SCOTUS Upholds Law Requiring Ultrasounds For Abortions


That is much larger than any doctor's finger...
The vagina is larger than the anus.

And that wand is not larger than this:


So you don't mind it if people stick little things up your ass? What the fuck is your point?

The point is - you wanted government involved in health care? You fucking got it.

How many boomerangs do you leftist morons have to take to the face before you figure this shit out?
How dare women be given information to make informed decisions!

Supreme Court leaves in place Kentucky abortion law mandating ultrasounds

CRC males love to control women's bodies.
Really pisses you Leftards off that women can now make informed decisions.

It really pisses you Trumpettes off when women get their make their own decisions.
This really pisses you off now women will be given all of the facts.
I know a woman who had an abortion. But because she knows now she regrets killing her baby she now owns a woman’s clinic with a name that pretty much implies abortions are done here. She offers a free ultrasound to get things started.

Over 80% of the women will decide to keep the baby after seeing it. She has saved thousands of lives so far. She offers services and connections to get the new moms thru their difficulties.

This new law will save many children. Now other States can move forward and emulate it.

BS. Does your friend vomit in place of the pregnant woman? Lose her job? Go through labor? Risk losing blood and/or dying? Get beaten (or killed) by the irritated father? Raise a kid for 18 years? How are YOU planning on compensating the woman? How are YOU planning on raising the child?
That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.
Another one who doesn't mind something stuck his ass as long as it too large. I think an anal probe should be required to buy a gun.

Don't project your homo-erotic fantasies onto me, twinkletoes. It's 2019, you can come out of the closet.
Yes the left will fight any attempt at making an unborn child appear to be human.
Yes the right will fight any attempt to give a baby absolutely nothing unless the parents can afford it.

But hey, so you think women are too stupid to know what being pregnant is? Really?

No what would have stopped that abortion? You assfucks making birth control more readily available through places like Planned Parenthood.
I know a woman who had an abortion. But because she knows now she regrets killing her baby she now owns a woman’s clinic with a name that pretty much implies abortions are done here. She offers a free ultrasound to get things started.

Over 80% of the women will decide to keep the baby after seeing it. She has saved thousands of lives so far. She offers services and connections to get the new moms thru their difficulties.

This new law will save many children. Now other States can move forward and emulate it.

BS. Does your friend vomit in place of the pregnant woman? Lose her job? Go through labor? Risk losing blood and/or dying? Get beaten (or killed) by the irritated father? Raise a kid for 18 years? How are YOU planning on compensating the woman? How are YOU planning on raising the child?
Any other stupid straw men? No one is preventing abortions, Satan girl.

Yes the left will fight any attempt at making an unborn child appear to be human.
Yes the right will fight any attempt to give a baby absolutely nothing unless the parents can afford it.

But hey, so you think women are too stupid to know what being pregnant is? Really?

No what would have stopped that abortion? You assfucks making birth control more readily available through places like Planned Parenthood.
It’s just a lump of tissue.
Yes the left will fight any attempt at making an unborn child appear to be human.
Yes the right will fight any attempt to give a baby absolutely nothing unless the parents can afford it.

But hey, so you think women are too stupid to know what being pregnant is? Really?

No what would have stopped that abortion? You assfucks making birth control more readily available through places like Planned Parenthood.

What is it with this fucking fantasy that birth control ISN'T widely available? Every fucking gas station I've ever set foot in has a rack of rubbers readily available.
I know a woman who had an abortion. But because she knows now she regrets killing her baby she now owns a woman’s clinic with a name that pretty much implies abortions are done here. She offers a free ultrasound to get things started.

Over 80% of the women will decide to keep the baby after seeing it. She has saved thousands of lives so far. She offers services and connections to get the new moms thru their difficulties.

This new law will save many children. Now other States can move forward and emulate it.

BS. Does your friend vomit in place of the pregnant woman? Lose her job? Go through labor? Risk losing blood and/or dying? Get beaten (or killed) by the irritated father? Raise a kid for 18 years? How are YOU planning on compensating the woman? How are YOU planning on raising the child?

It's a child, idiot, not a plague. People have been making and raising babies since forever. If everyone thought like you do none of us would be here.
The ACA ("Obamacare") never forced any medical procedure on anybody, so there is no comparison. It isn't like the ACA forced anyone to have their prostate checked.

That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.

Why should Big Government be involved in what occurs between doctor and patient? When you go to the doctor, you get inspected. Does your doctor include in that inspection something that is physically invasive, something that s/he already knows, then you get billed for it, and this inspection is conducted according to the dictates of a religious cult of which you are not a member?
That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.
Another one who doesn't mind something stuck his ass as long as it too large. I think an anal probe should be required to buy a gun.

And the results should be approved by a representative of every religious faith before that person can buy a gun.
Why should Big Government be involved in what occurs between doctor and patient? When you go to the doctor, you get inspected. Does your doctor include in that inspection something that is physically invasive, something that s/he already knows, then you get billed for it, and this inspection is conducted according to the dictates of a religious cult of which you are not a member?

If I go to my doctor and she agrees to kill you, you don't think government should get involved?

Abortion (infant sacrifice) isn't physician assisted suicide, the victim is a third party with no say in the act. It may please Moloch, but the baby is in for a REAL BAD DAY.
That's not what you said.

You said, and I quote AGAIN:

Key words: MANDATED BY GOVERNMENT. The government MANDATED that I pay for health insurance whether I wanted it or not, and then fined me if I didn't. And your side was just fine with that so piss off, hypocrite.

Your body was invaded how? Were you held down physically and probed?

Are you retarded? Can you not read your own fucking words?

For the THIRD time:
The individual should not be forced to bear to cost of a decision mandated by government.

So you are okay with Big-Government ordered pussy grabbing? Do you really want your genitals inspected by the State, and at a cost to you?

All pregnant women who go to the doctor get "inspected".

Moreover, I sincerely doubt an ultrasound probe is more intrusive than ramming the medical equivalent of a pair of pliers through the cervix to shred your offspring and pull it's dismembered corpse back through the birth canal, so spare me your fake ass virtual signalling.

Why should Big Government be involved in what occurs between doctor and patient? When you go to the doctor, you get inspected. Does your doctor include in that inspection something that is physically invasive, something that s/he already knows, then you get billed for it, and this inspection is conducted according to the dictates of a religious cult of which you are not a member?

What the hell did you think was going to happen when you started inviting Big Government into the medical world? We WARNED you idiots ad-nauseum and you refused to listen. Government is your God and the solution to everything.

Your "God" has spoken and now you're all shocked and shaken that it didn't go the way you planned. Well that's just too fucking bad. You made this bed, now sleep in it.
I know a woman who had an abortion. But because she knows now she regrets killing her baby she now owns a woman’s clinic with a name that pretty much implies abortions are done here. She offers a free ultrasound to get things started.

Over 80% of the women will decide to keep the baby after seeing it. She has saved thousands of lives so far. She offers services and connections to get the new moms thru their difficulties.

This new law will save many children. Now other States can move forward and emulate it.

BS. Does your friend vomit in place of the pregnant woman? Lose her job? Go through labor? Risk losing blood and/or dying? Get beaten (or killed) by the irritated father? Raise a kid for 18 years? How are YOU planning on compensating the woman? How are YOU planning on raising the child?
Any other stupid straw men? No one is preventing abortions, Satan girl.

View attachment 294058

Satan girl? Isn't satan some sort of evil god in your religion? What does your mythology have to do with me or anyone else?
And that's what this is really about: controlling women. Your honesty, though accidental, is refreshing.
It's not about controlling women. It's about saving the lives of the unborn.

Try again.

How does an ultrasound do that? The women know they are pregnant. What does the ultrasound do?
It makes them feel like ungrateful to be pregnant SLUTS for wanting an abortion! But it is not an "undue restriction" of a woman's right to choose even when the fetus is not yet viable. It seems strange, doesn't it?

I don't see how shoving a wand up someone's hooha is going to change their mind about wanting an abortion.

Then wtf are you worried about?

How about a compromise? The same wand gets shoved up the ass of anyone wanting to buy a gun. There is as much logic behind that as a vaginal ultrasound prior to abortion.
It's not about controlling women. It's about saving the lives of the unborn.

Try again.

How does an ultrasound do that? The women know they are pregnant. What does the ultrasound do?
It makes them feel like ungrateful to be pregnant SLUTS for wanting an abortion! But it is not an "undue restriction" of a woman's right to choose even when the fetus is not yet viable. It seems strange, doesn't it?

I don't see how shoving a wand up someone's hooha is going to change their mind about wanting an abortion.

Then wtf are you worried about?

How about a compromise? The same wand gets shoved up the ass of anyone wanting to buy a gun. There is as much logic behind that as a vaginal ultrasound prior to abortion.

Sure, just as soon as buying a gun becomes a medical procedure.

How does an ultrasound do that? The women know they are pregnant. What does the ultrasound do?
It makes them feel like ungrateful to be pregnant SLUTS for wanting an abortion! But it is not an "undue restriction" of a woman's right to choose even when the fetus is not yet viable. It seems strange, doesn't it?

I don't see how shoving a wand up someone's hooha is going to change their mind about wanting an abortion.

Then wtf are you worried about?

How about a compromise? The same wand gets shoved up the ass of anyone wanting to buy a gun. There is as much logic behind that as a vaginal ultrasound prior to abortion.

Sure, just as soon as buying a gun becomes a medical procedure.


Well, what does an entirely unnecessary medical procedure have to do with another medical procedure? I had a D&C performed years ago for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. I wasn't pregnant. Would there be any reason to have another medical procedure done before the D&C was performed? If there is no reason for another pre-op medical procedure, why not require gun buyers to undergo medical procedures before their purchase?
It makes them feel like ungrateful to be pregnant SLUTS for wanting an abortion! But it is not an "undue restriction" of a woman's right to choose even when the fetus is not yet viable. It seems strange, doesn't it?

I don't see how shoving a wand up someone's hooha is going to change their mind about wanting an abortion.

Then wtf are you worried about?

How about a compromise? The same wand gets shoved up the ass of anyone wanting to buy a gun. There is as much logic behind that as a vaginal ultrasound prior to abortion.

Sure, just as soon as buying a gun becomes a medical procedure.


Well, what does an entirely unnecessary medical procedure have to do with another medical procedure? I had a D&C performed years ago for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. I wasn't pregnant. Would there be any reason to have another medical procedure done before the D&C was performed? If there is no reason for another pre-op medical procedure, why not require gun buyers to undergo medical procedures before their purchase?

Why do you keep asking me shit I've already answered? Here, read it again:

What the hell did you think was going to happen when you started inviting Big Government into the medical world? We WARNED you idiots ad-nauseum and you refused to listen. Government is your God and the solution to everything.

Your "God" has spoken and now you're all shocked and shaken that it didn't go the way you planned. Well that's just too fucking bad. You made this bed, now sleep in it.

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