Screw reaching across the aisle . The GOP must be punished !

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Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
Come and get us, fags.
Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Garland was 100% qualified and nominated by the President to an open SC seat. Republican Senate simply refused to do their job in the confirmation, thus abusing the process.

That is absolutely stealing.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I say, lets see how they play. Even then, it will be up to the states to take out their trash, if necessary. I don't even care if they punish Donnie, if he will leave quietly. If not, prosecute and put him in with the sodomites.
And if the Republicans retake the House, Biden can go live with some folks that don't like pedophiles, since the Democrats were caught cheating in thousands (if not MILLIONS) of instances, right???
Get back to me when they are caught cheating. Otherwise, you are just squishing your sour grapes and whining wistfully. Not very adult of you and other trump supporters but not unexpected. Party in power usually loses seats in the House of Representative in the mid-term. Will not surprise anybody. I am really more interested in watching how the Senate plays out in Georgia. Hard to believe the Senate comes down to that one state. I enjoyed the Presidential election. Georgia Senate run off ought to be fun also.
Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Garland was 100% qualified and nominated by the President to an open SC seat. Republican Senate simply refused to do their job in the confirmation, thus abusing the process.

That is absolutely stealing.
How is that "abusing the process?" Does the Constitution say the Senate shall approve the President's choice?
Now now, I think we should take a the high road instead of escalating chase to the bottom...right after we get the Senate and put Garland+1 on the court.

6-5 conservative SC majority, seems at least close to balanced. :up:
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I say, lets see how they play. Even then, it will be up to the states to take out their trash, if necessary. I don't even care if they punish Donnie, if he will leave quietly. If not, prosecute and put him in with the sodomites.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Silly Timmy, you snowflake leftards wailed, whined, bitched and moaned, you spread lies and pitched tantrums. I would reach across halfway to "meet you" unless it was in a swamp and you were sinking in quicksand. I would toss you an anvil though....

Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I'm with you timmy Republicans are like wolves You cant be nice to wolves
Personally, I'm waiting for the civil war that the Democrats have been threatening if the media's "results" are overturned...

I'll even leave the light on for Timmy, where he's not afraid of the dark...
Now now, I think we should take a the high road instead of escalating chase to the bottom...right after we get the Senate and put Garland+1 on the court.

6-5 conservative SC majority, seems at least close to balanced. :up:
Sorry, but you actually have to have an opening first!!!!

Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.
Harry Reid fucked up..

Paybacks a bitch, just remember it.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
Thank you! At least you are honest about your feelings. While I don't agree with your sentiment, it sure beats having someone smile into your face while stabbing you in the back.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Whose gonna do the punishing? The GOP police you defunded?
Oh we will send the cops to go take your guns . We will see how much you “back the blue “ then!
Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Garland was 100% qualified and nominated by the President to an open SC seat. Republican Senate simply refused to do their job in the confirmation, thus abusing the process.

That is absolutely stealing.
How is that "abusing the process?" Does the Constitution say the Senate shall approve the President's choice?

Sorry. Mitch set the standard here. There was no hearing. No vote for Garland.
Yep. That's abusing the process. Something I hope comes back to chew Mitch's wrinkled baby boomer ass off...shortly. :)
Teacup poodle

What self-respecting person would ever call that fluffy piece of crap a dog?
See the difference ...


Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
Good luck with that. Have fun storming the castle. It's kind of funny that you think the democrats scored big enough this year to actually do anything.
Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Garland was 100% qualified and nominated by the President to an open SC seat. Republican Senate simply refused to do their job in the confirmation, thus abusing the process.

That is absolutely stealing.
That's called politics...

In the immortal words of the Magical Muslim Faggot, "Elections have consequences"...

Or as Hapless Harry Reid put it, "Well, it worked, didn't it???" :auiqs.jpg:
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