SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.

They wailed and lamented thrusting themselves upon the rocky ground prostrate before the Lord. They cried, " Lord ,why have you foresaken us"? " We can neither sit nor stand as the butthurt is upon us". The Lord has yet to respond.

Jesus surrounded Himself with sinners. He socialized with drunks, tax collectors, the greedy, adulterers, etc. Anyone who ostracizes a homosexual isn't following the example of Jesus very well.
Jesus would love a homosexual so much he would tell him his must deny his sexual feelings and sin no more
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.


There's that wonderful bitterness I've been looking for!


And the bitter fluids did thusly flow from the end-orifices of the many various and sundry butthurteds, and they were cast into the desert of self-doubt for 40 days and 40 nights. And then they cried like little babies. The end.

They wailed and lamented thrusting themselves upon the rocky ground prostrate before the Lord. They cried, " Lord ,why have you foresaken us"? " We can neither sit nor stand as the butthurt is upon us". The Lord has yet to respond.

Jesus surrounded Himself with sinners. He socialized with drunks, tax collectors, the greedy, adulterers, etc. Anyone who ostracizes a homosexual isn't following the example of Jesus very well.
He also brought down a temple and cursed money collectors.

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They were desecrating the Temple. Just slightly different.
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.

There is only one marriage law available to same- or opposite-sex couples, marriage that is indeed real.

Otherwise your post fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
Huckabee blasts SCOTUS I will not acquiesce to an imperial court vows to resist and reject judicial tyranny - Blogs - Mike Huckabee for President

Here's what The Most Reverend Mike Huckabee had to say. Basically, he says we have to destroy the village in order to save the village.

Tell me if his attitudes mirror those of the nuttiest nut cases here!

Methinks a lot of this is just posturing.

Take a look at this:

Following the ruling, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued a directive on Friday ordering state agencies to "prioritize compliance" with the First Amendment and Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The directive states that agencies should make sure that nobody "takes any adverse action against" people "substantially motivated by sincere religious belief."

"The law protects religious liberty not only in houses of worship—but also in schools, in businesses, in the military, in public forums, and in the town square. These protections are afforded to all people, of all faiths," Abbott wrote in the directive. "Yet in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision, the law’s promise of religious liberty will be tested by some who seek to silence and marginalize those whose conscience will not allow them to participate in or endorse marriages that are incompatible with their religious beliefs."

In a statement blasting the Supreme Court's decision earlier on Friday, Abbott said that he would take direct action to protect the religious liberties of Texas residents.

But at the end...

Though he disapproved of the ruling, [Texas AG} Paxton said that Texas would be following the Supreme Court ruling, and county clerks in Texas began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on Friday.

Texas Guv Issues Religious Liberties Directive After Gay Marriage Ruling
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.

There is only one marriage law available to same- or opposite-sex couples, marriage that is indeed real.

Otherwise your post fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
Marriage is a construct created by God, any thing else is just man made rules that mean nothing, only to those that feel the law and politicians are god
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
Are you as stupid as you appear to be in your photo?
First time I've said it on USMB, but Fuck You, heathen Mick.
Jesus would love a homosexual so much he would tell him his must deny his sexual feelings and sin no more

It's hard enough to try to figure out what Jesus actually did say without complicating it by trying to figure out what He would have said regarding something He never addressed..
Since it's a sin, pretty easy to say...
I don't hate gays. It's just not a real marriage - and it's chipping away at the strength of our nation.

Where chaos rules; nations fail.

There is only one marriage law available to same- or opposite-sex couples, marriage that is indeed real.

Otherwise your post fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
Marriage is a construct created by God, any thing else is just man made rules that mean nothing, only to those that feel the law and politicians are god

So then leave it to God to determine whether or not He recognizes same sex unions. It's not ours to judge on His behalf. He is a big boy. He can make the determination all by Himself.
Jesus would love a homosexual so much he would tell him his must deny his sexual feelings and sin no more

It's hard enough to try to figure out what Jesus actually did say without complicating it by trying to figure out what He would have said regarding something He never addressed..
Since it's a sin, pretty easy to say...

Well there have been countless threads on that topic and I am not going to derail the thread by pushing it in that direction. Count me among those who say the verses condemning homosexuality in the Bible are very problematic....VERY problematic.
Jesus would love a homosexual so much he would tell him his must deny his sexual feelings and sin no more

It's hard enough to try to figure out what Jesus actually did say without complicating it by trying to figure out what He would have said regarding something He never addressed..
Since it's a sin, pretty easy to say...

Well there have been countless threads on that topic and I am not going to derail the thread by pushing it in that direction. Count me among those who say the verses condemning homosexuality in the Bible are very problematic....VERY problematic.
Will find or start a thread on is condemned throughout the Bible. Starting thread now
Huckabee blasts SCOTUS I will not acquiesce to an imperial court vows to resist and reject judicial tyranny - Blogs - Mike Huckabee for President

Here's what The Most Reverend Mike Huckabee had to say. Basically, he says we have to destroy the village in order to save the village.

Tell me if his attitudes mirror those of the nuttiest nut cases here!

Methinks a lot of this is just posturing.

Take a look at this:

Following the ruling, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued a directive on Friday ordering state agencies to "prioritize compliance" with the First Amendment and Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The directive states that agencies should make sure that nobody "takes any adverse action against" people "substantially motivated by sincere religious belief."

"The law protects religious liberty not only in houses of worship—but also in schools, in businesses, in the military, in public forums, and in the town square. These protections are afforded to all people, of all faiths," Abbott wrote in the directive. "Yet in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision, the law’s promise of religious liberty will be tested by some who seek to silence and marginalize those whose conscience will not allow them to participate in or endorse marriages that are incompatible with their religious beliefs."

In a statement blasting the Supreme Court's decision earlier on Friday, Abbott said that he would take direct action to protect the religious liberties of Texas residents.

But at the end...

Though he disapproved of the ruling, [Texas AG} Paxton said that Texas would be following the Supreme Court ruling, and county clerks in Texas began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on Friday.

Texas Guv Issues Religious Liberties Directive After Gay Marriage Ruling
It's restraint of trade. Once the last homophobe declares bankruptcy because he lost not only all those potential same sex couples, but all other customers with a conscience, the Conservatives may even damn the free market they so dearly love
What acts do homos perform that are so Godly, admirable and honorable? A brief description please.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
well argued.
They are law abiding American citizen who engage in adult consensual sex. Otherwise, they are just as good citizens, neighbors, family members as any other American.

Do they need the approval of you? Of government?

Or are you calling for a national code of morality?
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.

I second that...
they really think the supreme court CAN force a state do something.
they are going to be getting a HUGE surprise soon
"Adult consensual sex" Ain't nuthin "sex" about fudge packin', Lester.
I suppose your methods are what they are, but so long as you are not doing anything with children or animals, who am I to judge?
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
well argued.
Thanks, Pansy
Gonna be a lot of unhappy faggot-haters around here...
Why ?
What good does the SCOTUS decision due for gays anyway ? Before this, they could get an apartment or house together, and live as if they were married. So now they get a ceremony, and a piece of paper to go with it. And ? That's it ? That's the difference ?

Millions of people will still regard them as the same pervert lunatics they were regarded all along. Hey, where's Hillary Clinton ? We need somebody to get on here and shout >>>

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