SCOTUS Upholds Law Requiring Ultrasounds For Abortions

So YOU pay for the ultrasound. The woman is there because she already has made a decision to terminate the pregnancy, so YOU pick up the extra tab. You should pay for your own beliefs that you want to force on others.

There are many requirements that abortionists are required to comply with when they kill an unborn baby.

Think of it like a government regulation that adds to the cost of a product or service.

This one insures informed consent.
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That is much larger than any doctor's finger...
The vagina is larger than the anus.

And that wand is not larger than this:


It’s longer for one and has to stay in for a longer period of time. Also, why? What purpose does this intrusion serve? These women already know they are pregnant. I had one because I had an early, voluntary, ultrasound to determine if I was pregnant.
How does an ultrasound do that? The women know they are pregnant. What does the ultrasound do?
The Leftist fear they might see a child instead of an "unviable tissue mass" and let their child live. This would reduce Democrat donations.
How dare women be given information to make informed decisions!

Supreme Court leaves in place Kentucky abortion law mandating ultrasounds
Then the taxpayers should be forced to pay for them.

Because these procedures are being forced by Big Government to take place regardless of the wishes of the patients. The taxpayers are responsible for the actions of their governments. Ever hear of an "unfunded mandate"? The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government. If the government wants to order a medical procedure, it should build and fund facilities to perform them. Some states require pregnant people to attend mandatory sessions at these "pregnancy crisis centers"? Why can't these procedures be performed there, with the government picking up the tab?

Unnecessary ultrasounds should be billed to the state directly.

"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.
Make those women
And that's what this is really about: controlling women. Your honesty, though accidental, is refreshing.
It's not about controlling women. It's about saving the lives of the unborn.

Try again.

How does an ultrasound do that? The women know they are pregnant. What does the ultrasound do?
It makes them feel like ungrateful to be pregnant SLUTS for wanting an abortion! But it is not an "undue restriction" of a woman's right to choose even when the fetus is not yet viable. It seems strange, doesn't it?

I don't see how shoving a wand up someone's hooha is going to change their mind about wanting an abortion.

Then wtf are you worried about?
So YOU pay for the ultrasound. The woman is there because she already has made a decision to terminate the pregnancy, so YOU pick up the extra tab. You should pay for your own beliefs that you want to force on others.

There are many requirements that abortionists are required to comply with when they kill an unborn baby.

Think of it like a government regulation that adds to the cost of a product or service.

This one insures informed consent.

What new information does it add to what is already known and widely available? This adds absolutely nothing to "informed" consent other than an announcement that Big Government is out of control. You apparently have never been to a doctor's office.
Then the taxpayers should be forced to pay for them.

Because these procedures are being forced by Big Government to take place regardless of the wishes of the patients. The taxpayers are responsible for the actions of their governments. Ever hear of an "unfunded mandate"? The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government. If the government wants to order a medical procedure, it should build and fund facilities to perform them. Some states require pregnant people to attend mandatory sessions at these "pregnancy crisis centers"? Why can't these procedures be performed there, with the government picking up the tab?

Unnecessary ultrasounds should be billed to the state directly.

"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Because these procedures are being forced by Big Government to take place regardless of the wishes of the patients. The taxpayers are responsible for the actions of their governments. Ever hear of an "unfunded mandate"? The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government. If the government wants to order a medical procedure, it should build and fund facilities to perform them. Some states require pregnant people to attend mandatory sessions at these "pregnancy crisis centers"? Why can't these procedures be performed there, with the government picking up the tab?

Unnecessary ultrasounds should be billed to the state directly.

"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.
Because these procedures are being forced by Big Government to take place regardless of the wishes of the patients. The taxpayers are responsible for the actions of their governments. Ever hear of an "unfunded mandate"? The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government. If the government wants to order a medical procedure, it should build and fund facilities to perform them. Some states require pregnant people to attend mandatory sessions at these "pregnancy crisis centers"? Why can't these procedures be performed there, with the government picking up the tab?

Unnecessary ultrasounds should be billed to the state directly.

"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

That's right, slap a "funny" smiley on it cuz you just got your ass handed to you with your own goddamn words - moron.
Because these procedures are being forced by Big Government to take place regardless of the wishes of the patients. The taxpayers are responsible for the actions of their governments. Ever hear of an "unfunded mandate"? The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government. If the government wants to order a medical procedure, it should build and fund facilities to perform them. Some states require pregnant people to attend mandatory sessions at these "pregnancy crisis centers"? Why can't these procedures be performed there, with the government picking up the tab?

Unnecessary ultrasounds should be billed to the state directly.

"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?
So YOU pay for the ultrasound. The woman is there because she already has made a decision to terminate the pregnancy, so YOU pick up the extra tab. You should pay for your own beliefs that you want to force on others.

There are many requirements that abortionists are required to comply with when they kill an unborn baby.

Think of it like a government regulation that adds to the cost of a product or service.

This one insures informed consent.

What new information does it add to what is already known and widely available? This adds absolutely nothing to "informed" consent other than an announcement that Big Government is out of control. You apparently have never been to a doctor's office.
If the mother learns nothing from seeing her baby and hearing it’s heart beat then you should stop being so terrified.
Women's vaginas are penetrated every time they get a gyno exam. By a freezing cold device far more invasive than an ultrasound wand.

One is by choice.

The other forced,. Totally not necessary for that LEGAL procedure.
I know a woman who had an abortion. But because she knows now she regrets killing her baby she now owns a woman’s clinic with a name that pretty much implies abortions are done here. She offers a free ultrasound to get things started.

Over 80% of the women will decide to keep the baby after seeing it. She has saved thousands of lives so far. She offers services and connections to get the new moms thru their difficulties.

This new law will save many children. Now other States can move forward and emulate it.
Great. I should open a clinic designed like a bar & capture alcoholics & run them through rehab.
"The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government."

Cool story bro. Now do Obamacare.

The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.
The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.
Another one who doesn't mind something stuck his ass as long as it too large. I think an anal probe should be required to buy a gun.

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