SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Idiots like you think that is a good thing, faggot.

Such drama out of conservatives

They sure are taking this hard

Apparently pretty dry as well given all of the squealing
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.

The very same acts as hetero people.

Homosexual men have vaginas? Who knew?

Obtuse. Go figure.

What a moron Noob.
Okay, now that this is over, can we please move on to real world problems? Gays: you didn't win the Lotto. People against gay marriage: the sky didn't open up and no fire and brimstone issued forth.
Of course, I'm keeping an eye out for that Earth-killing asteroid...:tinfoil:

I'm hoping with this decision, that at least we might actually start to see a decline in the non-stop gay this, gay that everything, that has been constantly in our faces for quite some time now.

Yea like the homophobes, bigot, fear mongers and religious right wing nuts have been in the face of those advocating for justice and equality. You get in my face and I get in yours
What will be funny will be reading the comments on here praising Robert's wise dissent from the same folks calling him a liberal stooge for Obama on the Obamacare decision threads.
Roberts is still the Chief Cocksucker of the Supreme Court, even if he's against gay marriage.
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.
I don't hate straights. It's just not a real marriage and all their divorces are chipping away at the strength of our nation.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. THANKS!
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!

The failure is allowing the idea of separate but equal to persist in our culture. This is a great step foreward.
There have always been gay folks there will always be gay folks. Gay folks have always coupled and always will. Officially granting them legal equality doesn't change anything for anyone but them.The two guys who live down the street still live down the street. Only now they can be a whole and complete family under the law.
Listen up jackass. The two gays down the street can have me fired from my job if I am ever heard by them saying that I disapprove of their marriage. That's what's happened today. Besides being allowed to marry a goat.
Liberals 2: Conservative 0.

If this does not lead to a mass exodus of Cons headed for other shores, then we will simply have to get the court to invalidate Texas Anti-abortion laws....

Where are they gonna go? Unless they start their own conservatopia out in the woods somewhere, any other country they go to which shares their views is gonna be a shithole.
The failure is allowing the idea of separate but equal to persist in our culture. This is a great step foreward.
There have always been gay folks there will always be gay folks. Gay folks have always coupled and always will. Officially granting them legal equality doesn't change anything for anyone but them.The two guys who live down the street still live down the street. Only now they can be a whole and complete family under the law.
Listen up jackass. The two gays down the street can have me fired from my job if I am ever heard by them saying that I disapprove of their marriage. That's what's happened today. Besides being allowed to marry a goat.
Sounds like a load of equine excrement to me .
Liberals 2: Conservative 0.

If this does not lead to a mass exodus of Cons headed for other shores, then we will simply have to get the court to invalidate Texas Anti-abortion laws....

They could find a home in Russia, Africa or the middle east. it or leave it as they used to say in the 60s
Liberals 2: Conservative 0.

If this does not lead to a mass exodus of Cons headed for other shores, then we will simply have to get the court to invalidate Texas Anti-abortion laws....

They could find a home in Russia, Africa or the middle east. it or leave it as they used to say in the 60s
^ morons think this was a win for libertards. No dumb asses this was a win for liberty. So shove that up your libtard asses.
Kubler-Ross model stated those feelings can occur in any order, Einstein.
Then why did you say that anger was the second step you brainless ass hat?

Go drink your Metamucil old timer and cease bothering me. Worthless troll
That's anger, the second of the five stages of grief

You're becoming annoying, I don't care if two mentally ill people want to be pretend married. It makes no difference to me. so feel free to marry your boyfriend. It's obvious you're gay
Sure I am

Only I'm not, and if I were, it's not a problem now

Yeah, I remember back when I was in high school and just calling someone gay was an insult...
I guess 5 unelected officials out of 300 million people making this decision is the way to go. haha. I'm actually for Gay Marriage but feel like this should be a law voted on or an amendment should be passed. Supreme Court has waaaaaay too much power for who they are.

How do you feel about Heller v. District of Columbia - also a 5-4 decision - and the two 5-4 decisions repealing campaign finance reform?

Well, that's different, of course. Those "5 unelected officials" made a decision he supports, so it's all good.

Right, Lew?
This will be interesting the next few years when the Social Conservatives discover their close minded way of thinking is no longer accepted in this country.

You will have red meat states like Tejas and Bama ( Texas and Alabama ) that will try to defy the court ruling, but in the end Same sex couples will be able to be treated equal as they should be.

Now it make me wonder what will be the Social Conservatives next victim they will focus on seeing they can no longer discriminate against someone because of their religion, sex, race or sexual preference?

It also make wonder how many of those Social Conservatives will finally come out of the closet and admit they had a gay thought and liked it?

Maybe they'll make like Oklahoma and just shut down any agency which would have to acknowledge an SSM. IOW, total cut-off-the-nose-to-spite-the-face tactics.

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