SCOTUS: Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed! Whee, Guess some want grandkids to live!

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

Ok, tell me how creating a fiat currency, in a global wealth redistribution scheme, changes climate?
Re: the thread title.
So unless BP and Chevron gets sued your dear sweet grandchildren will die?

I'm sure even you don't believe that bullshit.

According to these stupid Moon Bats everybody is going to be dead in 12 years.

Actually it is more like 11.5 years now since the prediction was made about six months ago.
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

Where I'm at its a beautiful 69 degrees clear skies and light winds. And that's WITH all those ugly horrible awful oil giants making profits.

The oil companies are making a profit yes....but the Government....and that means democrats making the most money off of the oil industry.
People like the top poster are mere retarded children running about with talking points and no real knowledge of reality.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
So when are you going to stop buying gasoline, you enabler?
DOPer Weak deflection spew. The oil companies work against electric gas station all over.
But, I do have a model 3, do you have an electric car?
Why would I? Electric cars are expensive toys, especially in rural areas.

Electric cars don't eliminate pollution. They just relocate it.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

Ok, tell me how creating a fiat currency, in a global wealth redistribution scheme, changes climate?
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
Stop letting criminals and pedophiles loose and stop electing democrats and they will live.
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Climate change isnt bullshit. It has been happening for billions of years.
It takes a complete fucking morob to say what you just said.
AGW has yet to be proven. It has yet to overcome natural variability
Keep your terms in order or sound like a moron.
Unless you climate tards are pedaling to work, storing your food in salt, heating your home with a natural fireplace and posting your online drivel via solar powered devices - you need to shut the fuck up because every goddamn one of you is a flaming hypocrite.

Don't forget eating baked beans.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

This is very good news.

I hope that Baltimore sues them for a ton of money. That's all the corporations understand and care about.

Hopefully the verdict will be against the oil companies.

The oil companies will be protected by the dozens of powerful politicians that they own. Here's a hint... it won't just be GOP politicians.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
So when are you going to stop buying gasoline, you enabler?
DOPer Weak deflection spew. The oil companies work against electric gas station all over.
But, I do have a model 3, do you have an electric car?
Why would I? Electric cars are expensive toys, especially in rural areas.

Electric cars don't eliminate pollution. They just relocate it.

Truth is they don't even really do that.

Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Climate change isnt bullshit. It has been happening for billions of years.
It takes a complete fucking morob to say what you just said.
AGW has yet to be proven. It has yet to overcome natural variability
Keep your terms in order or sound like a moron.

I actually like morob better.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
The Climate Change Cultist should not use cars, buses, planes, trains, electricity.....
This lawsuit would be wonderful. It would provide a platform to debunk all of the bullshit about rising seas, dying polar bears, the "existential threat" of climate change.
Which it will not do, since all the facts point in the same direction.
The op is just another one of life's failures . Bras Ass , or whatever that childish name is under its avatar , must be some kind of clueless dweller in his mommy's basement like the rest of these pathetic losers on the left that attempt to promote here .
Another DOPer weak spew. Deflect. Can't handle facts we humans hurt the planet.
Fake gods are abusing your mind from clearly see more. And stop watching Faux news.

Damn you are a narcissist.

I Got news for you buddy the only thing that will survive the human race might be a few artifacts from the apollo missions on the moon.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

If the cities (really just the moronic Dems running them) don’t like oil, then let them ban the sale of gasoline in their cities.

I mean if it’s destroying the planet, then why not?

Do it. Put up or shut up.
And we will be long dead and never find out, one way or another..
Right, exactly, so you don't give a shit. I know. this isn't breaking news. Add to that your childish belief in the afterlife, and you probably give a negative number of fucks. Good for you.

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