Screwed Up Messaging #001 - Climate Change morons interrupt tennis match


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
I don't understand how this herd of cretins thinks it is doing the environmental movement any favors:

People didn't pay to see them. They paid to see the match.

Just who do these jerks think they are ?

They ARE NOT doing their messaging any favors with these kind of stunts.

One article said they claimed they were bloodied in their removal.

Not feeling sorry at all.
I don't understand how this herd of cretins thinks it is doing the environmental movement any favors:
Probably the same way as protestors against the war in Vietnam, protestors supporting civil rights for oppressed minorities, protestors demanding the recognition of the Armenian genocide, protestors calling attention to death and starvation in Bangla Desh, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burma, Puerto Rico and depressingly too many other places to name. They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press. I believe the general approach is to say, in effect, "you shouldn't be out here relaxing, enjoying yourself and having fun when the world needs to be tended to. The attacks on famous artworks was supposed to communicate that the Earth is much more precious than these paintings.

I'm not crazy about it. I don't want to see artworks damaged and this obviously is going to make a lot of people angry with them even if they had originally been sympathetic to their cause. But, so far, they haven't actually damaged any irreplaceable art and I don't count a few minutes delay in a tennis match to be worth much. You'd wait that long for a Gatorade commercial.

People didn't pay to see them. They paid to see the match.
You paid for a seat at a certain place at a certain time. The universe was responsible for what you saw while you were there and it doesn't really give a rat's ass what your ticket cost. And no one missed a single swing or volley, did they.
Just who do these jerks think they are?
That comment is beneath you. They are humans with human rights.
They ARE NOT doing their messaging any favors with these kind of stunts.
That seems to be your favorite - really your only - line around here. You should review the work of poster skookerasbil. He's spent his many years here trying to make the same sort of point.
One article said they claimed they were bloodied in their removal.
I am not surprised. I am amazed those throwing paint on the Mona Lisa and so forth haven't been dragged out and beaten by the crowds.
Not feeling sorry at all.
Why would you? Did you injure one of them? Say what you mean. You obviously enjoyed hearing that they'd been injured.
Probably the same way as protestors against the war in Vietnam, protestors supporting civil rights for oppressed minorities, protestors demanding the recognition of the Armenian genocide, protestors calling attention to death and starvation in Bangla Desh, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burma, Puerto Rico and depressingly too many other places to name. They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press. I believe the general approach is to say, in effect, "you shouldn't be out here relaxing, enjoying yourself and having fun when the world needs to be tended to. The attacks on famous artworks was supposed to communicate that the Earth is much more precious than these paintings.

I'm not crazy about it. I don't want to see artworks damaged and this obviously is going to make a lot of people angry with them even if they had originally been sympathetic to their cause. But, so far, they haven't actually damaged any irreplaceable art and I don't count a few minutes delay in a tennis match to be worth much. You'd wait that long for a Gatorade commercial.

You paid for a seat at a certain place at a certain time. The universe was responsible for what you saw while you were there and it doesn't really give a rat's ass what your ticket cost. And no one missed a single swing or volley, did they.

That comment is beneath you. They are humans with human rights.

That seems to be your favorite - really your only - line around here. You should review the work of poster skookerasbil. He's spent his many years here trying to make the same sort of point.

I am not surprised. I am amazed those throwing paint on the Mona Lisa and so forth haven't been dragged out and beaten by the crowds.

Why would you? Did you injure one of them? Say what you mean. You obviously enjoyed hearing that they'd been injured.

They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press.

Well, they are morons.
Everybody knows about climate change.


Even the really ignorant motherfuckers I bump into.

It's just opinions that vary. Spreading awareness about climate change is like spreading awareness about the moon. All they're accomplishing is being irritating.
Probably the same way as protestors against the war in Vietnam, protestors supporting civil rights for oppressed minorities, protestors demanding the recognition of the Armenian genocide, protestors calling attention to death and starvation in Bangla Desh, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burma, Puerto Rico and depressingly too many other places to name. They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press. I believe the general approach is to say, in effect, "you shouldn't be out here relaxing, enjoying yourself and having fun when the world needs to be tended to. The attacks on famous artworks was supposed to communicate that the Earth is much more precious than these paintings.

I'm not crazy about it. I don't want to see artworks damaged and this obviously is going to make a lot of people angry with them even if they had originally been sympathetic to their cause. But, so far, they haven't actually damaged any irreplaceable art and I don't count a few minutes delay in a tennis match to be worth much. You'd wait that long for a Gatorade commercial.

You paid for a seat at a certain place at a certain time. The universe was responsible for what you saw while you were there and it doesn't really give a rat's ass what your ticket cost. And no one missed a single swing or volley, did they.

That comment is beneath you. They are humans with human rights.

That seems to be your favorite - really your only - line around here. You should review the work of poster skookerasbil. He's spent his many years here trying to make the same sort of point.

I am not surprised. I am amazed those throwing paint on the Mona Lisa and so forth haven't been dragged out and beaten by the crowds.

Why would you? Did you injure one of them? Say what you mean. You obviously enjoyed hearing that they'd been injured.
I hope they keep doing it. They are doing an even worse job than you are at recruiting supporters for their cause.
You'd wait that long for a Gatorade commercial.

You seem pretty dense in this regard.

Nobody listens to you (as evidenced by the fact that nothing of substance is happening). If you want to change that, you need to put in your time and develop influence.

Interupting a sporting event puts you in league with "moonies" and the KKK.
They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press.

Well, they are morons.
They are Morons only for putting themselves on the front line and in the line of fire . Smart people use others to do silly things on their behalf . But like Cult Christians they have belief in their faith and behavng stupidly does not equate to being a moron .
That doesn't explain why you weren't sorry they'd been injured.

Yes, and you focus on what you need to in order to not address the fact that these people only put the climate change debate in the same class as flat earther stuff because of your poor representation of the message.
Now we have them interrupting a cycling event.

The world is all about what they want it to be about.

The elite men’s road race at the UCI World Championships in Glasgow was suspended for almost an hour on Sunday morning after climate activists glued themselves to the road in a “utterly nonsensical” act.

Organisers stopped the 271.1km race from Edinburgh to Glasgow after protesters disrupted the event in the Carron Valley area, around 80km into the route.

This Is Rigged, a climate pressure group that is calling on the Scottish Government to oppose all new oil and gas licensing, claimed responsibility for the protest as one of the biggest races in professional cycling was brought to a halt for 50 minutes.


It's unfortunate that the essence of the discussion, as so often happens, is lost or forgotten because of the poor behaviour of people.

Folks are going to jail for supposedly ginning up people on Jan 6th.

Is the hyperbolic media (Phoenix is an oven.....which is tripe) going to get the same treatment for spinning people up to do things like this ?
They are Morons only for putting themselves on the front line and in the line of fire . Smart people use others to do silly things on their behalf . But like Cult Christians they have belief in their faith and behavng stupidly does not equate to being a moron .

You don't influence what is literally a global policy by behaving like this.

It's been this way for years.

A group against logging used to put spikes in trees that would potentially break the chains on the saws of loggers. The problem being that a broken chain is a real danger to a logger. So they were viewed as terrorists.

What they were trying to do was to call attention to the destruction of old growth forrests. Something that was a very legitimate.....but they irritated those who were trying to take reasonable approaches and gave the logging industry a sympathetic look by making them look like victims.

Simply amazing.
That doesn't explain why you weren't sorry they'd been injured.

I said they claimed they were injured. Who knows what that means. And given their propensity to push an agenda I doubt anyone trusts their claims. If they were truly injured, we'd need to know why.

As to why I am not sorry if it really did happen is really not any of your business.
I said they claimed they were injured.
You weren't "not sorry" because they made a claim.
Who knows what that means.
I think everyone has some idea what that means. They were either injured in the process or they're lying.
And given their propensity to push an agenda I doubt anyone trusts their claims.
"Propensity to push an agenda"? Is that something like "principled" or "committed" or "devoted" or "dedicated" or" sincere"?
If they were truly injured, we'd need to know why.
The standard line would be that they failed to cooperate with authorities or that they resisted unduly.
As to why I am not sorry if it really did happen is really not any of your business.
Then you shouldn't have publicly announced it.
"Propensity to push an agenda"? Is that something like "principled" or "committed" or "devoted" or "dedicated" or" sincere"?

Please let me know it's O.K to interup your wedding with a protest over something unrelated.

I'll be happy to organize it.

Only I'd never do it.

Principled ? ==> Yes....they can do what they want when they want where they want regardless of civility.

Committed ? ==> If not, the selfish bastards should be. I hope they do jail time.

Devoted ? ==> To themselves. Could care less about anyone else.

Dedicated ? ==> To ruining the message. Must be. They are doing a hell of a job.

Sincere ? ==> If I beat the hell out of one of them for pushing themselves into my life, am I sincere too ?

Why don't you turn over a bar stool and sit on it.

Nobody needs the kind of pompous B.S. that this movement seems so willing to demonstrate.

Their message lost......period.

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