Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

Too late.. Can't tell anymore on the ballots already loaded from Tues to Friday.. The damage is done and can't be undone..

Whatsmore...Democrats have been known to "disappear" ballots immediately after elections.....see Brenda Snipes, Broward County Florida

In fact...this is precisely why Justice Alito orders late be secured.
Because the next step is to make all those fake ballots disappear.
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Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

Too late.. Can't tell anymore on the ballots already loaded from Tues to Friday.. The damage is done and can't be undone..
Each batch of ballots has a time and date stamp from counting... IT will be very easily cut off and a count obtained.
So, what was the vote count at 8:00 election night? Anyone?

I don't know it if it was 8, but I think around 9 or so, Trump was up 10 or 12% in PENN/Michigan.

Check out the official election thread from that day, someone posted that Trump was a massive favourite of -600 after the Blue Wall was looking quite shaky.

Clearly you are not very smart.

What this is in reference to is NEW MAIL-IN VOTES that were received after 8pm on 11/3.

All of the votes that have been counted have been mail in votes that were received prior to 8pm.
Uh, no they weren’t.
Go read the order, why don’t you?
Unfortunately I cannot cut and paste the words from the order, but from the article:

"Justice Sam Alito has issued an Order than any ballots received after after 8 p.m. on election day in PA be segregated and secured – and if counted, counted separately."

Those votes have not been counted yet and they likely are 3,000-4,000 votes.
Oh, yes they have. Quit lying.
How do you know?
Allegations are not evidence in any legal sense.
Allegations must be investigated, dear. And you and everyone else here knows that if this went the other way, you would be screaming bloody murder,
Investigate away but no one has any illusions about the purpose of all these legal challenges.
SCOTUS just knocked down all the democrat lawsuits that extended time to recieve ballots and any ballot not properly postmakred will be thrown out.... The fraud is now going to be out for all to see..
Biden is four million votes ahead and it's stupid close. Quit acting like republicans are the ones getting screwed here.
Your obvioulsy clueless. Every battleground state uses thie dominion software that incorecctly places vote counts.. Every single state using that software will have to be hand counted and verified. This thing is blowing up in your faces...
You do understand that there is such a thing as being laughed out of court? They tell you things and you just buy it but judges are a little more hard-nosed about being bullshitted.
Then why are democrat elections supervisors lawyering up? SCOTUS is now involved and there is nowhere to hide..

Trump is launching legal actions all over the place in the hopes some friendly judge might give him something. You kinda have to lawyer up when the President of the United States is about to use the courts against you. His lawyers have been on the launch pad for a while now. That means all this is a tactic they have planned for. It's not going to work. When even Florida ran a clean election with no real problems you know these people have their ducks in a row.
Breaking News. SCOTUS is already weighing in.

Too late.. Can't tell anymore on the ballots already loaded from Tues to Friday.. The damage is done and can't be undone..
Each batch of ballots has a time and date stamp from counting... IT will be very easily cut off and a count obtained.

As long as the ballots still exist.
If we accept the Democrats have committed election fraud....we must also accept they will be desperate to cover their tracks quickly.
it is again why the Supreme Court has just issued an order to secure the ballots from PA

There are far too many indicators that massive fraud has occurred this election cycle to ignore.
If the Left really believes they are the fair winners.....why are they so adamantly resistant to a recount ?
It is not a clean election if votes postmarked correctly are discarded.

Trump attempted to dismantle the post office prior to an election knowing that there would be huge numbers of mail in ballots due to the epidemic and that his opponent's party was more likely to use the mail in system.

Helloooo? Clean election?

How about malfeasance and corruption?

I have no problem agreeing with that, with the exception that I cannot see it as a clean election either way.

However, to the amazement of some of my friends in the real world, I am having trouble with the idea of disqualifying some votes.
I find it difficult to identify a balance between protecting the Constitutional requirements regarding voting practices ...
While at the same time trying to protect a person exercising their Constitutionally protected right to vote if it was deemed legal to cast at the time it was cast.

It could have been avoided if Chief Justice Roberts had agreed to hear the case brought up prior to the election.
Justice Alito warned him about the consequences of not handling the matter until it would be considered 'after the fact'.

I really don't know and will be interested in seeing what Justice Thomas thinks about everything once the details are revealed.
I'm not saying Justice Thomas is perfect, but that I seem to mesh with his style and ideology, allowing for a greater understanding from his perspective.

I have no problem whatsoever with any ballots found to be fraudulent or unverifiable being throw out.

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The courts have to do the obvious because election officials are incompetant.

Pj Media

BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania on Friday to segregate and secure all votes received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, if those votes are counted, they must be tabulated separately from votes received before the deadline.

“All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the… guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1,” Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the order. The guidance, which was issued by the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, declared that 1) all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified,” Alito said.

The courts have to do the obvious because election officials are incompetant.

Pj Media

BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania on Friday to segregate and secure all votes received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, if those votes are counted, they must be tabulated separately from votes received before the deadline.

“All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the… guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1,” Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the order. The guidance, which was issued by the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, declared that 1) all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified,” Alito said.

So the 3,000-4,000 votes to which this refers will be counted, tallied, and segregated.

Good "win" by Trump.
The courts have to do the obvious because election officials are incompetant.

Pj Media

BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania on Friday to segregate and secure all votes received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, if those votes are counted, they must be tabulated separately from votes received before the deadline.

“All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the… guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1,” Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the order. The guidance, which was issued by the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, declared that 1) all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified,” Alito said.

So the 3,000-4,000 votes to which this refers will be counted, tallied, and segregated.

Good "win" by Trump.
You expect us to believe they spent all that time on 3-4000 votes. Wow.
The courts have to do the obvious because election officials are incompetant.

Pj Media

BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania on Friday to segregate and secure all votes received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, if those votes are counted, they must be tabulated separately from votes received before the deadline.

“All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the… guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1,” Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the order. The guidance, which was issued by the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, declared that 1) all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified,” Alito said.

So the 3,000-4,000 votes to which this refers will be counted, tallied, and segregated.

Good "win" by Trump.

It didn't show any mention of 3-4000 votes in the link, I got these from the link below showing they don't know how many there are:

"On election night, President Trump led in Pennsylvania by 600,000 votes. As the vote-counting progressed, and votes—some of them received after Election Day in violation of state law—continued to roll in, Trump’s lead evaporated. Former Vice President Joe Biden currently leads in Pennsylvania by more than 27,000 votes. It’s not known how many of the votes received after Election Day are included in the official total.

Alito’s order signals that the Court plans to take up the case and will, hopefully, resolve once and for all whether the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was within its rights to essentially change state law (it wasn’t)."

I don't think you read the link.
The courts have to do the obvious because election officials are incompetant.

Pj Media

BREAKING: Justice Alito Orders PA to Segregate Votes Received After 8 P.M. on Election Day


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania on Friday to segregate and secure all votes received after 8 p.m. on Election Day. In addition, if those votes are counted, they must be tabulated separately from votes received before the deadline.

“All county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the… guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1,” Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the order. The guidance, which was issued by the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, declared that 1) all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,” and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, be counted separately.

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified,” Alito said.

So the 3,000-4,000 votes to which this refers will be counted, tallied, and segregated.

Good "win" by Trump.
You expect us to believe they spent all that time on 3-4000 votes. Wow.
They have been counting the millions of mail-in votes that were received prior to 8pm on 11/3.

There is nothing in the quoted ruling that refers to these votes. In fact the mail-in votes that were received up to 8pm were not allowed to be counted until after the election day votes were counted.

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