SCOTUS: Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed! Whee, Guess some want grandkids to live!

The op is just another one of life's failures . Bras Ass , or whatever that childish name is under its avatar , must be some kind of clueless dweller in his mommy's basement like the rest of these pathetic losers on the left that attempt to promote here .
Another DOPer weak spew. Deflect. Can't handle facts we humans hurt the planet.
Fake gods are abusing your mind from clearly see more. And stop watching Faux news.
You Starbuck Snowflakes need to try to get some kind of work . ...anything to get you off the cold basement floor and away from the oil burner fumes .
Really snowflake , do you work or do you find yourself going from job to job trying to "find yourself" ? Your not really looking at how idiotic and childish your post are . We get it , you going to vote Democrat when you grow up but you should be a little more coy about putting your problems out in the open .
Can't handle facts we humans hurt the planet.

If you're concerned ... you could always compost yourself.

I'm sure you won't be missed.

You think if liberals really cared about the planet they would give all their money to the cause they believe most would save the planet and would live like they actually believed the bullshit they spew forth at others.

But instead they sit on a computer made of plastic which is made from oil, at a computer desk made of wood from trees and glue made from various chemicals after having gotten out of a car manufactured out of plastic which of course comes from oil, (which rides on tires made from oil and of course the oil in the crankcase we can't forget about) after riding on roads made of blacktop which is made of oil living in a house that is wood, made from cutting down trees over a wireless network, whose wires from the cell tower are made from copper which is mined from the earth.

So rest assured, they only pretend to give a fuck. Actions speak louder than words and their actions speak volumes.
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are no gods. To fix this, or made the earth in the first place.
But man can change the health of the planet.
Try to keep up.
it's good to see you finally took my suggestion to get out of that dark basement your mumsey allows you to live in until you "get settled " but your attempt to get your name out there with AOC wasn't a good move . I believe you may have left her thinking about changing her own little get rich folly off the taxpayers back .
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yup. Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his climate change gig.

One would think people were smarter than to fall for that climate change horse shit.

Guess not.
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.
You loons said that 40 years ago. Last I checked we are still doing great.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

This is very good news.

I hope that Baltimore sues them for a ton of money. That's all the corporations understand and care about.

Hopefully the verdict will be against the oil companies.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

This is very good news.

I hope that Baltimore sues them for a ton of money. That's all the corporations understand and care about.

Hopefully the verdict will be against the oil companies.
thanks for the laff- you people should start a comedy act lol
Unless you climate tards are pedaling to work, storing your food in salt, heating your home with a natural fireplace and posting your online drivel via solar powered devices - you need to shut the fuck up because every goddamn one of you is a flaming hypocrite.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

This is very good news.

I hope that Baltimore sues them for a ton of money. That's all the corporations understand and care about.

Hopefully the verdict will be against the oil companies.

Yeah, a massive monetary penalty against the energy industry surely wouldn't be felt by YOU, right?

God you people are dense.
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.

This is very good news.

I hope that Baltimore sues them for a ton of money. That's all the corporations understand and care about.

Hopefully the verdict will be against the oil companies.

Yeah, a massive monetary penalty against the energy industry surely wouldn't be felt by YOU, right?

God you people are dense.
I want to be on Nuke/ NG power charging my car lighting up house stuff and other stuff. vs coal or oil. Yes nuke waste in hard to depose of, but we can contant and control the waste.
Not like the BS the OIL just wastes the planet freely.
Unless you climate tards are pedaling to work, storing your food in salt, heating your home with a natural fireplace and posting your online drivel via solar powered devices - you need to shut the fuck up because every goddamn one of you is a flaming hypocrite.

I guess you agree with post 23 lol
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
So when are you going to stop buying gasoline, you enabler?
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
So when are you going to stop buying gasoline, you enabler?
DOPer Weak deflection spew. The oil companies work against electric gas station all over.
But, I do have a model 3, do you have an electric car?
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Climate change should be recognized as an official religion
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are no gods. To fix this, or made the earth in the first place.
But man can change the health of the planet.
Try to keep up.
it's good to see you finally took my suggestion to get out of that dark basement your mumsey allows you to live in until you "get settled " but your attempt to get your name out there with AOC wasn't a good move . I believe you may have left her thinking about changing her own little get rich folly off the taxpayers back .

AOC needs help to be more correct. But her ideas mostly go in the right direction.
As a hiding Repugger. Are you really proud of the Great Douche today?

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Re: the thread title.
So unless BP and Chevron gets sued your dear sweet grandchildren will die?

I'm sure even you don't believe that bullshit.

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