SCOTUS tells Biden to finish border wall.

What provision of the Constitution allows the Supreme Court to dictate policy to elected officials? They seem to be ruling by decree. and ignoring the Constitution.

Democrats are not trying to put themselves in a position where they can never be voted out of power. Republicans are doing this.

I voted third party in 2016 and that was a huge mistake. That allowed Trump to take power and he is now trying to take the country over. Republican defend the terrorists who launched a assault on our capitol. Republicans defend threats made against school boards. The right is threatening violence if they don't get what they want.
The right is threatening violence if they don't get what they want.

I say put white phosphorous on you and every Republican.
Depends. Without an action, there is no reaction. What caused the BLM movement. I also like how you lot conveniently forget there were a tonne of peaceful protests. You also just lump everybody together without digging down into it. That is what happens when the US creates a sound-bite world in the media. The attention span of a mayfly.
I doubt most of those rioters had ANY political affiliation. You just dub them 'lefties' because it suits your narrative. "Oh, there's no way conservatives would be involved in such a thing!" Really? Your proof is?
All I asked was how you are measuring more violence being caused by the Right vs. the Left. That was your assertion. I never denied peaceful protests from the Left or that there were violent protests from the Right.
SCOTUS is overruling congress because congress is disregarding the constitution, moron. That's what the SCOTUS does--determines the constitutionality of laws passed by congress.

What provision of the Constitution was violated? There is no law that was passed by Congress allowing the building of a wall.

This time, I got a linky!!! :spinner:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat with regard to construction on former President Donald Trump’s border wall, which currently sits incomplete as illegal immigrants continue to flood across the open border.

The country’s high court ordered lower courts to vacate previous rulings about the wall, citing “changed circumstances” in the case. Environmental activists, activist judges, Democrats in Congress and private law organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union have of course opposed the wall since before concrete was ever poured.

So, the courts are going to order the POTUS to finish spending money that was never agreed to by Congress itself, who is supposed to do that very thing.

we are so fucked. Even if you agree with the wall, there is no way you can agree with this sort of crossing of powers.
Biden wants to spend close to that in his first year. What the heck?

That is not true. The $3.5 trillion is over 10 years which comes out to $350 billion a year. Some of that is for the childcare tax credit. and a child tax credit. Republicans spent trillions on tax cuts for the rich.
Biden swore an oath of office to support and defend our laws, INCLUDING IMMIGRATION LAWS. Instead he's ignoring immigration law, FACT!
Simmer down, Buttercup.

You are about to blow a gasket. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

We should be blowing a gasket. Our democracy is in great danger. Trump thugs threaten school boards and state legislators. Republicans are making it more difficult to vote and they threaten companies who don't do as they say. That is for starters.
That's the kind of answer I expected. You're a commie traitor. You've never done a fucking thing in support of this country. FOAD.

You are the fucking commie. You are trying to turn this country into a dictatorship just as Russia is. I support the right of Americans to vote and it should be easy to vote not difficult. Yo do not. You are the commie.
So, the courts are going to order the POTUS to finish spending money that was never agreed to by Congress

I don't think so....

"Today’s order comes after the government conceded that the Trump wall was wasteful and destructive, and returns the case to the district court so that Sierra Club and the Southern Border Communities Coalition can seek relief for the damage the wall has already inflicted,” Dror Ladin, senior staff attorney at the ACLU’s National Security Project, said in a statement to The Hill.

But relitigating the case in the lower courts also gives the federal government a chance to push back on earlier court decisions that could limit executive power, particularly the president's ability to use emergency declarations.

No he is not. He is ignoring rules that were set by Trump. They were never passed by Congress so they are not laws.
Stop lying you hack, Biden is totally ignoring immigration law. Why do you think Dems are constantly trying to push immigration 'reform'? Because the law gets in the way of their agenda. So Biden just ignores the law because he can't get reform passed in congress.

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