Screwed Up Messaging #001 - Climate Change morons interrupt tennis match

I've never argued against a GHG effect. It's their silly feedbacks that predict runaway warming that I object to. Plus I think the planet being warmer in the middle of an ice age when the vast majority of the past 1 million years has been extremely cold isn't necessarily a bad thing.

On and off again, I try to digest the technical claims on both sides.

My problem is that I am not sure it matters. NOBODY is cutting back.
Glad to see you're still staying as far away from ad hominem as possible.

If the shoe fits, wear it......

You don't seem to accept or care about AGW theory

Everyone has an opinion.

Of course, I've never watched a single tennis match since Billie Jean King met Bobby Riggs, while it seems you might be a fan of the sport

You are going to need a bigger telescope.

The world is full of opinions.

Not at all germane to my comment. But you keep typing without really reading.

You might be, but I've seen no evidence of it here.

I guess that makes us even.

Pray tell, what does that mean? You're a retired assembly line worker?

I was going to answer the first question, until I saw the second. Shove it.

We have all seen such things, though all our cognitive dissonance leads us to note different instances.

Make that an even bigger one, you might need to find an observatory.

Have you ever worked in marketing? Public relations? Social media? Communications? What sort of work have you done that gives you the expertise these oil protestors seem to lack?

That question is simply stupid.

Please let me know if you think they are actually achieving results. That is all that matters.

Right now, they are not.
And I have to ask again, given YOUR apparent lack of concern about AGW, why it should bother you in the least. And let me be clear that when I ask why it should bother you, I'm actually asking you to better identify your position on the core issues in this debate. You seem to want to hover on the fringes pinging one side (and one side only) for their messaging and saying nothing that either side might actually find offensive.

You can take a generic situation where people are attempting to influence the status quo. That could be anything (the entire transgender/LGBT issue comes to mind).

I care because it's groups like these that give the extremists on the other side the ammunition they need to shut down what could be a reasonable conversation around all aspects of global stewardship. What I think about AGW isn't really your concern. And no, I don't subscribe to ANY side. The status quo is still in place. the AGW folks have done nothing to influence it and as people see whole governments and United Nations acting like scared children, then conversation is lost and nothing is going to change.
Then you must be sitting behind a column

But it's smaller than the one you are sitting behind.

And India and China are bringing on huge capacity in the form of coal burners.
You can take a generic situation where people are attempting to influence the status quo. That could be anything (the entire transgender/LGBT issue comes to mind).
I can take it and do what?
I care because it's groups like these that give the extremists on the other side the ammunition they need to shut down what could be a reasonable conversation around all aspects of global stewardship.
Do you believe there are no extremists on the OTHER (pro-fossil fuel) side acting to shut down what could be a reasonable conversation? And aren't you simply saying that the extremists on one side enable the extremists on the other? Not exactly earth-shaking news.
What I think about AGW isn't really your concern.
What is or is not my concern is my decision, not yours. You aren't obligated to tell me, but whether or not I have an interest and choose to ask is my call.
And no, I don't subscribe to ANY side.
Then why has EVERY comment you've made since entering this forum been directed at members of only one side of this argument?
The status quo is still in place.
Untrue. Or perhaps you have your own definition of "status quo"
the AGW folks have done nothing to influence it
The signatures on the Kyoto Protocol, the Doha Amendment and the Paris Climate Accords all say something entirely different.
and as people see whole governments and United Nations acting like scared children, then conversation is lost and nothing is going to change.
Scared children? What does that mean and how would you rather they acted?

But it's smaller than the one you are sitting behind.

And India and China are bringing on huge capacity in the form of coal burners.
This hardly supports your claim that folks like me arguing for action against CO2 emissions have accomplished nothing.
This hardly supports your claim that folks like me arguing for action against CO2 emissions have accomplished nothing.

Your right. You have accomplished less than nothing.
Then why has EVERY comment you've made since entering this forum been directed at members of only one side of this argument?

O.K.....we are through. You can claim victory or whatever it is than helps you sleep better at night. Please spare me the "I just want to understand" schtick because that is clearly not the case and I find this back and forth completely worthless.

The subject of the OP is why I posted what I did. As more examples pop up, I'll be posting them to this thread.
The signatures on the Kyoto Protocol, the Doha Amendment and the Paris Climate Accords all say something entirely different.

Oh...and good luck with that. We've seen how much good it's doing.

Reply as you must. It won't matter, I've already hit the ignore button.
I don't understand how this herd of cretins thinks it is doing the environmental movement any favors:

People didn't pay to see them. They paid to see the match.

Just who do these jerks think they are ?

They ARE NOT doing their messaging any favors with these kind of stunts.

One article said they claimed they were bloodied in their removal.

Not feeling sorry at all.
Two bad, John McEnroe wasn't still playing. They'd get a racket across their moronic heads followed by some choice verbiage.
On and off again, I try to digest the technical claims on both sides.

My problem is that I am not sure it matters. NOBODY is cutting back.
What is it that would make you believe that increased atmospheric CO2 will lead to their narrative of impending catastrophe come true?
Your right. You have accomplished less than nothing.
You put up data showing that the US has reduced CO2 emissions even without government action and then say we've done nothing. What is wrong with you?
What is it that would make you believe that increased atmospheric CO2 will lead to their narrative of impending catastrophe come true?

At this point, nothing.

I believe there may be changes, but I believe there have always been changes.

There are so many variables unaccounted for that I am very skeptical.

But really, this thread was about the idiots who feel they have the right to interrupt others because it's important to THEM. And in doing so, they lose any chance they had of engaging others in a good conversation.
At this point, nothing.

I believe there may be changes, but I believe there have always been changes.

There are so many variables unaccounted for that I am very skeptical.

But really, this thread was about the idiots who feel they have the right to interrupt others because it's important to THEM. And in doing so, they lose any chance they had of engaging others in a good conversation.
How many people saw them and their message interrupting the tennis match? How many would see them and their message having a good conversation?
And still at it.......

Your local enviro whacko's.......

Might be a good message. We will never know.


The protestor, representing Just Stop Oil, stormed the green and released some sort of smoky pink substance.

“Get off you clown!” someone could be heard saying.

Video of the incident has gone viral on social media on Sunday afternoon.


Gone viral. I'll be those on the protesting side think they somehow scored a victory.

I hate to break it to them.

‘What a bunch of idiots’: Charley Hull slams protestors after Women’s Open interruption​

Great messaging.

They got people's attention. the message is lost. Can't help but wonder.
Found this one....what a great way to look like idiots.

Drop your drawers with a cute slogan written on your lilly white asses.

You just can't make this up.

Found this one....what a great way to look like idiots.

Drop your drawers with a cute slogan written on your lilly white asses.

You just can't make this up.

Almost as stupid as rejecting overwhelming scientific evidence or concentrating on the "message" rather than the facts.

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