SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

Told ya. Right on time. They will deny it, but the gay culture underground know those colors for what they stand for to them.

When did you join the LGBT movement to know so much about their beliefs? I mean I'm a bisexual in an LGBT circle and I don't know of anyone who equates flag stripe colors to any meaning. Clearly your LGBT circle is up on current meanings more than mine...
Ever heard of Google?
I'll have to share that one with my single LGBT buddies. It might be bullshit, but it's worth trying.

Thanks :)

Update; Awww

Why didn't they include BearCode and SmurfCode links? They offered TwinkCode 1.12.

I can't even look those ones up because the sites keep trying to give me a virus...

It's actually a bit of a shame it's bullshit. The hanky thing could actually be useful.
Look. Nobody care how you swing. Just be honest about the meaning behind the gay flag colors. Displaying them on our White House is disgraceful. If Christians want crosses displayed on our White House, that would be denied.
For those of you who oppose this ruling

How does it affect your life?

It gives them a sad because Rush, Hannity and the rest of the wingnut talkers repeatedly told them that they were the real majority.


The Court voted, not the "people".
Actually the people did, when they voted for the presidents who appointed the justices to the Court, and the senators who confirmed those appointments.

It's called a representative democracy, a component of our republican form of government. See Article IV, Section 4.

It was the genius of the Founding Generation to create a Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – laws seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are proof of that, along with today's ruling invalidating those laws.

Actually no, hey didn't. ;)

And the current form of our Representative Democrcay is not representing it's folks the way they are supposed to.

You'll need to do better than that, that was weak.
I'll have to share that one with my single LGBT buddies. It might be bullshit, but it's worth trying.

Thanks :)

Update; Awww

Why didn't they include BearCode and SmurfCode links? They offered TwinkCode 1.12.

I can't even look those ones up because the sites keep trying to give me a virus...

It's actually a bit of a shame it's bullshit. The hanky thing could actually be useful.
Look. Nobody care how you swing. Just be honest about the meaning behind the gay flag colors. Displaying them on our White House is disgraceful. If Christians want crosses displayed on our White House, that would be denied.

There are all sorts of color things to do with sexuality. Straights have plenty of them too.

But that does not mean the rainbow flag is about sexual acts. It is about the diversity of humanity.
For those of you who oppose this ruling

How does it affect your life?

It gives them a sad because Rush, Hannity and the rest of the wingnut talkers repeatedly told them that they were the real majority.


The Court voted, not the "people".
Actually the people did, when they voted for the presidents who appointed the justices to the Court, and the senators who confirmed those appointments.

It's called a representative democracy, a component of our republican form of government. See Article IV, Section 4.

It was the genius of the Founding Generation to create a Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – laws seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are proof of that, along with today's ruling invalidating those laws.

Actually no, hey didn't. ;)

And the current form of our Representative Democrcay is not representing it's folks the way they are supposed to.

You'll need to do better than that, that was weak.

I guess that depends on whether you think the Equal Protection Clause should be a part of the US Constitution. If you do, then the ruling yesterday was the right one.
I'll have to share that one with my single LGBT buddies. It might be bullshit, but it's worth trying.

Thanks :)

Update; Awww

Why didn't they include BearCode and SmurfCode links? They offered TwinkCode 1.12.

I can't even look those ones up because the sites keep trying to give me a virus...

It's actually a bit of a shame it's bullshit. The hanky thing could actually be useful.
Look. Nobody care how you swing. Just be honest about the meaning behind the gay flag colors. Displaying them on our White House is disgraceful. If Christians want crosses displayed on our White House, that would be denied.

Remember Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition? Was that about sexual perversions too?
For those of you who oppose this ruling

How does it affect your life?

It gives them a sad because Rush, Hannity and the rest of the wingnut talkers repeatedly told them that they were the real majority.


The Court voted, not the "people".
Actually the people did, when they voted for the presidents who appointed the justices to the Court, and the senators who confirmed those appointments.

It's called a representative democracy, a component of our republican form of government. See Article IV, Section 4.

It was the genius of the Founding Generation to create a Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men, as men are incapable of ruling justly – laws seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are proof of that, along with today's ruling invalidating those laws.

Actually no, hey didn't. ;)

And the current form of our Representative Democrcay is not representing it's folks the way they are supposed to.

You'll need to do better than that, that was weak.

I guess that depends on whether you think the Equal Protection Clause should be a part of the US Constitution. If you do, then the ruling yesterday was the right one.

Was that what clayton and I were discussing?
I'll have to share that one with my single LGBT buddies. It might be bullshit, but it's worth trying.

Thanks :)

Update; Awww

Why didn't they include BearCode and SmurfCode links? They offered TwinkCode 1.12.

I can't even look those ones up because the sites keep trying to give me a virus...

It's actually a bit of a shame it's bullshit. The hanky thing could actually be useful.
Look. Nobody care how you swing. Just be honest about the meaning behind the gay flag colors. Displaying them on our White House is disgraceful. If Christians want crosses displayed on our White House, that would be denied.
The gay flag was displayed on the white house because that's the flag designated to replace the American stars and stripes.
Same sex marriage is constitutional.

Those of you who don't like it: sux to be you, huh?

Drama queen
What a great week this is turning out to be.

Not just one, but TWO major reasons for wingnuts to cry into their Gadsen flags.


You people are hateful and ALL OVER politics. it has to be sickness you aquire when you sign up to become a liberal/democrat.
You and others on the right have only yourselves to blame, the consequence of adhering blindly to failed, errant conservative dogma fearful of change and hostile toward diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

Most on the right are truly naïve as to believe gay Americans would willingly remain second-class citizens and not oppose the un-Constitutional discrimination forced upon them by social conservatives, or that the courts would sanction such unlawful discrimination.

There was a time when conservatives would have celebrated such a ruling, acknowledging the authority of the Constitution to place limits on government powers, safeguarding the individual liberty of all Americans, including gay Americans.

The unwarranted reactionaryism and fear of change common to most on the right have once again placed conservatives on the wrong side of history.
It was shocking to wake up this morning to the news that the peoples White House was awash in the colors of the gay flag. I read somewhere that each color of the gay flag stands for a sexual perversion activity that the gay people involve themselves in like yellow celebrates drinking human urine. They call it water sports. That's just one activity that each color stands for. And look at what the Obama regime does they celebrated by putting those colors on our White House. Disgraceful!

Posts denying this fact begin in. 5...4...3...2...

Right wing media at its finest
Sure there is.

Same Sex Civil Marriage has exist here, yes America is "super power" for over a decade. As of today American, a "super power" will allow SSCM in all states.

Since we always have to go to China to bail us out like an irresponsible child, I would say China would qualify.

If you think other countries are going to use us as and example and follow, you're wrong. They are laughing saying, good! This is the beginning of the end for the USA. That' didn't take long.....

China gives us money because they have no choice. If they refuse, we diminish their capacity to purchase oil by denying them access to American dollars which is the only currency that can be used to buy oil from OPEC. China is caught in a position where they are forced to pay us so they can continue to to run their economy. Hardly super power status there

And whoever said other nations would follow our lead? I surely didn't. You made a statement that no super powers allowed gay marriage and I merely refuted your point.
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

In Sex and Culture, JD Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe.
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible
Even if true , what does that have to do with the marriage issue? Regardless of the status of marriage, there will still be homosexuals and homosexuality. Would we be a more moral people if we treat others who are disapproved of badly?
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

In Sex and Culture, JD Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe.

Well I am unfamiliar with Mr. Unwins work, but "primitive tribes" are hardly "great civilizations". What I can gather from the few sources that are online about this book is that it was written in 1934 in Great Britain during a time when British women were gaining more rights and freedoms. Mr. Unwin apparently believed that women should remain subservient and thus published his work in an effort to provide an argument that women should should revert back to their status of Victorian England. The book doesn't seem to be one that is widely referenced by scholarship and, from the little I have been able to find, those that do consider it a study in the manipulation of data in order to establish a pre-conceived, political agenda.

"In order to attain this absolute correlation, he has had to manipulate his definitions of both sexual restrictions and of cultural achievement. His restrictions, in fact, only concern the limitation of pre-nuptual freedom in women and the nature of religious defining cultural achievement the standard is surprising. The lowest level recognized is that characterized by religion without post-funeral honor of the individual dead or without worship in temples, these two being the criteria of the middle and highest levels of primitive cultural achievement. For a culture to rise from the lowest plane to the next highest level it is only necessary to restrict pre-nuptual freedom of women; to rise to the highest level, where they will be capable of building temples, it is only necessary to demand tokens of virginity. It is not necessary for all restrictions to be enforced on all females of a society....

It is impossible within the limits of a brief review to criticize the long list of absurdities that are involved in the correlations of this volume.....This volume is an extreme example of the manipulation of anthropological material to support private programs of social reform, in this case, a program of return to the immediate Victorian past. It makes clear, as has already been abundantly demonstrated in anthropological literature, that any thesis, no matter how unlikely, can be upheld by a suitable rearrangement of cultural facts from primitive peoples. Only insistence upon a greater scrupulousness and a greater intelligence can prevent the recurrence of such volumes of special pleading

-Dr. Ruth Benedict, Ph.D.
Columbia University, Department of Anthropology

GENERAL Sex and Culture. J. D. Unwin. - Benedict - 2009 - American Anthropologist - Wiley Online Library

.Dr. Benedict also mentions in her review, that Unwin completely ignored several tribes that were in the immediate area and time frame of other tribes he did consider that would have totally destroyed his hypothesis such as the Cheyenne and Menomini. So, it appears that you are supporting your thesis by quoting a source that was designed to subjugate women and appears to be the 1930's British equivalent of AGW; i.e. 'we will only consider data that supports our political aims and we will ignore the rest'.
The downfall of many a great civilization involved the rampant immoral sexuality and perversion in that culture.

Such as?

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses it cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The process, says the author, is irreversible

I'll bet he didn't include Rome in that study. They only started falling apart after converting to Christianity. In fact, if one were to compare the sexual culture of Rome and attempt to correlate it to its power, one would note that during times of what we would consider "sexual debauchery", Rome rose to great power. Yet after embracing Christianity and a more conservative sexual culture following Constantine in 337 CE, Rome's power began to slowly diminish the more sexually restrained they became until finally collapsing 260 years later or so.

Now, I personally don't think their sexual culture (nor anyone else's for that matter) had anything to do with their rise or their fall. A nation's ability to engage in commerce and defend its borders and expand is not impacted by their tendency to engage in an orgy. One has nothing to do with the other as Dr. Benedict pointed out, pretty harshly I might add, in response to Unwin's study.

This is to say nothing of the Greeks and Egyptians who also freely engaged in what we would consider sexual immorality in Western culture today, and grew vast Empires and thrived for hundreds or thousands of years.
Most dumbass comment so far. What do you think you mean, Shirley?
I mean a private life is exactly that, a private life. Who are you to judge someone else's love? What great calamity happens when you meet a homosexual?

In point of fact, you personally know homosexuals as neighbors, business associates, friends and family. Are you safe? Did they deign to mention your sexual behavior? Does it matter to them? Then why does it matter to you?

And there is plenty of heterosexual anal acts. Are heterosexuals just too straight laced to be kinky? Are you sure you have an Internet connection?

Opinions, they say, are similar to anuses. We all have one and yours stinks.

I don't want to run out a string about your attitude. It's not a good color on you dear. Keep it to yourself. Feel what it's like to get 'closeted'.
Fuck you too, heathen faggot.
Amazing what conservatives sink to when their hatreds are challenged
And ditto to you, heathen.
Gays are are miserable

Seems like a fair trade
But when do we take the next step and let libs marry their pet goat?????

After all, you are supposed to be anything you want in this country, according to the Libs, and the poor goats probably just think they're a human trapped in an animal body.....:badgrin:

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