SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

And yet he's speaking to a news reporter?

This really is fishy.

Sure its possible these guys said these things but highly unlikely.

Really??? You doubt they said it??? Prove they didnt if ya can... because I would love to know if I am being lied to.
Until then, deal with it. They said it.

You just cant stand the FACT that these guys are pissed at their CIC for compromising their lives and their jobs.

Obama does not know what its like to be a real hero like the men he 'commands'...
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.
Since it didn't go bad, since it was a complete and unqualified success, they just tried to take credit for it.

And Bush?

You mean George (Mission Accomplished) Bush?

He didn't even bother looking for America's Number One Terrorist Enemy cuz he was too busy stuffing his pockets with the tax payer's money.

You call assassinating the man a success? In what world. A successful outcome would have brought Bin Laden in alive for justice to be served. Instead, we got an assassination in the middle of the night and not one fuckign picture to even prove it actually happened.

I'd call that a horrible blunder for the rule of law and for the american people.

Right, cause we love bringing terrorist to our soil and trying them in our courts don't we?????

These idiots have already forgotten their old talking point about how wrong it was to 'arrest' suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and bring them to Gitmo.

We are not dealing with intelligent people.
The Right and the Republicans are understandably hysterical about this because they simply can't believe that the Democratic party is passing them on national security/foreign policy/terrorism issues.

In short, they're fucked and they know it.

Wrong again... I hate that Obama is using them for a campaign tool. Apparently they dont like it either :dunno:

And No... we are not fucked. Obama is desperate enough to do this, so WHO is fucked again??


Really??? You doubt they said it??? Prove they didnt if ya can... because I would love to know if I am being lied to.
Until then, deal with it. They said it.

You just cant stand the FACT that these guys are pissed at their CIC for compromising their lives and their jobs.

Obama does not know what its like to be a real hero like the men he 'commands'...
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

Prove that the anonymous quotes were made by real Seals.
What an embarrassment to the human race.

'Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.

The SEALs spoke out to MailOnline after the Obama campaign released an ad entitled ‘One Chance’.

SEALs slam Obama for using them as 'ammunition' in bid to take credit for bin Laden killing during election campaign | Mail Online

About time the real heroes put the Obamessiah in his place. He didn't do shit except nod his head. What a prick. Obama would not last through the first day of SEAL training.
As a matter of fact 99.99% of the human beings currently on the planet would wash out in the first week. So how dare Obama act as though HE went in a killed bin Shithead?
The son of a bitch never once acted in reverence to the men who risked their lives to get bib Shithead. Never thanked them. He should invite them to the Residence and break bread with them.

What is hilarious is that the right is trying to argue that obama is politicizing an event that 'unified americans" and yet the above is a prime example of what was said byu the right a year ago showing that it unified nothing.
However, since you hypocrites are now making this kind of argument and refusing to give the CiC credit for events that occur on his watch which he did not directly do how does that mesh with your other arguments as you try to hold him accountable for every negative thing that occurs on his watch whether he directly contributed to them or not??

Thanks for the hypocrisy.

funny how the right talks about having "reverence" for the troops who put their lives on the line when republicans used them as bullet catchers and shield so the terrorists would attack our soldiers over there instead of us over here.

What proof do you have that obama never thanked them?

[ame=]US President Barack Obama praises Navy Seal unit who carried out deadly Osama bin Laden raid - YouTube[/ame]

36 seconds into the video obama thank them. You lose and are a dishonest hack.
You call assassinating the man a success? In what world. A successful outcome would have brought Bin Laden in alive for justice to be served. Instead, we got an assassination in the middle of the night and not one fuckign picture to even prove it actually happened.

I'd call that a horrible blunder for the rule of law and for the american people.

Right, cause we love bringing terrorist to our soil and trying them in our courts don't we?????

These idiots have already forgotten their old talking point about how wrong it was to 'arrest' suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and bring them to Gitmo.

We are not dealing with intelligent people.

Are you freeking serious????

Thats EXACTLY what we should be doing... bringing them to Gitmo. It was and is YOU guys who said we should close it down and bring them to the mainland USA.

Get your facts right idiot...
The Right and the Republicans are understandably hysterical about this because they simply can't believe that the Democratic party is passing them on national security/foreign policy/terrorism issues.

In short, they're fucked and they know it.

Wrong again... I hate that Obama is using them for a campaign tool. Apparently they dont like it either :dunno:

And No... we are not fucked. Obama is desperate enough to do this, so WHO is fucked again??

When did foreign policy stop being a political issue? When did voters stop judging a man's foreign policy credentials, policies, positions, and accomplishments when deciding whether or not to vote for him?

When did Mitt Romney stop attacking the President's foreign policy?
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

Prove that the anonymous quotes were made by real Seals.

Ryan Zinke, a former 23-year SEAL that is now a Republican state Senator from Montana:

“The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call. I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice — it was a broader team effort.”
For someone not currently engulfed in politics on the other side, let’s go to Clint Bruce, who “gave up the chance of an NFL career to serve as a SEAL officer,” according to the Mail:

“We were extremely surprised and discouraged by the publicity because it compromises the ability of those guys to operate. It’s a waste of time to speculate about who would and wouldn’t have made that decision. It was a symphony of opportunity and intelligence that allowed this administration to give the green light. We want to acknowledge that they made that decision.“Politicians should let the public know where they stand on national security but not in the play-by-play, detailed way that has been done recently. The intricacies of national security should not become part of stump speeches.”

anonymous quotes huh???
You call assassinating the man a success? In what world. A successful outcome would have brought Bin Laden in alive for justice to be served. Instead, we got an assassination in the middle of the night and not one fuckign picture to even prove it actually happened.

I'd call that a horrible blunder for the rule of law and for the american people.

Right, cause we love bringing terrorist to our soil and trying them in our courts don't we?????

These idiots have already forgotten their old talking point about how wrong it was to 'arrest' suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and bring them to Gitmo.

We are not dealing with intelligent people.

That was never my talking point. It is you double standard fucktards that are unintelligent. Obama has kept up the Bush policies almost verbatum and you just make excuses instead of actually thinking about what he's doing. Worse, you cheer him on for making the same fucking horrible policies a reality.

Libya war
Assassinating US citizens abroad
Ramped up Afghan useless war
Interferring in sovereign nations without authority
NDAA 2012
PATRIOT Act extension

And the list goes on and on.

You progressives need to pick and stick with a set of principles. Because this fascist "it's OK as long as our team is doing it." bullshit is grotesque.

Get back to me when you have a fucking clue.

Where is the change? It's the same policy as Bush.

Really??? You doubt they said it??? Prove they didnt if ya can... because I would love to know if I am being lied to.
Until then, deal with it. They said it.

You just cant stand the FACT that these guys are pissed at their CIC for compromising their lives and their jobs.

Obama does not know what its like to be a real hero like the men he 'commands'...
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.
If we had followed the GOP policy would still be alve.In 200 Romney said he would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden.

That's a load of bull!

Romney: "Of course" I would have attacked bin Laden - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

What Obama is LYING ABOUT is attacks made by Democrats during the Bush admin, when they said getting Bin Laden was more important than winning in Iraq, to which Romney countered that was just a distraction.

And Romney is right. The Democrats were using that argument as a distraction. They were trying to undermine Bush in Iraq, and Romney was pointing that out.

As usual with liberals like Obama, they are taking that support of Bush WAY OUT OF CONTEXT, despite the fact, it was Bush's policies that got us the intelligence to find Bin Laden. Panetta admitted it.

If Obama had, had his way, OBL would have never been found, because he wanted to stop water boarding during the Bush admin.

Sorry, what you are saying is nothing more than a liberal talking point, and a false one at that.

Try again.


So your points are that

1. romney has a different view now than he did back when he criticized obama when obama said he would go into pakistan if necessary. Big surprise that a hypocrite like you would make lame excuses for another hypocrite.

2. obama is lying about something but you can't provide anything of substance to support your accusation.

3. that romney was right to claim that dems were trying to undermine bush even as romney is now trying to do the same to obama.

4. that obama is wrong to claim credit for the death of bin laden even though it occured on his watch and was his decision which brought it about even as you try to give credit to W.

so did I miss anything about your wildly hypocritical and partisan talking point based rant??
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

Prove that the anonymous quotes were made by real Seals.

Ryan Zinke, a former 23-year SEAL that is now a Republican state Senator from Montana:

“The decision was a no brainer. I applaud him for making it but I would not overly pat myself on the back for making the right call. I think every president would have done the same. He is justified in saying it was his decision but the preparation, the sacrifice — it was a broader team effort.”
For someone not currently engulfed in politics on the other side, let’s go to Clint Bruce, who “gave up the chance of an NFL career to serve as a SEAL officer,” according to the Mail:

“We were extremely surprised and discouraged by the publicity because it compromises the ability of those guys to operate. It’s a waste of time to speculate about who would and wouldn’t have made that decision. It was a symphony of opportunity and intelligence that allowed this administration to give the green light. We want to acknowledge that they made that decision.“Politicians should let the public know where they stand on national security but not in the play-by-play, detailed way that has been done recently. The intricacies of national security should not become part of stump speeches.”

anonymous quotes huh???

I fail to see where this gentleman is an active duty SEAL.
IF the mission had failed, who would have gotten the blame: Obama or SEALS...?

Obama for sure.

Trying to win on something that cannot be proved again?

Like if the Stimulus had not been passed the economy would be in worse shape?

His policies Created or Saved millions of jobs?

Global Warming is not a myth?

Can't prove??

WHo is it the right blames for every negative thing that has happened recently because it happened on his watch as president??

Funny how that only counts when the incident that happened is negative and the right can use it to blame obama.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

Yes they can....I am referring to active duty SEALS.

Did you miss that part of my posts?
Right, cause we love bringing terrorist to our soil and trying them in our courts don't we?????

These idiots have already forgotten their old talking point about how wrong it was to 'arrest' suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and bring them to Gitmo.

We are not dealing with intelligent people.

That was never my talking point. It is you double standard fucktards that are unintelligent. Obama has kept up the Bush policies almost verbatum and you just make excuses instead of actually thinking about what he's doing. Worse, you cheer him on for making the same fucking horrible policies a reality.

Libya war
Assassinating US citizens abroad
Ramped up Afghan useless war
Interferring in sovereign nations without authority
NDAA 2012
PATRIOT Act extension

And the list goes on and on.

You progressives need to pick and stick with a set of principles. Because this fascist "it's OK as long as our team is doing it." bullshit is grotesque.

Get back to me when you have a fucking clue.

Where is the change? It's the same policy as Bush.

Six or more years ago I was telling idiots like you that we could not fight the war on terrorists by fighting conventional land wars like Iraq. I was telling idiots like you that the right way to do was to use special ops type actions to go after the terrorists, one by one, wherever they were in the world. To track them down and kill them. I was exactly right then and I'm exactly right now and the President has been exactly right for doing exactly what I advocated doing since back then.

Don't tell me what my principles are or whether or not I'm sticking to them.
My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

Yes they can....I am referring to active duty SEALS.

Did you miss that part of my posts?

Yep... and I am referring to former Seals.... if the others that are active speak out, thats on them.
I still believe them though.

The men in my linka re former Seals if I am not mistaken, so why the Hell are ya busting my balls?

Oh nevermind.... I know the answer to that.
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The Right and the Republicans are understandably hysterical about this because they simply can't believe that the Democratic party is passing them on national security/foreign policy/terrorism issues.

In short, they're fucked and they know it.

Wrong again... I hate that Obama is using them for a campaign tool. Apparently they dont like it either :dunno:

And No... we are not fucked. Obama is desperate enough to do this, so WHO is fucked again??

Well if ROmney had been president Bin laden would still be alive
The Right and the Republicans are understandably hysterical about this because they simply can't believe that the Democratic party is passing them on national security/foreign policy/terrorism issues.

In short, they're fucked and they know it.

Wrong again... I hate that Obama is using them for a campaign tool. Apparently they dont like it either :dunno:

And No... we are not fucked. Obama is desperate enough to do this, so WHO is fucked again??

Well if ROmney had been president Bin laden would still be alive


(I know you are but what am I?)

You lose..!
As if the GOP wouldn't hammer the President if the operation had gone bad.

What about all the war posturing GW did in 2004, where were the detractors then?

Since it didn't go bad, since it was a complete and unqualified success, they just tried to take credit for it.

And Bush?

You mean George (Mission Accomplished) Bush?

He didn't even bother looking for America's Number One Terrorist Enemy cuz he was too busy stuffing his pockets with the tax payer's money.

You call assassinating the man a success? In what world. A successful outcome would have brought Bin Laden in alive for justice to be served. Instead, we got an assassination in the middle of the night and not one fuckign picture to even prove it actually happened.

I'd call that a horrible blunder for the rule of law and for the american people.

I'd call it a calculated and best possible scenario.

What would be the point in bringing him back to the US, letting him fester in prison for a couple of years while his defense lawyers trumped up every appeal they could think of, ultimately letting him sit on death row for decades?

He got the death penalty and we didn't have to go through years of trial.

I would think you right-wingers would be loving that.

So you didn't get pictures. So your blood-lust wasn't satisfied. Can't you just be satisfied that the man is gone?

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