SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

No. I think I speak Truth. I don't have any outrage but I do have issues I clearly am more concerned about that others.... God spoke clearly about his 2 greatest commands:

1st and foremost, above all else: #1 - LOVE GOD
2nd, #2 - Love you Neighbor as Yourself

This means - not enslaving people, not willfully setting out to hurt people, whether it be by flag, by words (the insulting of persons - be they Liberal or Conservative) etc. A conscientious effort to LOVE, and, part of the LOVING of OTHERS in a Christian's heart is SHARING GOD! Imploring others to live for GOD, because that I #1 (see above).
And comparing adults in a loving committed relationship to someone of the same gender to pedophiles not willfully setting out to hurt those... not insulting them.. loving them? What a hypocrite.
What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
Nope, we all sin and fall short of God's glory, but we don't need to say we are one nation under God and blatantly disregard what he views as an abomination and expect his protective hand to shelter us. We are telling God, "We know better than You"
Should we follow God's law in our secular legislation? If so, which interpretation of God's law?

I ask because, according to God's law, my beloved Ohio State Buckeyes as well as my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers are unclean as they dominate their opponents on the gridiron. They are touching the skin of a dead pig. My Mother planted a garden this spring. But she violated God's law by planting two different vegetables in adjoining furrows.

If I fail to honor her, should the family conduct a small, intimate ceremony prior to stoning me to death?

And did God create homosexuals as well as everything else under His firmament? Should we judge those homosexuals? Who should cast the first stone?

God's law mandates that we love our neighbors as we would love ourselves. Should we ignore that mandate and scorn homosexuals for being who they are? Or should we judge them, regardless of the admonition that we be judged as well?

God told Muhammed certain acts of comportment. Should we pay attention to those laws as well? Or should American Muslims and American Hindus and American Taoists and American Methodists simply ignore the American laws and adhere to their own peculiar interpretations of God's law?

If we're going to proclaim Liberty throughout the land, is it fitting and proper to deny liberty to all Americans?
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What does pedophilia have to do with this debate? Do you understand the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality? Do you realize that most pedophiles are heterosexuals?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Sexual immortality is sexual immortality. God will protect those that honor and serve Him
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
Are you as stupid as you appear to be in your photo?
They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.

And you are...?
Since when have the far right reactionaries been magnanimous in victory.
Pedophiles rob innocent children of that innocence. Adult homosexuals are consenting partners.

Are you suggesting that there is no such thing as sexual immorality among heterosexuals?
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.

They wailed and lamented thrusting themselves upon the rocky ground prostrate before the Lord. They cried, " Lord ,why have you foresaken us"? " We can neither sit nor stand as the butthurt is upon us". The Lord has yet to respond.
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They can proclaim anything they want. Nothing is changed for me. I do not, and will not, accept any 2 gay people as being married. Not ever. I don't care what papers they have, what ceremony they went through, or anything else. Millions of Americans no doubt, think exactly the same.
You sound a bit hysterical. Calm down. Don't have a cow. It will be OK. Try not to think about it. It seems that you are not plagued by thinking that much anyway.
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So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.

They wailed and lamented thrusting themselves upon the rocky ground prostrate before the Lord. They cried, " Lord ,why have you foresaken us"? " We can neither sit nor stand as the butthurt is upon us". The Lord has yet to respond.

Jesus surrounded Himself with sinners. He socialized with drunks, tax collectors, the greedy, adulterers, etc. Anyone who ostracizes a homosexual isn't following the example of Jesus very well.
Nah, just sitting and waiting for you to eat crow.....of course your unable to admit being wrong, but, It's coming
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.

They wailed and lamented thrusting themselves upon the rocky ground prostrate before the Lord. They cried, " Lord ,why have you foresaken us"? " We can neither sit nor stand as the butthurt is upon us". The Lord has yet to respond.

Jesus surrounded Himself with sinners. He socialized with drunks, tax collectors, the greedy, adulterers, etc. Anyone who ostracizes a homosexual isn't following the example of Jesus very well.
He also brought down a temple and cursed money collectors.

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