people who are in the United States illegally.

The case was one of two immigration cases decided Friday, the other upholding a section of federal law used to prosecute people who encourage illegal immigration..

In the deportation case, Louisiana and Texas had argued that federal immigration law requires authorities to detain and expel those in the U.S. illegally even if they pose little or no risk.
Does your government even know how many illegals are in your country? Seems easy question for GOP to demand an answer to.
Does your government even know how many illegals are in your country? Seems easy question for GOP to demand an answer to.

That is hardly the point. The Federal Government sets Immigration Policy, NOT the states.
We are witnessing the self-destruction of the greatest nation in modern history. It is now "normal" for completely unknown, undocumented people to waltz into our country from anywhere in the world and be released into the country. What is their criminal record? What diseases do they have? Are they terrorists? Are they child sex traffickers? If they followed our LEGAL immigration process, we would know.

If and when Democrats again have both Houses of Congress and either a squish Republican or a Democrat in the White House, they will move to fast-track tens of millions of illegals for citizenship.

Then those new citizens will overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, and that will be the end of the Republic.
From the excellent dissent by Justice Alito.

Kavanaugh was correct in his majority (8:1) opinion. Prioritizing is the only way. Somebody gets to prioritize Federal effort and it will remain POTUS.
Biden administration that directed ICE agents to prioritize:
1. The arrest of immigrants with serious criminal records.
2. The arrest of immigrants considered, national security threats and migrants who recently entered the U.S. illegally.

If you cannot catch everybody today, you must have a priority of who to go after first, and it will remain with the Federal Government for the Federal Effort, not the state.
Screen them in the field you say? Let them run amok in the US public and if they can get jobs and avoid arrest for a few years just forget about them? Let the local PD's and civil services do the grunt work and police up the non-hackers?
I wonder what would happen if Conservatives were honest. Just once.

Trump was prevented from building the wall because he ignored all the legally mandated studies that had to be done. Environmental impact studies, engineering studies, and a host of other things.

What the Court has said is that Texas doesn’t have the right to use the courts for this. They don’t have standing.

It says so right in the linked article. But as usual you didn’t bother reading the article, or were inept at comprehending the words. I wonder which it is?
I wonder what would happen if Conservatives were honest. Just once.

Trump was prevented from building the wall because he ignored all the legally mandated studies that had to be done. Environmental impact studies, engineering studies, and a host of other things.

What the Court has said is that Texas doesn’t have the right to use the courts for this. They don’t have standing.

It says so right in the linked article. But as usual you didn’t bother reading the article, or were inept at comprehending the words. I wonder which it is?
The Left has created a Leviathan of environmental legal obstacles to secure the border, yet they continue to ignore laws on the books regarding how to deal with immigrants.

So do they want to ignore laws regarding the environment or laws regarding immigration? They chose ignoring laws on immigration and don't have the gonads to change the laws regarding immigration.

The border states are getting crushed, yet the Left cares nothing about this as the seem to care more about toads and rattle snakes being impeded from crossing the border instead.
Just a thought here...

Maybe Congress should expand the funding of ICE and the court system to deal with 11,000,000 illegal aliens and account for new illegal aliens coming across the border, overstaying visa's, etc.

But if you are only going to fund (for example) a force able to deal with 2,000,000 illegals - don't complain when those doing the job have to prioritize and can't deal with 100%.

The government has no interest in curbing immigration whatsoever.

That much should be apparent by now.

And with the cartels owning Washington DC, an open and unsecure border is a must.
The Left has created a Leviathan of legal obstacles to secure the border, yet they continue to ignore laws on the books regarding how to deal with immigrants.

So do they want to ignore laws regarding the environment or laws regarding immigration? They chose ignoring laws on immigration and don't have the gonads to change the laws regarding immigration.

Oh bullshit.

Have you ever heard of Triage? It is the practice of prioritizing those with the greatest need in mass casualty cases. But we all do that. Every day or month we do.

You have ten thousand dollars worth of desire and needs. You have six thousand dollars of capability. You pay what you must first, house, utilities, and such. Then with the leftover cash you take care of your most immediate needs.

Now we have some six thousand border enforcement folks. We can’t round up the millions. We don’t have the capability to do it. So Biden’s idea is to focus on the criminals. Focus on the murderers, rapists, drug lords. You know the baddies. Ignore the folks just trying to survive.

The problem is the propaganda you all swallow daily has you believing they are all rapists and such.
Screen them in the field you say? Let them run amok in the US public and if they can get jobs and avoid arrest for a few years just forget about them? Let the local PD's and civil services do the grunt work and police up the non-hackers?
Who would you prioritize first if not violent criminal aliens and terrorist that have come across the border, or the mexican that has been laying low, doing manual labor to make money for a few years. Man for man, which one is the most dangerous, the dishwasher at the Mexican restraint or the Cartel gang member stalking the streets, many in what dumbasses have proclaimed as sanctuary citie?
Who would you prioritize first if not violent criminal aliens and terrorist that have come across the border, or the mexican that has been laying low, doing manual labor to make money for a few years. Man for man, which one is the most dangerous, the dishwasher at the Mexican restraint or the Cartel gang member stalking the streets, many in what dumbasses have proclaimed as sanctuary citie?
I'm not of a hysterical mindset that I'm terrified of "white replacement", although I'm disgusted by the concept. I'm aware we need the labor and the productivity.

I don't think just opening the faucet and hoping we clean the shit out of the water later. The time and place to screen them is at the border. Not in general population.
Oh bullshit.

Have you ever heard of Triage? It is the practice of prioritizing those with the greatest need in mass casualty cases. But we all do that. Every day or month we do.

You have ten thousand dollars worth of desire and needs. You have six thousand dollars of capability. You pay what you must first, house, utilities, and such. Then with the leftover cash you take care of your most immediate needs.

Now we have some six thousand border enforcement folks. We can’t round up the millions. We don’t have the capability to do it. So Biden’s idea is to focus on the criminals. Focus on the murderers, rapists, drug lords. You know the baddies. Ignore the folks just trying to survive.

The problem is the propaganda you all swallow daily has you believing they are all rapists and such.
Now that was pretty darn funny. It’s not triage to put a bandaid on a gaping chest wound when Biden and the Dems / Marxists create the mass casualties.

In one sense, (that makes sense in the alternate reality of the Dems / Marxists), they are prioritizing the disaster they create. Biden is not focusing on murderers, rapists, drug mules or terrorists. He is allowing them ‘got away” status to freely enter the county. Biden is focusing on flooding the country with what the Dems / Marxists view as a subservient, future voting class, voting for Dems / Marxists.
I'm not of a hysterical mindset that I'm terrified of "white replacement", although I'm disgusted by the concept. I'm aware we need the labor and the productivity.

I don't think just opening the faucet and hoping we clean the shit out of the water later. The time and place to screen them is at the border. Not in general population.
I don't like it or anything else going on at the border due to Biden policy or lack thereof, but that is basically what is being done. To me, his handling of the border is his worst blunder and it is obvious, it was on purpose.
So immigration rules passed by Congress don't mean jackshit?


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