SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

The GOP brought this on themselves. You cannot claim be for rights and liberties but ONLY those rights and liberties that you approve of.

It shouldn't never have gone that far, now the consequences will be far more than even you realize.
Do you know how idiotic what you just said is ? If we didn't be for ONLY those rights and liberties that we approve of there would no such thing as a legislature, no laws, no cops, no jails, no mental institutions, no quaratines of ebola victims, etc Everyone would have EQUAL access to jobs, including illiterates becoming doctor and lawyers.

The reason why all that doesn't exist, is because we know that all people are NOT EQUAL, and are not to be treated as if they are. Since gays and heterosexuals are different (not equal) , they shouldn't be treated as if they were. Got it ?

Never said anything about equality.
Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.

the court has allowed 3% of the population to dictate to 97%.

I remember you gassing on endlessly about how you would accept this ruling if it didn't go you way. As I suspected, you're not taking this ruling so well. Oh, by the way, gay people may only 3% of the population but they have the majority of population supporting their right to marry. You'll get over it.

the majority of americans do not support this ruling. But it is the ruling so they will have to accept it and move on. There are more important battles yet to come.

The funny thing about it is that the majority of Americans actually do now support it. Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

yes, the gay mafia/media has done a very good job of indoctrination and brain washing.

Now, how about doing a poll on this question: Would you want your son or daughter to marry someone of the same sex? I dare any pollster to do that one and publish the results.
Nature = Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In any event, there's a lot of Gods out there who do not condemn homosexually and because there is freedom of religion in this country, we cannot mandate our laws based on only the religious viewpoints of /one/ God. You're free to do so in your church, and I actually encourage that you do if it is what you believe in, however, because we have religious freedom, you also have to understand that not all of us think it's immoral and not all of us believe in your God. It's not an attack on Christians at all, but you choose to make it one in an attempt to be "in control" of a "religiously diverse" country.

It would have been nice if you folks had simply learned to share without forcing the other side to tattle to the SCOTUS and decide for us. So don't blame Democrats, don't blame gays, and don't blame the country. Your selfishness and refusal to respect other peoples beliefs forced this to the SCOTUS no matter how much you want to twist the story. You sat down and said, "NO, our God says no homosexual marriage so fuck you." The LGBT community had no choice but to stand up for /their/ beliefs. And in America, they were right, you were wrong.

Now is when you dry your eyes, wipe your nose, and stop being so selfish. Would you divorce your wife if she disagreed with you about a biblical interpretation? Same shit, bigger scale. Unless you really have no love for America anyway.
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
That's kind of a dodge, a cop out, don't you think? I believe it's quite easy to understand how God must have felt about slavery just as it's equally easy to understand the purpose of the Civil War. Your selective outrage only highlights the need to keep our legal system completely secular.

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
Nope, we all sin and fall short of God's glory, but we don't need to say we are one nation under God and blatantly disregard what he views as an abomination and expect his protective hand to shelter us. We are telling God, "We know better than You"
No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

What acts do bigots perform that are so Godly admirable and honorable? A brief description please?
A goat can't consent.


Technicality. If a man wants to marry is goat nobody can stop him not even the U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court said so

Don't forget women can marry goats too !!! Don't want anyone feeling left out.

How binary of you. There are over 60 genders on Facebook, and more are being invented Every Day!

Some were, of course, the usual “gay” or “lesbian,” but in addition to these were “demisexuals,” “androsexuals,” and “therians” (which, she explained, are people who are only attracted to individuals who commune with the same spirit animal). One identified as a “panromantic polyamorous asexual non-binary space god.” Upon hearing this, I knew I had something to say, although it is unlikely to be nice. Having heard, however, several episodes of “The Prairie Home Companion,” I am convinced women from Wisconsin are famously kind, so I am sure my friend will forgive me.

Why Do Progressives Resent Reality So Much

HEY---watch who you're calling binary.
Idiots like you think that is a good thing, faggot.

Such drama out of conservatives

They sure are taking this hard

Apparently pretty dry as well given all of the squealing
No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

The very same acts as hetero people.
A goat can't consent.


Technicality. If a man wants to marry is goat nobody can stop him not even the U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court said so

Don't forget women can marry goats too !!! Don't want anyone feeling left out.

How binary of you. There are over 60 genders on Facebook, and more are being invented Every Day!

Some were, of course, the usual “gay” or “lesbian,” but in addition to these were “demisexuals,” “androsexuals,” and “therians” (which, she explained, are people who are only attracted to individuals who commune with the same spirit animal). One identified as a “panromantic polyamorous asexual non-binary space god.” Upon hearing this, I knew I had something to say, although it is unlikely to be nice. Having heard, however, several episodes of “The Prairie Home Companion,” I am convinced women from Wisconsin are famously kind, so I am sure my friend will forgive me.

Why Do Progressives Resent Reality So Much

HEY---watch who you're calling binary.

Oh Snap!

This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

Damn....this shit pisses you off doesn't it?

Yes, watching this great nation go down the crapper pisses me off. And I am not going to be silent or worry about offending anyone.

I love conservative temper tantrums

Such drama queens


This country is going down the crapper because it is not becoming a Christian theocracy.
Idiots like you think that is a good thing, faggot.

Such drama out of conservatives

They sure are taking this hard

Apparently pretty dry as well given all of the squealing
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

The very same acts as hetero people.

Homosexual men have vaginas? Who knew?
Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

Damn....this shit pisses you off doesn't it?

Yes, watching this great nation go down the crapper pisses me off. And I am not going to be silent or worry about offending anyone.

I love conservative temper tantrums

Such drama queens


This country is going down the crapper because it is not becoming a Christian theocracy.

Yes, we are all gonna die, because, well, Jeebus and Benghazi.
No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
Okay, now that this is over, can we please move on to real world problems? Gays: you didn't win the Lotto. People against gay marriage: the sky didn't open up and no fire and brimstone issued forth.
Of course, I'm keeping an eye out for that Earth-killing asteroid...:tinfoil:

I'm hoping with this decision, that at least we might actually start to see a decline in the non-stop gay this, gay that everything, that has been constantly in our faces for quite some time now.
Idiots like you think that is a good thing, faggot.

Such drama out of conservatives

They sure are taking this hard

Apparently pretty dry as well given all of the squealing
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

The very same acts as hetero people.

Homosexual men have vaginas? Who knew?

Obtuse. Go figure.
This ruling is wonderful for gays, and I am happy for them. As for the rest of us, it really will not have any affect on our lives whatsoever. Now I know there will be some crazy cons out there who will now think that we all have to marry someone of the same sex, but we all know that isn't true. Religious entities will not be forced to marry anyone if it goes against the tenets of their religion, so again this will not affect anyone in a negative way.

Five years from now, people will wonder what the fuss was all about

Yes, winger, now you can pack fudge legally, you and jake can marry and jerk each other off while you take turns posting on this message board.

You seem to be taking the court's ruling well.

the court has allowed 3% of the population to dictate to 97%.

I realize it's a terrible thing that we are not allowing mob rule to discriminate against the minority, but we will just have to live with that.

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