Screw reaching across the aisle . The GOP must be punished !

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Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Whose gonna do the punishing? The GOP police you defunded?
Oh we will send the cops to go take your guns . We will see how much you “back the blue “ then!
What cops you guys defunded them.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I agree. I think you should continue to act like arrogant jack asses, Timmy. That will teach them.

the Dems can’t wuss out. After that bs with ramming the Supreme Court seat through, the gloves are off!
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I'm with you timmy Republicans are like wolves You cant be nice to wolves
Look out! There's one right behind you! Now change your drawers and get back to work.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I agree. I think you should continue to act like arrogant jack asses, Timmy. That will teach them.

the Dems can’t wuss out. After that bs with ramming the Supreme Court seat through, the gloves are off!
Cite the supreme court cases you disagree with?
Now now, I think we should take a the high road instead of escalating chase to the bottom...right after we get the Senate and put Garland+1 on the court.

6-5 conservative SC majority, seems at least close to balanced. :up:
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I say, lets see how they play. Even then, it will be up to the states to take out their trash, if necessary. I don't even care if they punish Donnie, if he will leave quietly. If not, prosecute and put him in with the sodomites.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Silly Timmy, you snowflake leftards wailed, whined, bitched and moaned, you spread lies and pitched tantrums. I would reach across halfway to "meet you" unless it was in a swamp and you were sinking in quicksand. I would toss you an anvil though....


what lies ? Name one . Put up or shut up.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.
I agree. I think you should continue to act like arrogant jack asses, Timmy. That will teach them.

the Dems can’t wuss out. After that bs with ramming the Supreme Court seat through, the gloves are off!

Oh, I agree.
Wrong. Court size is not set in Constitution. A majority vote with President's signature is all that is required to change it.

Republicans stole Garland's seat, thats not something Democrats will simply let go.

You cannot steal something from someone who never had it to start with ... :thup:

Garland was 100% qualified and nominated by the President to an open SC seat. Republican Senate simply refused to do their job in the confirmation, thus abusing the process.

That is absolutely stealing.
How is that "abusing the process?" Does the Constitution say the Senate shall approve the President's choice?

Sorry. Mitch set the standard here. There was no hearing. No vote for Garland.
Yep. That's abusing the process. Something I hope comes back to chew Mitch's wrinkled baby boomer ass off...shortly. :)
Nope. Those are the rules of the Senate.
Come Jan. 20, Donald Trump will not be president. In the coming weeks, there will be plenty of opportunities to think about what lies ahead, but for now, we want to bid farewell to the Trump officials and family members who have made the past four years so difficult for so many people. We know they’re not just going to go away, but their power is dwindling, and soon they will not matter. Goodbye!

Goodbye, Ivanka

Goodbye, Jared

Goodbye, Donald Trump Jr.

Goodbye, Stephen Miller

Goodbye, Betsy DeVos

Goodbye, Kayleigh McEnany (and Sarah Sanders and Sean Spicer)

Goodbye, Melania

Goodbye, Mike Pence

Goodbye, Bill Barr

Goodbye, Rudy Giuliani

Goodbye, Andrew Wheeler

Goodbye, Chad Wolf

Goodbye, Mike Pompeo

Goodbye, Hope Hicks

Goodbye, Anonymous Republican Source

Goodbye, Steve Mnuchin

Alex Wong/Getty Images
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Without the senate, sonny boi, you ain't gonna do shit.

We took seats in the house.

Upped one governorship

Flipped at least two legislatures.

Made gains in several others.

IOW: You come try and punish us. If we don't kill you, you'll crawl back to your hole with your tail between your legs.
Come Jan. 20, Donald Trump will not be president. In the coming weeks, there will be plenty of opportunities to think about what lies ahead, but for now, we want to bid farewell to the Trump officials and family members who have made the past four years so difficult for so many people. We know they’re not just going to go away, but their power is dwindling, and soon they will not matter. Goodbye!

Goodbye, Ivanka

Goodbye, Jared

Goodbye, Donald Trump Jr.

Goodbye, Stephen Miller

Goodbye, Betsy DeVos

Goodbye, Kayleigh McEnany (and Sarah Sanders and Sean Spicer)

Goodbye, Melania

Goodbye, Mike Pence

Goodbye, Bill Barr

Goodbye, Rudy Giuliani

Goodbye, Andrew Wheeler

Goodbye, Chad Wolf

Goodbye, Mike Pompeo

Goodbye, Hope Hicks

Goodbye, Anonymous Republican Source

Goodbye, Steve Mnuchin

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Really love the projection Eddie, you fat fuck.

It's you that have made things tough.

Hope you didn't like the next year, you won't find his ass. He'll be so humiliated he'll be living in northern Finland.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Whose gonna do the punishing? The GOP police you defunded?
Oh we will send the cops to go take your guns . We will see how much you “back the blue “ then!
We? Who's we? I assume you meant "he".

In any case, it's not going to happen. Do you really think the local police, whom the democrats have berated, and called to be dissolved and defended are going to follow an unconstitutional order from a liberal president?

Likely not going to happen. Now, biden and the congress can make new restrictions on guns, but a door to door gun grab just isn't going to happen.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Without the senate, sonny boi, you ain't gonna do shit.

We took seats in the house.

Upped one governorship

Flipped at least two legislatures.

Made gains in several others.

IOW: You come try and punish us. If we don't kill you, you'll crawl back to your hole with your tail between your legs.

the senate ? Feh! Just bang out executive orders . Who needs congress ? The precedent has been set.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Without the senate, sonny boi, you ain't gonna do shit.

We took seats in the house.

Upped one governorship

Flipped at least two legislatures.

Made gains in several others.

IOW: You come try and punish us. If we don't kill you, you'll crawl back to your hole with your tail between your legs.

the senate ? Feh! Just bang out executive orders . Who needs congress ? The precedent has been set.

We own the SCOTUS.

Your EO's won't be good for anything expect wiping your ass.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Whose gonna do the punishing? The GOP police you defunded?
Oh we will send the cops to go take your guns . We will see how much you “back the blue “ then!
We? Who's we? I assume you meant "he".

In any case, it's not going to happen. Do you really think the local police, whom the democrats have berated, and called to be dissolved and defended are going to follow an unconstitutional order from a liberal president?

Likely not going to happen. Now, biden and the congress can make new restrictions on guns, but a door to door gun grab just isn't going to happen.

1. It’s not unconstitutional.
2. Those meathead jackboots will do what they are told . They are experts at violating rights .
Pee in my pool?
“He Kowtowed to Vladimir Putin. He cozied up to Kim Jong Un. He alienated us from our allies. He put children in cages. He villainized the press, hid his tax returns. He tear-gassed peaceful protestors. He pardoned his criminal buddies. He extorted Ukraine. He misled us about COVID. He dismantled the Pandemic Response Team. He dismantled healthcare. He called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.’ He hired a never-ending parade of imbeciles. He lied, lied, lied, and lied, and then he lied some more.”

“He is a liar and a cheat who wants them to stop counting thousands of legitimate votes—and almost half us are apparently okay with that,” Kimmel concluded, citing Trump’s attempts to falsely contest the election. “Half of us want it to keep going for four more years.”

Kimmel said it wasn’t even about voting for Biden so much as denouncing Trump. “I don’t care what you think of Joe Biden,” he added. “If Joe Biden stopped by my house every morning to key my car and pee in my pool, there still would be no question which one of them I’d vote for. None.”
Garland was nominated by the President and Congress simply refused to do their job in the confirmation process. That is absolutely stealing.

There's nothing Unconstitutional about that, which is why Garland was never confirmed.
Garland never had the seat in the first place ... :thup:

You want to play that game? No problem, because there is "nothing Unconstitutional about" Democrats refusing Republican nominees hearings and increasing the court size as soon as they have full majority.

Game on.
Why play nice with those jackasses . They played dirty under Trump and such behavior can not go unpunished . Moscow Mitch and the other scum only cared about the ends justifying the means. To let that slide would send a bad message.

Without the senate, sonny boi, you ain't gonna do shit.

We took seats in the house.

Upped one governorship

Flipped at least two legislatures.

Made gains in several others.

IOW: You come try and punish us. If we don't kill you, you'll crawl back to your hole with your tail between your legs.

the senate ? Feh! Just bang out executive orders . Who needs congress ? The precedent has been set.
I know...obama shouldn't have done that!
Come Jan. 20, Donald Trump will not be president. In the coming weeks, there will be plenty of opportunities to think about what lies ahead, but for now, we want to bid farewell to the Trump officials and family members who have made the past four years so difficult for so many people. We know they’re not just going to go away, but their power is dwindling, and soon they will not matter. Goodbye!

Goodbye, Ivanka

Goodbye, Jared

Goodbye, Donald Trump Jr.

Goodbye, Stephen Miller

Goodbye, Betsy DeVos

Goodbye, Kayleigh McEnany (and Sarah Sanders and Sean Spicer)

Goodbye, Melania

Goodbye, Mike Pence

Goodbye, Bill Barr

Goodbye, Rudy Giuliani

Goodbye, Andrew Wheeler

Goodbye, Chad Wolf

Goodbye, Mike Pompeo

Goodbye, Hope Hicks

Goodbye, Anonymous Republican Source

Goodbye, Steve Mnuchin

Alex Wong/Getty Images
Free crack!
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