SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

I must admit a touch of schadenfreude watching conservatives deal with the death of Bin Laden. The simple fact is this: Unlike Bush II, Obama made this a priority, found him, and ordered the SEAL team to kill him. Done and done.

Do the SEALs deserve the lion's share of the credit? Of course. They risked their lives, not Obama. Still, it was Obama's decision and a risky one at that. If the raid had failed, the US would have looked mighty foolish and inept. (That wouldn't be fair but that's opinion for you.) I wouldn't call Obama brave for this decision but it wasn't an easy one to make either. Yet he exercised leadership and ordered the raid.

It's not that giving Obama credit for making the decision detracts from the credit rightfully due to SEALs and intelligence operatives. It's just that this decision breaks the conservative narrative and they cannot handle it.

Obama would not have done a damned thing without the Patriot Act, ALL of the work the Military including what the SEALs did under Bush, and of course the Intelligence Community's work that prior to Obama the Left HAMMERED...

Including Obama.

If you are Suggesting that Bush wasn't looking for Obama at all or that he would not have done anything when Actionable Intel was had...

Well... Then you are a Pure Fuckstain. :thup:

The only Difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush didn't take Credit for what the Military did.

Obama does.

He Sucks for it.



Bush didn't take credit for what the military did?


Good one.:eek:
I must admit a touch of schadenfreude watching conservatives deal with the death of Bin Laden. The simple fact is this: Unlike Bush II, Obama made this a priority, found him, and ordered the SEAL team to kill him. Done and done.

Do the SEALs deserve the lion's share of the credit? Of course. They risked their lives, not Obama. Still, it was Obama's decision and a risky one at that. If the raid had failed, the US would have looked mighty foolish and inept. (That wouldn't be fair but that's opinion for you.) I wouldn't call Obama brave for this decision but it wasn't an easy one to make either. Yet he exercised leadership and ordered the raid.

It's not that giving Obama credit for making the decision detracts from the credit rightfully due to SEALs and intelligence operatives. It's just that this decision breaks the conservative narrative and they cannot handle it.

Obama would not have done a damned thing without the Patriot Act, ALL of the work the Military including what the SEALs did under Bush, and of course the Intelligence Community's work that prior to Obama the Left HAMMERED...

Including Obama.

If you are Suggesting that Bush wasn't looking for Obama at all or that he would not have done anything when Actionable Intel was had...

Well... Then you are a Pure Fuckstain. :thup:

The only Difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush didn't take Credit for what the Military did.

Obama does.

He Sucks for it.



You call me a "Pure Fuckstain" and then say "peace". Um, okay.

Bush II himself said that Obama was not his priority. His words, not mine. Unless you'd like to argue that Bush II was being crafty and trying to lull Bin Laden into a false sense of superiority ... or Bush II was lying.

And where did Obama say it was ALL his credit? Did Obama ever say the killing of Bin Laden (not the decision, the actual raid) is thanks to him? What words did Obama actually use?
Since it didn't go bad, since it was a complete and unqualified success, they just tried to take credit for it.

And Bush?

You mean George (Mission Accomplished) Bush?

He didn't even bother looking for America's Number One Terrorist Enemy cuz he was too busy stuffing his pockets with the tax payer's money.



Just as its okay with rw's for Mitt to take credit for saving the US automobile industry after he said it would go broke, its okay for gDub to declare war on an innocent nation, wear a uniform he never earned and declare a victory that didn't exist.

And, some of those who say bush was right to kill hundreds of thousands in an illegal war also say the Number One Terrorist Enemy of our country should have been tried in a court of law and sent to a nice country club prison for a few years. Those same traitors didn't bat an eye when bush gave bin Laden's family safe passage out of the US without even bothering to ask them question one.

What I wanna know is how do you rw's look at your own face in the mirror?

On the war....don't forget the numbers. Over 4000 of our young men and women dead. Over 33,000 seriously wounded. 150,000 innocent Iraqis dead. 2,000,000 fled their homes to Syria and Jordon. Bush and his cohorts told nearly a 1000 lies which have been carefully documented. I wouldn't trust any Republican in the shithouse with a mask on their face.
I must admit a touch of schadenfreude watching conservatives deal with the death of Bin Laden. The simple fact is this: Unlike Bush II, Obama made this a priority, found him, and ordered the SEAL team to kill him. Done and done.

Do the SEALs deserve the lion's share of the credit? Of course. They risked their lives, not Obama. Still, it was Obama's decision and a risky one at that. If the raid had failed, the US would have looked mighty foolish and inept. (That wouldn't be fair but that's opinion for you.) I wouldn't call Obama brave for this decision but it wasn't an easy one to make either. Yet he exercised leadership and ordered the raid.

It's not that giving Obama credit for making the decision detracts from the credit rightfully due to SEALs and intelligence operatives. It's just that this decision breaks the conservative narrative and they cannot handle it.

Obama would not have done a damned thing without the Patriot Act, ALL of the work the Military including what the SEALs did under Bush, and of course the Intelligence Community's work that prior to Obama the Left HAMMERED...

Including Obama.

If you are Suggesting that Bush wasn't looking for Obama at all or that he would not have done anything when Actionable Intel was had...

Well... Then you are a Pure Fuckstain. :thup:

The only Difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush didn't take Credit for what the Military did.

Obama does.

He Sucks for it.



You call me a "Pure Fuckstain" and then say "peace". Um, okay.

Bush II himself said that Obama was not his priority. His words, not mine. Unless you'd like to argue that Bush II was being crafty and trying to lull Bin Laden into a false sense of superiority ... or Bush II was lying.

And where did Obama say it was ALL his credit? Did Obama ever say the killing of Bin Laden (not the decision, the actual raid) is thanks to him? What words did Obama actually use?

I Qualified that with "if"... So you are a Pure Fuckstain then?...

Noted. :thup:



Liberals are liars... and apparently whiney fucking babies too.

White House won't rule out that enhanced interrogation techniques helped lead to bin Laden - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Panetta oh yeah waterboarding was used
Brian Williams to Panetta oh yeah waterboarding was - YouTube

[ame=]Peter King: Bin Laden's Death Came From Waterboarding - YouTube[/ame]

says the hack using a link that misquotes panetta. At no time did panetta say "oh yeah waterboarding was used"

He consistently said enhanced interogation techniques and not specifically waterboarding and then at the end of the clip williams asked if the euphamism "enhanced interogation techniques" include waterboarding and he says yes.

not that it is what contributed to finding bin laden but that waterbaording is considered part of "enhanced interogation techniques."

al-qahtani was not waterboarded but according to what I have read he was the one that led to the courier.
The Infidel just negged my above post. Wingnuts are so funny. Stupid, but funny...and predictable...

Liberals are liars... and apparently whiney fucking babies too.

White House won't rule out that enhanced interrogation techniques helped lead to bin Laden - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Panetta oh yeah waterboarding was used
Brian Williams to Panetta oh yeah waterboarding was - YouTube

[ame=]Peter King: Bin Laden's Death Came From Waterboarding - YouTube[/ame]

says the hack using a link that misquotes panetta. At no time did panetta say "oh yeah waterboarding was used"

He consistently said enhanced interogation techniques and not specifically waterboarding and then at the end of the clip williams asked if the euphamism "enhanced interogation techniques" include waterboarding and he says yes.

not that it is what contributed to finding bin laden but that waterbaording is considered part of "enhanced interogation techniques."

al-qahtani was not waterboarded but according to what I have read he was the one that led to the courier.

How about Extraordinary Rendition?...

Extraordinary Rendition Obama | Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool - Los Angeles Times

It's OK to look the other way once you've dropped off the people you would have Waterboarded here in a place that's FAR worse when it comes to Interrogation...

Liberals are some of the most Dishonest People in History.



Just as its okay with rw's for Mitt to take credit for saving the US automobile industry after he said it would go broke, its okay for gDub to declare war on an innocent nation, wear a uniform he never earned and declare a victory that didn't exist.

And, some of those who say bush was right to kill hundreds of thousands in an illegal war also say the Number One Terrorist Enemy of our country should have been tried in a court of law and sent to a nice country club prison for a few years. Those same traitors didn't bat an eye when bush gave bin Laden's family safe passage out of the US without even bothering to ask them question one.

What I wanna know is how do you rw's look at your own face in the mirror?

On the war....don't forget the numbers. Over 4000 of our young men and women dead. Over 33,000 seriously wounded. 150,000 innocent Iraqis dead. 2,000,000 fled their homes to Syria and Jordon. Bush and his cohorts told nearly a 1000 lies which have been carefully documented. I wouldn't trust any Republican in the shithouse with a mask on their face.

How many different we given for invading Iraq?
Peter King? Holy shit. That's funny...

What about Pannetta?

You idiots just dont want to admit your wrong... Fuck, Carney said it too, in so many words

[ame=]Carney on Enhanced Interrogation Methods - YouTube[/ame]

In so many words?? really?? I heard him say ""enhanced interogation techniques" but I did not hear the words "waterboarding" or "KSM" come out of his mouth so where do you get your info??

what in carney's comments translates to ksm being waterboarded led to bin laden? Specifics please.
How many different we given for invading Iraq?

Did you want the list of Excuses from Clinton?... Kennedy?... Notbright?...

I Think it was WMD... Nukes... Genocide...

Yeah, those were DemocRATS. :thup:


Bush didn't take credit for what the military did?


Good one.:eek:

^There's the comparison...

When you have something other than Dismissive Trolling, let me know. :thup:



I like your analysis of the two speeches. I don't agree, but it's good work and it's nice to see someone using facts instead of just opinion.

I could be wrong but I think there's a big difference between capturing Hussein and killing Bin Laden. With Hussein, Bush II did not order the raid. Our soldiers stumbled upon Hussein hiding in a ditch or something. There was no order to give.

Killing Bin Laden was structurally different. Obama had to give the approval for the raid. It wasn't like soldiers found Bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. It was a legally-questionably raid into a foreign country with plenty of risks. Therefore, Obama has every right to claim repeated "I" statements. He did something. Bush II didn't.
Panetta and Carney just trying to be kind to the Bush Keystone Cops. What Panetta told McCain is the reality.

You fucking tool.... now they were just being kind? :lmao:

Let this be an object lesson for those who think that liberals can be reasoned with.

Im out... my point has been made.

if your point was to expose yourself as a delusional hack who tries to read between the lines and insert his own meanings into what other people are actually saying then you have succeded in making your point. lol
Bush didn't take credit for what the military did?


Good one.:eek:

^There's the comparison...

When you have something other than Dismissive Trolling, let me know. :thup:



Pubs have one little problem:

George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side

1. Pulled Strings to Get In.

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat. The National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam, had a huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men nationwide. Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list.

Bush's unit commander, Col. "Buck" Staudt, was so excited about his VIP recruit that he staged a special ceremony for the press so he could have his picture taken administering the oath (even though the official oath had been given by a captain earlier.)

Bush and his allies have tried to deny this with several changing stories, but Bush himself admits lobbying commander Staudt, who approved him, and court documents confirm that close family friend and oil magnate Sid Adger called Texas Speaker of the House Ben Barnes, who called General James Rose, the head of the Texas Air National Guard, to get Bush in. Rose, who is now dead, told his friend and former legislator Jake Johnson that "I got that Republican congressman's son from Houston into the Guard."

Read the entire article using the link
Bush didn't take credit for what the military did?


Good one.:eek:

^There's the comparison...

When you have something other than Dismissive Trolling, let me know. :thup:



Pubs have one little problem:

George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side....
While I don't disagree with what you posted, what does it have to do with Obama or Bush II taking credit for military missions? Stay on target!
Bush didn't take credit for what the military did?


Good one.:eek:

^There's the comparison...

When you have something other than Dismissive Trolling, let me know. :thup:



I like your analysis of the two speeches. I don't agree, but it's good work and it's nice to see someone using facts instead of just opinion.

I could be wrong but I think there's a big difference between capturing Hussein and killing Bin Laden. With Hussein, Bush II did not order the raid. Our soldiers stumbled upon Hussein hiding in a ditch or something. There was no order to give.

Killing Bin Laden was structurally different. Obama had to give the approval for the raid. It wasn't like soldiers found Bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan. It was a legally-questionably raid into a foreign country with plenty of risks. Therefore, Obama has every right to claim repeated "I" statements. He did something. Bush II didn't.

Bush never said I when referring to what he had our Troops do or what he had them doing...

Saddam was a Target... You can say Stumble upon but we were looking for him.

He didn't take Credit for "Mission Accomplished", he gave Credit to the Soldiers for Accomplishing that Mission...

Barry says I A LOT.

Look it up.

He is Extremely Self-Centered. :thup:

He could have given Credit to Bush for setting up the System post 9/11 that Finally gave way to Killing bin Laden...

Because that's EXACTLY what Barry used.

Hell, he used the SEAL team Bush used when Saddam was Captured.


Bucky's GF is a massage therapist. But......not the whore kind.

What a relief!

And......when Obama said he was not going to "spike the ball", what exactly was he referring to?

After scoring a TD some players spike the ball and celebrate.

Some do a dance number.

Obama is doing a dance number, one year after he scored.

You do realize that what you are referring to as a TD occured over a year ago and using it NOW to defend himself from the partisan politicial attempts of romney to politicize natioinal security and foreign policy for political gain is hardly what anyone with intelligence would consider "spiking the ball" based on the fact that it didn't occur immediately after the "TD" was scored.

Thanks for your spin though.

^There's the comparison...

When you have something other than Dismissive Trolling, let me know. :thup:



Pubs have one little problem:

George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side....
While I don't disagree with what you posted, what does it have to do with Obama or Bush II taking credit for military missions? Stay on target!

I remember the USS Lincoln photo op gig well. Many family members waiting...waiting at NORIS for a ship just within sight off Pt Loma.
Pubs have one little problem:

George W. Bush, Jr. - The Dark Side....
While I don't disagree with what you posted, what does it have to do with Obama or Bush II taking credit for military missions? Stay on target!

I remember the USS Lincoln photo op gig well. Many family members waiting...waiting at NORIS for a ship just within sight off Pt Loma.




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