Zone1 Scriptural and logical evidence of Purgatory

That says deeds not good works.
Its simple...........just go to the section of scriptures that describe just how one is to be judged after this life is over. You will be "judged" by what is recorded in 2 books.....the book of life and the content of the Holy Scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.

ESV. "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead was judged by what is written in the books. ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY HAD DONE (what they had done.......actions, works in the King James). And the sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead, and they were judged according to what they had done." -- Rev. 20:12-13

Revelation is a book of symbolism. The Books clearly refer/symbolize the content of the Holy Bible, words spoken by Jesus Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit.....along with the Book of Life.....a record of your lives works which will be compared to the Gift of the Holy Spirit.........truth delivered from Heaven to guide us along the pathway of life........THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. The "PERFECT" (teleios) LAW OF LIBERTY. Man can never be perfect, but he/she can strive to comprehend and apply the Words of Truth from Heaven...i.e, the Holy Bible.
Purgatory is purification before heaven.
Show us the Book, Chapter and Verse from the Holy Scriptures that even mentions PURGATORY. You will not because you cannot.......its man made tradition, not scripture.......its based upon Roman Catholic tradition.....teaching the commandments of men as doctrine.

Facts: There is no mention of purgatory in the Bible. There is no mention of any spiritual realm where people can pay for their sins through punishment and prayer after death. There is no mention MASS in the Bible, There is no mention or authorization for the lighting of candles for the dead in the Bible. (strange that the families of the dead must purchase their candles from the Thus.......everyone should pay attention to the warning provided by Jesus Christ, "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrine, the commandments of men........" -- Matthew 15:9

Fact: the man made practice of praying for the dead in purgatory did not exist until the 12th century. Purgatory - Wikipedia
Its simple...........just go to the section of scriptures that describe just how one is to be judged after this life is over. You will be "judged" by what is recorded in 2 books.....the book of life and the content of the Holy Scriptures inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.

ESV. "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead was judged by what is written in the books. ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY HAD DONE (what they had done.......actions, works in the King James). And the sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead, and they were judged according to what they had done." -- Rev. 20:12-13

Revelation is a book of symbolism. The Books clearly refer/symbolize the content of the Holy Bible, words spoken by Jesus Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit.....along with the Book of Life.....a record of your lives works which will be compared to the Gift of the Holy Spirit.........truth delivered from Heaven to guide us along the pathway of life........THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. The "PERFECT" (teleios) LAW OF LIBERTY. Man can never be perfect, but he/she can strive to comprehend and apply the Words of Truth from Heaven...i.e, the Holy Bible.
so what verses here support purgatory?
so what verses here support purgatory?
None..........Hades is explained in detail in Luke 16. Hades, not purgatory, is the resting place of the dead, both righteous and unrighteous awaiting the final judgment. Once dead.....there is no repentance possible as per the scriptrues contrained in Luke 16...the rich man wanted to warn his living relatives about Hades and how there is no hope for the unrighteous....Jesus stated that it is not possible for the dead to communicate with the living, Jesus stated that the rich man's relatives should have paid attention to the LAW and the Prophets. Hades is not to be confused with Hell.....the place designed for Satan and his disciples. Hades exists as 2 different realms, one for the righteous who are awating judgment in the bossum of Abraham .....this is called paradise (like Jesus promised the theif on the cross after Jesus forgive him of his earthly sins......."on this day you will be with Me in paradise" Hades. One compartment of Hades is for the wicked that died in their sins.....the resting place of the wicked rich man, who await judgment in torment.

How did Jesus accompany the theif to paradise? During the 3 days He was in the grave HIS SPIRIT went to the realm of the dead (hades) to preach to the souls there.......Jesus did not physically vist Hades....but went in the Spirit. "For Christ also has suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God (the Father)....BEING PUT TO DEATH IN THE FLESH BUT QUICKENED BY THE SPIRIT. By which (the spirit) He went and preached unto the spirits in prison (Hades)." -- 1 Peter 3:18-19

Rev. 20:10-15. Makes clear the difference between Hades and Hell.........Hades is the place where all the dead go, Hell is a lake of fire in which the wicked living and dead ( in Hades) is cast into the lake of fire reserved for Satan, the Old Dragon. ESV translation. The scriptures declare that Hades will give up its dead on judgment.
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What is the difference between works and deeds?
There isn't one. Protestants just like to argue against anything Catholic.

People who hate the Church Christ founded will likely be arguing against it, railing against it for all eternity
There isn't one. Protestants just like to argue against anything Catholic.

People who hate the Church Christ founded will likely be arguing against it, railing against it for all eternity
FYI: There is no mention of a "universal" church in the holy scriptures. Strange that the supposed Church/Kingdom that the Father gave to Jesus (Matt. 16, 28:18-20_ does not even include the name of Jesus Christ in its title but rather the name is The Roman Catholic (universal) Church. Did not the Christ declare.......I will build My Kingdom/Church....not Rome's kingdom? Wasn't it Rome who hung the Lord on a Cross, and persecuted Christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries? "But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." -- Matthew 15:19

There is no hate in propagating the actual content of the Holy Scriptures....the Christian is commanded to "test all things........" 1 Thess. search the word/scriptures daily to see if what is being taught is found in the Holy Scriptures....." Acts 17:11
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Purgatory is purification before heaven.

Hush your mouth?!

No one at this forum has need of any purification before getting into Heaven!

And if anyone believes that, I have a fake corporation to sell you, only $5 million dollars!
FYI: There is no mention of a "universal" church in the holy scriptures. Strange that the supposed Church/Kingdom that the Father gave to Jesus (Matt. 16, 28:18-20_ does not even include the name of Jesus Christ in its title but rather the name is The Roman Catholic (universal) Church. Did not the Christ declare.......I will build My Kingdom/Church....not Rome's kingdom? Wasn't it Rome who hung the Lord on a Cross, and persecuted Christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries? "But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." -- Matthew 15:19

There is no hate in propagating the actual content of the Holy Scriptures....the Christian is commanded to "test all things........" 1 Thess. search the word/scriptures daily to see if what is being taught is found in the Holy Scriptures....." Acts 17:11

Go tell someone who can be convinced of your untruths.

I cannot
Hush your mouth?!

No one at this forum has need of any purification before getting into Heaven!

And if anyone believes that, I have a fake corporation to sell you, only $5 million dollars!
You asked and I answered my perspective then you tell me to hush. So you don't anyone to share a different point of view? Why make the thread then.
You asked and I answered my perspective then you tell me to hush. So you don't anyone to share a different point of view? Why make the thread then.


You don't get SARCASM, do you?

I was being sarcastic toward all the posters here who think theyare all ready for Heaven just because, say, they accepted Jesus 20 years ago... committed lots of objective sins since but oh well... going STRAIGHT To HEAVEN as soon as they die, no Purgation needed!

That's what they think...

They are in for a very rude awakening.

I was NOT saying anything against you or what you wrote. I was agreeing w/ you.

You don't get SARCASM, do you?

I was being sarcastic toward all the posters here who think theyare all ready for Heaven just because, say, they accepted Jesus 20 years ago... committed lots of objective sins since but oh well... going STRAIGHT To HEAVEN as soon as they die, no Purgation needed!

That's what they think...

They are in for a very rude awakening.

I was NOT saying anything against you or what you wrote. I was agreeing w/ you.
I'm sorry
As per usual, no protestant has ONE response to the Scripture that supports the concept of Purgatory

Well, there are several. Some are in the OldT

Here's one from the New

Mt 18:23

The dude was forgiven all his debt (sins) but then refused to forgive others so he was "handed over to the torturers [demons in Hell or Puragory, take your pick] until he had PAID back the once-written-off debt"


But for hacks who adhere to their chosen religion no matter how much evidence is presented to refute it...

All we will hear is what we hear when the demonrats shut their ears to the Republicans in Congress vis a vis corruption they've uncovered in the Dim camp



never heard a protestant give me ANY answer on that psg above, much less a valid refutation of the Catholic POV

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