Screaming Banned On Rollercoasters In California

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Alright slaves....there will be no more screaming on the roller-coaster, or else there will be more lock downs.

No more singing at more shouting at football games in the stadium or at home....and no more screaming on rides....or the socialists will shut your business down.

But feel free to have a great time in this transformative period in America.

Do you right wingers have ANYTHING? I mean, anything beyond the latest daily "outrage" that spread like wildfires amongst the right wing and alt-right media outlets.
No new policy ideas, no tendency toward compromise?..Nope, just cultural and outrage wedge issues. Sad.

Oh yeah, from your article. Says nothing about banning screaming on rides. Good luck with imposing that rule. Looks like they've already covered the bases with mask requirements. That will take care of the "limiting".
Scream away. :)

“Face covering usage and/or modifications to seat loading patterns will be required on amusement park rides to mitigate the effects of shouting,” CAPA wrote in its responsible reopening plan. “Additionally, on rides, guests generally face in one direction.”

You Nazis are fucking insane, you DO grasp that, right?

{ they will likely have to take steps to ensure that screaming on rides doesn’t lead to the spread of COVID-19. }
They have been closed since March of 2020. Under the guidelines, they will be allowed to reopen at 15% capacity, but with in-state visitors only.

Visitors are limited to groups of no more than 10 and from no more than three households. No indoor dining is allowed and tickets must be purchased online in advance.

Good lord! At what point are the sheep going to tell these control freaks to go fuck themselves?
This is the Democrat/Communist version of East Germany.

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