SCOTUS Stupidity

Naah. How can an employer not also be a place to EMPLOY people? And a happy employee is a good, productive worker. A good employer offers good benefits. There is no reason why an employer cannot offer Sunday options to employees to accommodate their religious needs, maybe trade for something else or whatever, just as they make accommodations for pregnant women giving birth or having children.

It just becomes one more option a good employer can use to attract and keep good people.

And that would be up the employer, would it not? If they don't provide for a good working environment then they'll have problems with turn over.
here is no reason why an employer cannot offer Sunday options to employees to accommodate their religious needs, maybe trade for something else or whatever, just as they make accommodations for pregnant women giving birth or having children.

Very true, but it still should not be forced by the Govt.

You big government loving people are just so weird.
So you oppose the part of the first amendment that interferes with his "free practice thereof" huh?
The first part of the First Amendment is Congress shall law ... and I agree. Congress shouldn't be allowed to pass laws that interfere with anyone's free practice of religion. But we're talking about employers, not Congress.
The freaking Country is going down the drain under a demented old fool and lefties want to criticize the Supreme Court for a case they haven't even heard. WTF?
Why not? The government forces everything else from baking a cake to using the right pronoun.
Because all that other shit is just as wrong. We should have never started down this path.
Why not? The government forces everything else from baking a cake to using the right pronoun.

And it should not be doing those things either.

I will never understand you big government folks
I agree. Owners should a run a business as they see fit.
If they don't want to hire Muslims, satanists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, climate changers, etc... they shouldn't have to.
The same goes for not hiring insane trannies or the other LGBFJB+ sexual deviants.

Same goes for landlords or those offering other services, such as bakeries.
In a free country, people are free to be assholes or saints.

That doesn't give much freedom to the people the assholes choose to abuse, now does it? In a truly free country, N0B0DY gets to abuse others on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.
The question is whether they should be forced to do that.

Considering what all else the government forces, I have to say yes to this to. Either make employers make some accommodation here just as they force them to pay a minimum wage, force them to not hire under 18, and force them to only work 40 hours a week and pay overtime, and so on and so on, or drop EVERYTHING the government forces and force NOTHING leaving everything up between the employer and the employee.

After all of these "rights" and gains of progress for the employee, religion is a helluva place to stop.

Put another way, Muslims were and are getting considerations for THEIR religion, so this all just comes back again to discrimination against Christians.
Look for yet another bad decision from the Supremes:

The idea that an employer should be required to accommodate the religious practices of employees is ridiculous, and as a law is a direct violation of the First Amendment. It's part of the inversion - decimation - of individual rights. We're moving away from equal rights, that apply to everyone, to special rights for special people - identity politics.
There has always been a reasonable accommodation requirement.
Considering what all else the government forces, I have to say yes to this to.
After all of these "rights" and gains of progress for the employee, religion is a helluva place to stop.

So when should they stop? Ever? Or are you all-in on totalitarian government now?

This is where Republicans have jumped the shark, and essentially joined forces with Democrats. They don't give a flying fuck about limited government or individual rights. They just wanna get their cut.
Now I'm a big government person? How the hell did you arrive at that clueless conclusion?

You are the one that just said multiple times the Govt should force companies to give these sorts of religions accommodations

That is as big government as it gets

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