SE Cupp: How I felt watching Trump hug our flag

SE Cupp: How I felt watching Trump hug our flag (opinion) - CNN

I hope some folks on USMB find this as interesting as me. I think SE Cupps second to the last paragraph sums up succinctly what happens daily on USMB.

There are no "purity tests". The Democratic Party has become a well-defined, foreign-influenced entity diametrically opposed to the US Constitution, and with which there is no longer any common ground between it and actual Americans.

Compromise with them is ultimately capitulation. They need to be removed from political power.
When you make an enemy out of them like that you just did you contribute to the polarization. I’m not a fan of either party, but I also understand that there are millions of good hearted Americans who are free thinking members and not all are partisan hacks. There are diverse opinions in both parties. We need to stop polarizing and dividing by labeling everybody by the actions of a faction. It’s not honest or productive

Neither am I a fan of political parties, but since we have them, I will call them as I see them. Polarization is no concern of mine.

Diverse opinions are great. Opinionate all you like. But don't try to legislate nonsense that has a chilling effect upon personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

It is not acceptable, nor open to negotiation outside the process mandated by the document.
Understood but it is better to support those in the Democratic Party that dissent against policy you disagree with rather than demonize all democrats for initiatives that only a fraction support or propose. If polarization keeps up our system will be in ruins. We are getting close to that right now. Dissent from within is healthy and should be encouraged

No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.
SE Cupp: How I felt watching Trump hug our flag (opinion) - CNN

I hope some folks on USMB find this as interesting as me. I think SE Cupps second to the last paragraph sums up succinctly what happens daily on USMB.

I am not going to perform clickage on your moonbat bait. But thanks for playing.
I presume you are sucking off your socialist benefits?
"Facism will arrive wrapped in a flag"??

What a vulgar vulgarian you are.

I work for a living and pay far more in taxes than I utilize in government managed infrastructure. I don't receive any benefits; nor do I ever expect to receive any. By the time I qualify for SS, I expect the system to be thoroughly bankrupt so that anyone with even modest assets will be means tested out of the system.
SS should be means tested. Great countries do three things. They take care of their poor, their elderly, and their sick/disabled.

Then it's just another income and wealth distribution scheme and a big lie to everyone who has paid into it for their entire careers.
SE Cupp: How I felt watching Trump hug our flag (opinion) - CNN

I hope some folks on USMB find this as interesting as me. I think SE Cupps second to the last paragraph sums up succinctly what happens daily on USMB.

I am not going to perform clickage on your moonbat bait. But thanks for playing.
I presume you are sucking off your socialist benefits?
"Facism will arrive wrapped in a flag"??

What a vulgar vulgarian you are.

I work for a living and pay far more in taxes than I utilize in government managed infrastructure. I don't receive any benefits; nor do I ever expect to receive any. By the time I qualify for SS, I expect the system to be thoroughly bankrupt so that anyone with even modest assets will be means tested out of the system.
SS should be means tested. Great countries do three things. They take care of their poor, their elderly, and their sick/disabled.

Then it's just another income and wealth distribution scheme and a big lie to everyone who has paid into it for their entire careers.
Who are you kidding. Taxation itself is a redistribution system. No scheme about it.
There are no "purity tests". The Democratic Party has become a well-defined, foreign-influenced entity diametrically opposed to the US Constitution, and with which there is no longer any common ground between it and actual Americans.

Compromise with them is ultimately capitulation. They need to be removed from political power.
When you make an enemy out of them like that you just did you contribute to the polarization. I’m not a fan of either party, but I also understand that there are millions of good hearted Americans who are free thinking members and not all are partisan hacks. There are diverse opinions in both parties. We need to stop polarizing and dividing by labeling everybody by the actions of a faction. It’s not honest or productive

Neither am I a fan of political parties, but since we have them, I will call them as I see them. Polarization is no concern of mine.

Diverse opinions are great. Opinionate all you like. But don't try to legislate nonsense that has a chilling effect upon personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

It is not acceptable, nor open to negotiation outside the process mandated by the document.
Understood but it is better to support those in the Democratic Party that dissent against policy you disagree with rather than demonize all democrats for initiatives that only a fraction support or propose. If polarization keeps up our system will be in ruins. We are getting close to that right now. Dissent from within is healthy and should be encouraged

No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
When you make an enemy out of them like that you just did you contribute to the polarization. I’m not a fan of either party, but I also understand that there are millions of good hearted Americans who are free thinking members and not all are partisan hacks. There are diverse opinions in both parties. We need to stop polarizing and dividing by labeling everybody by the actions of a faction. It’s not honest or productive

Neither am I a fan of political parties, but since we have them, I will call them as I see them. Polarization is no concern of mine.

Diverse opinions are great. Opinionate all you like. But don't try to legislate nonsense that has a chilling effect upon personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

It is not acceptable, nor open to negotiation outside the process mandated by the document.
Understood but it is better to support those in the Democratic Party that dissent against policy you disagree with rather than demonize all democrats for initiatives that only a fraction support or propose. If polarization keeps up our system will be in ruins. We are getting close to that right now. Dissent from within is healthy and should be encouraged

No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own. Pick a topic and I’ll show you the diversity of opinions amoungst the party. Happens in both parties... needs to happen more
Not seeing an issue with Trump and the flag, it seems much ado bout nothing.

I think the issue is we are all to sensitive and less tolerant, we all need to toughen up, apply common sense, not watch a lot of news and let others have their voice. Today it is all about my opinion is the best, which is a wrong approach for a divided nation.
Not seeing an issue with Trump and the flag, it seems much ado bout nothing.

I think the issue is we are all to sensitive and less tolerant, we all need to toughen up, apply common sense, not watch a lot of news and let others have their voice. Today it is all about my opinion is the best, which is a wrong approach for a divided nation.
That’s in line with what her article was about
SE Cupp: How I felt watching Trump hug our flag (opinion) - CNN

I hope some folks on USMB find this as interesting as me. I think SE Cupps second to the last paragraph sums up succinctly what happens daily on USMB.

I wonder if S.E. Cupp ever felt the same abhorrence when she saw someone burning the flag?
She addressed that in the article. Did you read it?

I did.

She did not.
She did in one of her opening paragraphs...

We're used to seeing the American flag handled in a number of ways. It can be hoisted, saluted, folded in honor of the fallen, even burned in protest.
But it's not every day you see the leader of the free world hug the flag in front of a crowd of adoring followers.
You learned parts of speech in college? Did you attend a ‘special’ college?

Does trade school count?

Some people love and honor their country and some don't. I would have someone embrace our flag than refuse to honor it. Trump loves his country, whatever you might think of his personality or his character.

We're used to seeing the American flag handled in a number of ways. It can be hoisted, saluted, folded in honor of the fallen, even burned in protest.
But it's not every day you see the leader of the free world hug the flag in front of a crowd of adoring followers.

I'm more at ease with protestors burning old glory, than some wall street CEO embracing it

<not sorry>

Then it's just another income and wealth distribution scheme and a big lie to everyone who has paid into it for their entire careers.

ah, another socalist lie.....?

Have fun with your bowl of gruel then

S. E. Cup has become just another CNN Democrat shill. Wouldn't be to keep her salary and cushy job would it?
Yeah, let’s not talk about the substance or anything she said, let’s just attack her because she works for CNN. Can you get any more low IQ in this debate? Do better

She changed when she went to CNN to fit their far left, hate Trump no matter what agenda. She's a hypocrite and she is WRONG.
Neither am I a fan of political parties, but since we have them, I will call them as I see them. Polarization is no concern of mine.

Diverse opinions are great. Opinionate all you like. But don't try to legislate nonsense that has a chilling effect upon personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

It is not acceptable, nor open to negotiation outside the process mandated by the document.
Understood but it is better to support those in the Democratic Party that dissent against policy you disagree with rather than demonize all democrats for initiatives that only a fraction support or propose. If polarization keeps up our system will be in ruins. We are getting close to that right now. Dissent from within is healthy and should be encouraged

No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
S. E. Cup has become just another CNN Democrat shill. Wouldn't be to keep her salary and cushy job would it?
Yeah, let’s not talk about the substance or anything she said, let’s just attack her because she works for CNN. Can you get any more low IQ in this debate? Do better

She changed when she went to CNN to fit their far left, hate Trump no matter what agenda. She's a hypocrite and she is WRONG.
What is she wrong about?
Understood but it is better to support those in the Democratic Party that dissent against policy you disagree with rather than demonize all democrats for initiatives that only a fraction support or propose. If polarization keeps up our system will be in ruins. We are getting close to that right now. Dissent from within is healthy and should be encouraged

No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
I’m talking about members of the same party taking opposing views on key issues. That’s what I mean when I say dissension
No American can in good conscience remain in the modern incarnation of the Democratic Party or be supportive of it. Their intentions have become quite clear these last two decades.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
I’m talking about members of the same party taking opposing views on key issues. That’s what I mean when I say dissension

Sometimes they take opposing views for political expediency. That is not dissension.
You didn’t address my comments about dissension. Also, I’d guess that a majority of people who are a part of both parties do so because there are only two options so they pick the one that aligns with most of their values. That doesn’t mean the party or it’s leaders represent all of every persons values. That would literally be impossible. BeCause of this, your generalized insults don’t make logical sense.

I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
I’m talking about members of the same party taking opposing views on key issues. That’s what I mean when I say dissension

Sometimes they take opposing views for political expediency. That is not dissension.
I dont care how you try and spin it, you’re not being convincing at all and haven’t show any basis for your claim they they fake supposing views for political expediency. That’s ridiculous
I have seen no dissension within the Democratic Party that would change my assessment of them as a political organization, or their intent. While there may be a smattering of individuals therein who retain a modicum of logic and common sense, the party as an entity is opposed to and dangerous to the United States as founded, in my opinion.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
I’m talking about members of the same party taking opposing views on key issues. That’s what I mean when I say dissension

Sometimes they take opposing views for political expediency. That is not dissension.
I dont care how you try and spin it, you’re not being convincing at all and haven’t show any basis for your claim they they fake supposing views for political expediency. That’s ridiculous

It's no spin. I've been observing cause and effect in politics for a very long time. When a party member skews so far with an unpopular position as to damage the party, the party goes into survival mode and tosses them off the cliff.

It will be interesting to see how long Omar survives.
Well then you aren’t looking. There is dissension almost every day. Today there is leadership passing a resolution condemning antisemitism which was aimed at one of their own.

That's not dissension. That's defensive.
I’m talking about members of the same party taking opposing views on key issues. That’s what I mean when I say dissension

Sometimes they take opposing views for political expediency. That is not dissension.
I dont care how you try and spin it, you’re not being convincing at all and haven’t show any basis for your claim they they fake supposing views for political expediency. That’s ridiculous

It's no spin. I've been observing cause and effect in politics for a very long time. When a party member skews so far with an unpopular position as to damage the party, the party goes into survival mode and tosses them off the cliff.

It will be interesting to see how long Omar survives.
Well they aren’t tossing them off a cliff for saying something they agree with. That’s my point. It’s not a monolith nor should it be

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