Screwed Up Messaging #001 - Climate Change morons interrupt tennis match

Who are you to say that? You people are like Nazis.

It is pretty amazing, isn't it.

Tammy Bruce wrote a book called The Thought Police. I thought it was hyperbolic. Turns out to be closer to the truth than I would have ever imagined possible.

Crick seems to be like the rest of the left-wing agenda. Ala Al Gore, I'll tell you what's better for you because I know better than you what's better for you. And you should just accept it and do as I say. Morons.
You weren't "not sorry" because they made a claim.

I think everyone has some idea what that means. They were either injured in the process or they're lying.

"Propensity to push an agenda"? Is that something like "principled" or "committed" or "devoted" or "dedicated" or" sincere"?

The standard line would be that they failed to cooperate with authorities or that they resisted unduly.

Then you shouldn't have publicly announced it.

Why don't you shove the sermon and get back onto the topic of the OP.

These people are fouling the message of climate change with their stupid terrorist antics.

If you feel differently, feel free to say so.
Everybody knows about climate change.


Even the really ignorant motherfuckers I bump into.

It's just opinions that vary. Spreading awareness about climate change is like spreading awareness about the moon. All they're accomplishing is being irritating.

Not everyone feels the same way about it (and especially what is causing it). Apparently, you are not going to get to have the opinion without having your life interrupted.

Might be time to answer some questions in advance because, once again the spoiled brats in our society are going to be "heard" if we like it or not.
You seem pretty dense in this regard.
"This regard" being interrupted tennis matches? Jeez Louise, you've caught me out.
Nobody listens to you (as evidenced by the fact that nothing of substance is happening).
You think that's good evidence? If every poster here took my output as the Word of God, what discernible difference would it make to the planet as a whole? There might be one additional EV and one vote cast in the proper direction.
If you want to change that, you need to put in your time and develop influence.
I've got a better idea. I'll just keep telling the truth.
Interupting a sporting event puts you in league with "moonies" and the KKK.
I didn't interrupt a sporting event. And I have to say I've never seen a moonie or the KKK do anything like these oil protestors. I don't get that analogy at all.
Why don't you shove the sermon and get back onto the topic of the OP.
The topic of this thread is a sermon. It's just your sermon.
These people are fouling the message of climate change with their stupid terrorist antics.
What do you care?
If you feel differently, feel free to say so.
I don't know what effect they're having. I suspect, like most people, that they are pissing people off. I also suspect that they knew full well that would be how most people would react. Whether or not that does any good in getting CO2 emissions down is anybody's guess.
It is pretty amazing, isn't it.

Tammy Bruce wrote a book called The Thought Police. I thought it was hyperbolic. Turns out to be closer to the truth than I would have ever imagined possible.

Crick seems to be like the rest of the left-wing agenda. Ala Al Gore, I'll tell you what's better for you because I know better than you what's better for you. And you should just accept it and do as I say. Morons.

They be like... let's bitch about it to these guys on USMB so we can change the world, all while ignoring that the rest of the world is adding 1 billion tons of CO2 emissions each and every year. Talk about impotent. No wonder why these guys are so angry.
Crick seems to be like the rest of the left-wing agenda. Ala Al Gore, I'll tell you what's better for you because I know better than you what's better for you. And you should just accept it and do as I say. Morons.
Now THAT'S some good messaging!!!
Now THAT'S some good messaging!!!

Except I am not doing it by interrupting people's expectations, especially in special situations.

So, have a good day.

For someone who is so caught up in "science" and "reason" you seem pretty clueless when it comes to getting things done.
Except I am not doing it by interrupting people's expectations, especially in special situations.
Life interrupts people's expectations. If you want to get on the case of the oil protestors (and I wouldn't stand in your way) I'd address them putting priceless and irreplaceable masterworks at risk, not annoying/entertaining a crowd of tennis weenies for thirty seconds or so.
So, have a good day.
You too, moron.
For someone who is so caught up in "science" and "reason" you seem pretty clueless when it comes to getting things done.
For someone so caught up in "getting things done" you seem awfully weak in science and reason. See the connection? I thought not.
For someone so caught up in "getting things done" you seem awfully weak in science and reason. See the connection? I thought not.
In the time it took for you to write your snarky comment, the world added another 317 tons of CO2 emissions. So what exactly is it that you believe you are getting done?
I don't understand how this herd of cretins thinks it is doing the environmental movement any favors:

People didn't pay to see them. They paid to see the match.

Just who do these jerks think they are ?

They ARE NOT doing their messaging any favors with these kind of stunts.

One article said they claimed they were bloodied in their removal.

Not feeling sorry at all.
Environmental Wackos are always assholes.
If you want to get on the case of the oil protestors (and I wouldn't stand in your way) I'd address them putting priceless and irreplaceable masterworks at risk, not annoying/entertaining a crowd of tennis weenies for thirty seconds or so.

This whole point is so far over your head, you'd need a telecsope to find it.

I am not so ticked at them interrupting a tennis match as I am at them pissing off the people who came to see the match. Those tennis weenies are needed by them if they hope to advance their message to a point of some kind of action. If I am in the movement, I am going to look at this unfavorably. Really unfavorably. I know plenty of gay people who don't see Gay Pride parades as being helpful to the advancement of their assimilation into society.

Think about it.
For someone so caught up in "getting things done" you seem awfully weak in science and reason. See the connection? I thought not.

I am plenty grounded in science and reason. With better than 35 years in the process industries, I have seen plenty of crappy decisions that were arrived at because of optics and politics. I've seen the same thing in the political world.

People are not going to just naturally arrive at a "the climate is warming" POV on their own. And if they percieve the pro-warmers as've lost them.

So I've learned how to get things done in the technical world understanding that it is often the non-technical (or even the non-financial) that runs the show.

Why don't you tell me how successful the pro-warming clique has been at getting things done. I'd love to hear it because from where I sit, it's full speed ahead on pushing more CO2 into the atmosphere.

Maybe it'll be the clucks in your orgnaizations that will be branded as criminals for doing such a lousy job.
In the time it took for you to write your snarky comment, the world added another 317 tons of CO2 emissions. So what exactly is it that you believe you are getting done?
Environmental Wackos are always assholes.

But not every everyone who believes in AGW is a whacko.

Some look at what has been presented to them and land on the side of AGW. I am totally O.K with that.

I might be there myself.

But this kind of stupidity just clouds things.
But not every everyone who believes in AGW is a whacko.

Some look at what has been presented to them and land on the side of AGW. I am totally O.K with that.

I might be there myself.

But this kind of stupidity just clouds things.
I've never argued against a GHG effect. It's their silly feedbacks that predict runaway warming that I object to. Plus I think the planet being warmer in the middle of an ice age when the vast majority of the past 1 million years has been extremely cold isn't necessarily a bad thing.
But not every everyone who believes in AGW is a whacko.

Some look at what has been presented to them and land on the side of AGW. I am totally O.K with that.

I might be there myself.

But this kind of stupidity just clouds things.
The problem is that it is a scam. There have been far too many revelations about fraudulent and cherry picked data for the scammers to be credible.

There is no doubt we have natural climate change. It has been going on since the beginning of the earth. However, the fact that humans are contributing a significant amount to that is simply not supported by any real science. All they have is a substantial record of fraudulent data, silly correlations that have no validity and a whole bunch of Wacko funded shit in shit out computer models. The proxy projections that the scammers make is voodoo science at best.

That silly meme that I posted earlier with the women's panties is acutally an accurate depiction of the level of real evidence the scammers use to claim climate change is man made.

If Human caused climate change was a fact there would be no need for all the lying about the data that goes back decades now. We catch them at it all the time but the Environmental Wackos just ignore the corruption.

As an Environmental Engineer has three decades worth of experience cleaning up real man made pollution I would have no problem in accepting a fact of AGW. However, having spent quite a bit of time looking at the real facts (because I know how to evaluate data and I taught it in college) there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that AGW is a scam that is not supported by any degree of credible science. Natural climate change yes but no significant Human contribution to it. We can sure has hell pollute the land the land and water but have yet to change the climate.
This whole point is so far over your head, you'd need a telecsope [sic] to find it.
Glad to see you're still staying as far away from ad hominem as possible.
I am not so ticked at them interrupting a tennis match as I am at them pissing off the people who came to see the match.
You don't seem to accept or care about AGW theory so why should you be bothered that they are practicing what you regard as an ineffective or even counterproductive strategy?
Those tennis weenies are needed by them if they hope to advance their message to a point of some kind of action. If I am in the movement, I am going to look at this unfavorably. Really unfavorably.
Well, I am "in the movement". I don't care for their tactics but I regard their vandalism of irreplaceable art far more seriously. Of course, I've never watched a single tennis match since Billie Jean King met Bobby Riggs, while it seems you might be a fan of the sport
I know plenty of gay people who don't see Gay Pride parades as being helpful to the advancement of their assimilation into society.
The world is full of opinions.
Think about it.
About what?
I am plenty grounded in science and reason.
You might be, but I've seen no evidence of it here.
With better than 35 years in the process industries
Pray tell, what does that mean? You're a retired assembly line worker?
I have seen plenty of crappy decisions that were arrived at because of optics and politics. I've seen the same thing in the political world.
We have all seen such things, though all our cognitive dissonance leads us to note different instances.
People are not going to just naturally arrive at a "the climate is warming" POV on their own.
Those with any interest in the natural sciences or concern about life on Earth and the environment that supports it will.
And if they percieve [sic] the pro-warmers as've lost them.
There are whack jobs at every locus on the spectrum but the origin and reference source for global warming information are the world's climate scientists, who aren't throwing paint at van Gogh's, gluing themselves to the tarmac or interrupting your precious tennis matches. And I have to ask again, given YOUR apparent lack of concern about AGW, why it should bother you in the least. And let me be clear that when I ask why it should bother you, I'm actually asking you to better identify your position on the core issues in this debate. You seem to want to hover on the fringes pinging one side (and one side only) for their messaging and saying nothing that either side might actually find offensive.
So I've learned how to get things done in the technical world understanding that it is often the non-technical (or even the non-financial) that runs the show.
Have you ever worked in marketing? Public relations? Social media? Communications? What sort of work have you done that gives you the expertise these oil protestors seem to lack?
Why don't you tell me how successful the pro-warming clique has been at getting things done.
I can't tell who you mean by "pro-warming clique".
I'd love to hear it because from where I sit, it's full speed ahead on pushing more CO2 into the atmosphere.
Then you must be sitting behind a column


Maybe it'll be the clucks in your orgnaizations [sic] that will be branded as criminals for doing such a lousy job.
It's the winning side that writes the history.

How about telling us what you think of the PR job the fossil fuel industry has put up in the argument?
Probably the same way as protestors against the war in Vietnam, protestors supporting civil rights for oppressed minorities, protestors demanding the recognition of the Armenian genocide, protestors calling attention to death and starvation in Bangla Desh, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Burma, Puerto Rico and depressingly too many other places to name. They are seeking publicity for their cause because they believe there is no such thing as bad press. I believe the general approach is to say, in effect, "you shouldn't be out here relaxing, enjoying yourself and having fun when the world needs to be tended to. The attacks on famous artworks was supposed to communicate that the Earth is much more precious than these paintings.

I'm not crazy about it. I don't want to see artworks damaged and this obviously is going to make a lot of people angry with them even if they had originally been sympathetic to their cause. But, so far, they haven't actually damaged any irreplaceable art and I don't count a few minutes delay in a tennis match to be worth much. You'd wait that long for a Gatorade commercial.

You paid for a seat at a certain place at a certain time. The universe was responsible for what you saw while you were there and it doesn't really give a rat's ass what your ticket cost. And no one missed a single swing or volley, did they.

That comment is beneath you. They are humans with human rights.

That seems to be your favorite - really your only - line around here. You should review the work of poster skookerasbil. He's spent his many years here trying to make the same sort of point.

I am not surprised. I am amazed those throwing paint on the Mona Lisa and so forth haven't been dragged out and beaten by the crowds.

Why would you? Did you injure one of them? Say what you mean. You obviously enjoyed hearing that they'd been injured.

Lumping these idiots with most of the ones you reference insults those protesters.
you shouldn't be out here relaxing, enjoying yourself and having fun when the world needs to be tended to.

You tend to The Earth if you like.

I'm going to relax and enjoy myself.

Let's see who has the better time.

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