SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?

Well done America. Us here in Australia are eagerly watching and hoping that the same thing could happen here. Sadly, with our idiot PM insisting that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because his religion is against it, its not likely.
How does it affect your marriage?

It devalue meaning of it.

It's like calling everyone that has vagina a lady.
Don't you get it? This is a legal issue. A marriage license is just a legal contract between two people. The only value it has is in regard to the legal privileges and responsibilities associated with the contract.

A religious marriage may certainly have requirements different from a civil marriage as is the case with Catholic marriages today.

I got the legal part. I don't get why they wanna call it something that is not.

I guess for the same reason that every woman wants to be called lady. It make's them feeeeeeel good.
Marriage is the only way to guarantee that gay and lesbian couples will have the same legal protections of other married couples.

The alternative would be a civil union which exist in only a few states. It would be virtual impossible to recreate this legal status in every state as well as the federal level and change God knows how many laws through out the country to make the civil union equal to marriage in eyes of the law.

Then there would be the issue of company policies. Most companies only recognized the status of married or single so every business would need to change it's policies, again virtually impossible.

Since there are only 4 countries in the world that have civil unions, this status would not be recognized in most other countries.

The marriage is the only institution that can be assign to gay and lesbian couples that would guarantee the same protections under the law as marriage.

Oh excuses...

I would agree with alternative, civil union. Because what they got now it's not marriage.

Company policies? Well, companies have to follow the law, right? Impossible? So is marriage in between gays. But they're calling it marriage anyways.

Their "married" status wont be recognized in most of countries anyways, since just around 20 countries recognize it.
Actually what they do have now is legal marriage in every state. You're wrong again on foreign country recognition of marriage. Most countries recognized the marriages of foreigners as long as they are legally married in their own country.
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Christians churches are already marrying gays in this country.
Pagan churches calling themselves "Christian" are engaged in the act of homosexuality.

How exactly does a church engage in homosexuality? Does the church get attracted to another church?
A "church" says that homosexual marriage is ok to them, and indulges in gay marriage. They have no scripture to back this up fully. It is simply their judgment. They may even allow a practicing homosexual to remain the pastor of that church. Such a church will hold that homosexuality is not a sin. Such a church in this way rather than be a servant of Christ, becomes a whore to vice and does nothing to overcome it.
*NOTE - there are no "super power" countries that allow Same Sex Marriage

Well given that we are the only Super Power nation in the world right now and we just legalized it, I'd say you are wrong. The only other nation that would even come close to Super Power status is Russia so if you toss them in it's still at 50%
Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?

Well done America. Us here in Australia are eagerly watching and hoping that the same thing could happen here. Sadly, with our idiot PM insisting that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because his religion is against it, its not likely.
Perhaps among all the nations of the world there will be one or two safe havens for righteousness and moral consideration.
The vast majority of the UK also recognizes same sex marriage, save like 3% of the population in Northern Ireland. Have they been knocked off the list of "super power nations"?

A lot of Europe also allows SSM. I know a number of people who left America and moved there in order to get married.
*NOTE - there are no "super power" countries that allow Same Sex Marriage

Well given that we are the only Super Power nation in the world right now and we just legalized it, I'd say you are wrong. The only other nation that would even come close to Super Power status is Russia so if you toss them in it's still at 50%
God will likely remove the status. He once blessed us with.. When Kennedy allowed the Supreme Court to remove Prayer and Bible reading without any Presidential argument, God's judgment came rather swiftly.
I forgot to add Japan, they have no laws "legalizing SSM" but they do have laws recognizing it (basically what was just ruled here), as well as laws that specifically state that homosexual sex is not illegal.

Socially I guess they don't talk about it and most LGBT's hide their sexual orientation because it doesn't fit in their traditional societal views. (That's info from a gay buddy of mine who's stationed in Japan.)
Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?
I'm not buying the same sex marriage over states rights argument as nazi-ism thing.

To go the other way and /allow/ same sex marriage ban would transform American into a theocracy, would it not?
It doesn't matter, we still won't participate in sacrilege. And trust me, Christians are not going to start marrying homos in their churches. And nobody will be able to force them to. Watch for wailing and gnashing of teeth from the homonazis as they run up against this more and more, as they try to force churches, as they've attempted to force small businesses, to participate in their weird homo wedding revels.

Christians churches are already marrying gays in this country.
Pagan churches calling themselves "Christian" are engaged in the act of homosexuality.

How exactly does a church engage in homosexuality? Does the church get attracted to another church?
A "church" says that homosexual marriage is ok to them, and indulges in gay marriage. They have no scripture to back this up fully. It is simply their judgment. They may even allow a practicing homosexual to remain the pastor of that church. Such a church will hold that homosexuality is not a sin. Such a church in this way rather than be a servant of Christ, becomes a whore to vice and does nothing to overcome it.
Christians marry LGBT in their churches all the time, so you pretend Christians will not need to worry about anyone trying to get you to do the same.
Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?

Well done America. Us here in Australia are eagerly watching and hoping that the same thing could happen here. Sadly, with our idiot PM insisting that gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because his religion is against it, its not likely.
Perhaps among all the nations of the world there will be one or two safe havens for righteousness and moral consideration.
The safest place for religious freedom is right here. What you want is religious oppression, and that is not going to happen here, bud.
Sure there is.

Same Sex Civil Marriage has exist here, yes America is "super power" for over a decade. As of today American, a "super power" will allow SSCM in all states.

Since we always have to go to China to bail us out like an irresponsible child, I would say China would qualify.

If you think other countries are going to use us as and example and follow, you're wrong. They are laughing saying, good! This is the beginning of the end for the USA. That' didn't take long.....
Care to elaborate on that inane assertion??

RE: passage of the Gay Marriage law...

I said above, we have a motto of "One Nation Under God" - we are not "under God" if we keep ignoring what He says, and making our own rules of what is right and wrong. If we are willing to submit and surrender to His will, we are guaranteed an abundant life. But remember, our life is NOT just our years on this Earth. Our lives are ETERNAL.

God WILL punish those that do not listen to him. He did it to the Israelites. Why would he not do it to US?

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