SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

It was the Constitutionally proper thing to do...This silly hodgepodge of laws was in direct violation of the "full faith and credit" clause.
For example, full faith and credit makes it possible for us to not have to obtain a driver's license in every state in which we plan on traveling.
The same applies to government sanction ( licensing) of marriage. A marriage in one state is recognized in all states.
Moving on now.

You might wanna relay that to thanatos; he seems to believe otherwise.
The failure is allowing the idea of separate but equal to persist in our culture. This is a great step foreward.
There have always been gay folks there will always be gay folks. Gay folks have always coupled and always will. Officially granting them legal equality doesn't change anything for anyone but them.The two guys who live down the street still live down the street. Only now they can be a whole and complete family under the law.
Listen up jackass. The two gays down the street can have me fired from my job if I am ever heard by them saying that I disapprove of their marriage. That's what's happened today. Besides being allowed to marry a goat.

Probably shouldn't say shit like that at work huh.
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?

The Supreme Court just established one. Perhaps they will go on to redefine lots of things for us.
For those of you who oppose this ruling

How does it affect your life?

It gives them a sad because Rush, Hannity and the rest of the wingnut talkers repeatedly told them that they were the real majority.


The Court voted, not the "people".
That does not answer the question, now does it?

Please pay attention to which posts are being responded to ;)
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.
Care for a Con-federate flag crying towel?
I am not democrat stupid so why the fuck would I cry into their flag?
You aren't very bright are you. The Con-federates were not Democrats...educate yourself with a map of the 1860 election...the Democrats did not win ONE, not ONE single, Southern state that then seceded. Not one.

Save your breath. He obviously constantly brings up this zombie talking point to troll.
Then why did you say that anger was the second step you brainless ass hat?

Go drink your Metamucil old timer and cease bothering me. Worthless troll
That's anger, the second of the five stages of grief

You're becoming annoying, I don't care if two mentally ill people want to be pretend married. It makes no difference to me. so feel free to marry your boyfriend. It's obvious you're gay
Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

Yeah, I remember back when I was in high school and just calling someone gay was an insult...
It still is, if the person you're saying it to isn't gay, because it's all about intentions
For those of you who oppose this ruling

How does it affect your life?

It gives them a sad because Rush, Hannity and the rest of the wingnut talkers repeatedly told them that they were the real majority.


The Court voted, not the "people".
That does not answer the question, now does it?

Please pay attention to which posts are being responded to ;)
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

What acts do bigots perform that are so Godly admirable and honorable? A brief description please?
Idiots like you think that is a good thing, faggot.

Such drama out of conservatives

They sure are taking this hard

Apparently pretty dry as well given all of the squealing
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

The very same acts as hetero people.
Taking a shit?
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.

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