SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

And yet he's speaking to a news reporter?

This really is fishy.

Sure its possible these guys said these things but highly unlikely.

Really??? You doubt they said it??? Prove they didnt if ya can... because I would love to know if I am being lied to.
Until then, deal with it. They said it.

You just cant stand the FACT that these guys are pissed at their CIC for compromising their lives and their jobs.

Obama does not know what its like to be a real hero like the men he 'commands'...
How little you think of the duty bound SEALS to believe they would, while on active duty, blab to reporters and talk negatively about their CinC.

^As if she knows anything about Active Duty SEALs...

You are a Filthy little person, Bodecea. :thup:


The Right and the Republicans are understandably hysterical about this because they simply can't believe that the Democratic party is passing them on national security/foreign policy/terrorism issues.

In short, they're fucked and they know it.

Wrong again... I hate that Obama is using them for a campaign tool. Apparently they dont like it either :dunno:

And No... we are not fucked. Obama is desperate enough to do this, so WHO is fucked again??

Well if ROmney had been president Bin laden would still be alive

We will never know that, will we? Because OBL is now dead.
These idiots have already forgotten their old talking point about how wrong it was to 'arrest' suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and bring them to Gitmo.

We are not dealing with intelligent people.

That was never my talking point. It is you double standard fucktards that are unintelligent. Obama has kept up the Bush policies almost verbatum and you just make excuses instead of actually thinking about what he's doing. Worse, you cheer him on for making the same fucking horrible policies a reality.

Libya war
Assassinating US citizens abroad
Ramped up Afghan useless war
Interferring in sovereign nations without authority
NDAA 2012
PATRIOT Act extension

And the list goes on and on.

You progressives need to pick and stick with a set of principles. Because this fascist "it's OK as long as our team is doing it." bullshit is grotesque.

Get back to me when you have a fucking clue.

Where is the change? It's the same policy as Bush.

Six or more years ago I was telling idiots like you that we could not fight the war on terrorists by fighting conventional land wars like Iraq. I was telling idiots like you that the right way to do was to use special ops type actions to go after the terrorists, one by one, wherever they were in the world. To track them down and kill them. I was exactly right then and I'm exactly right now and the President has been exactly right for doing exactly what I advocated doing since back then.

Don't tell me what my principles are or whether or not I'm sticking to them.

You don't track down and kill criminals under our laws, asshat. You bring them to justice. You weren't telling "idiots like me" anything that has any basis under our laws. You are not right, you're fucking dead wrong. We have rule of law here. If we aren't going to use it from the top down, I see no point and using it at all. Which is exactly where we are now.

But nice dodge on the real issue here. You, Im sure, thought Bushes wars were illegal, torture was bad, end the wars, hate profiling for muslims,etc..etc..etc.. But because your democrat communist is in the house, it's ALL GOOD, right?

You either believe in this country and its laws or you dont. It's painfully obvious that you fascist fuckers want to bend and break laws to suit your agenda, but when the "other side" was doing it, it was an absolute atrocity.

Show soem fucking principles, fascist.

Whatever.... prove the link is a fraud and then get back to us.

Until then deal with it.

My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

2 former SEALS, one of which is a partisan Republican hack, have said anything. Out of how many?
That was never my talking point. It is you double standard fucktards that are unintelligent. Obama has kept up the Bush policies almost verbatum and you just make excuses instead of actually thinking about what he's doing. Worse, you cheer him on for making the same fucking horrible policies a reality.

Libya war
Assassinating US citizens abroad
Ramped up Afghan useless war
Interferring in sovereign nations without authority
NDAA 2012
PATRIOT Act extension

And the list goes on and on.

You progressives need to pick and stick with a set of principles. Because this fascist "it's OK as long as our team is doing it." bullshit is grotesque.

Get back to me when you have a fucking clue.

Where is the change? It's the same policy as Bush.

Six or more years ago I was telling idiots like you that we could not fight the war on terrorists by fighting conventional land wars like Iraq. I was telling idiots like you that the right way to do was to use special ops type actions to go after the terrorists, one by one, wherever they were in the world. To track them down and kill them. I was exactly right then and I'm exactly right now and the President has been exactly right for doing exactly what I advocated doing since back then.

Don't tell me what my principles are or whether or not I'm sticking to them.

You don't track down and kill criminals under our laws, asshat. You bring them to justice. You weren't telling "idiots like me" anything that has any basis under our laws. You are not right, you're fucking dead wrong. We have rule of law here. If we aren't going to use it from the top down, I see no point and using it at all. Which is exactly where we are now.

But nice dodge on the real issue here. You, Im sure, thought Bushes wars were illegal, torture was bad, end the wars, hate profiling for muslims,etc..etc..etc.. But because your democrat communist is in the house, it's ALL GOOD, right?

You either believe in this country and its laws or you dont. It's painfully obvious that you fascist fuckers want to bend and break laws to suit your agenda, but when the "other side" was doing it, it was an absolute atrocity.

Show soem fucking principles, fascist.

Ah, so you're only of those that say we can only treat Al Qaeda as a law enforcement problem.
Six or more years ago I was telling idiots like you that we could not fight the war on terrorists by fighting conventional land wars like Iraq. I was telling idiots like you that the right way to do was to use special ops type actions to go after the terrorists, one by one, wherever they were in the world. To track them down and kill them. I was exactly right then and I'm exactly right now and the President has been exactly right for doing exactly what I advocated doing since back then.

Don't tell me what my principles are or whether or not I'm sticking to them.

You don't track down and kill criminals under our laws, asshat. You bring them to justice. You weren't telling "idiots like me" anything that has any basis under our laws. You are not right, you're fucking dead wrong. We have rule of law here. If we aren't going to use it from the top down, I see no point and using it at all. Which is exactly where we are now.

But nice dodge on the real issue here. You, Im sure, thought Bushes wars were illegal, torture was bad, end the wars, hate profiling for muslims,etc..etc..etc.. But because your democrat communist is in the house, it's ALL GOOD, right?

You either believe in this country and its laws or you dont. It's painfully obvious that you fascist fuckers want to bend and break laws to suit your agenda, but when the "other side" was doing it, it was an absolute atrocity.

Show soem fucking principles, fascist.

Ah, so you're only of those that say we can only treat Al Qaeda as a law enforcement problem.
Isn't that what Clinton did with the '93 WTC bombers? The Republicans/Right was all on board for that one, right? Right?
My experience is that Active Duty SEALS know better, and are more circumspect and professional than to be whining to a reporter. Perhaps your experience with active duty SEALS is different and leads you to the opposite conclusion...that they are NOT circumspect....that they DO whine to reporters...that they are NOT professional.

I am interested in hearing your stories of your experiences with such active duty SEALS.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

2 former SEALS, one of which is a partisan Republican hack, have said anything. Out of how many?

You fuckin coward.... I proved my point!
You assholes are are so intellectually dishonest its almost impossible to have a discussion with you.

You NEVER admit when you are wrong.

The Seals said it, and now they are hacks because of it.... you have NO respect for the men who make their CIC look heroic :up_yours:
Six or more years ago I was telling idiots like you that we could not fight the war on terrorists by fighting conventional land wars like Iraq. I was telling idiots like you that the right way to do was to use special ops type actions to go after the terrorists, one by one, wherever they were in the world. To track them down and kill them. I was exactly right then and I'm exactly right now and the President has been exactly right for doing exactly what I advocated doing since back then.

Don't tell me what my principles are or whether or not I'm sticking to them.

You don't track down and kill criminals under our laws, asshat. You bring them to justice. You weren't telling "idiots like me" anything that has any basis under our laws. You are not right, you're fucking dead wrong. We have rule of law here. If we aren't going to use it from the top down, I see no point and using it at all. Which is exactly where we are now.

But nice dodge on the real issue here. You, Im sure, thought Bushes wars were illegal, torture was bad, end the wars, hate profiling for muslims,etc..etc..etc.. But because your democrat communist is in the house, it's ALL GOOD, right?

You either believe in this country and its laws or you dont. It's painfully obvious that you fascist fuckers want to bend and break laws to suit your agenda, but when the "other side" was doing it, it was an absolute atrocity.

Show soem fucking principles, fascist.

Ah, so you're only of those that say we can only treat Al Qaeda as a law enforcement problem.

Still dodging and weaving, I pukes are grotesque. Absolutely no principles at all. None.
The official media and Obama story, if it failed, would've been "Bad intelligence, again, from Bush Era intelligence services are to blame" and of course they'd blame torture, Gitmo, Bush again, the CIA, etc, etc.

Really?? How do you know?? Where is your proof?

Now that your spin has been called out what would the response be from the right and right leaning media??
I must admit a touch of schadenfreude watching conservatives deal with the death of Bin Laden. The simple fact is this: Unlike Bush II, Obama made this a priority, found him, and ordered the SEAL team to kill him. Done and done.

Do the SEALs deserve the lion's share of the credit? Of course. They risked their lives, not Obama. Still, it was Obama's decision and a risky one at that. If the raid had failed, the US would have looked mighty foolish and inept. (That wouldn't be fair but that's opinion for you.) I wouldn't call Obama brave for this decision but it wasn't an easy one to make either. Yet he exercised leadership and ordered the raid.

It's not that giving Obama credit for making the decision detracts from the credit rightfully due to SEALs and intelligence operatives. It's just that this decision breaks the conservative narrative and they cannot handle it.
If we had followed the GOP policy Bin laden would still be alive.In 2008 Romney said he would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden.


Osama bin Laden would not have killed if it were not for the initial information we got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after he was waterboarded.

That is not a fact. Panetta said that they used many sources for the intel to support the raid including some info from "enhanced interogation techniques" but to say that bin laden wouldn't have been killed if not for those techniques is a stretch.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

Yes they can....I am referring to active duty SEALS.

Did you miss that part of my posts?

Yep... and I am referring to former Seals.... if the others that are active speak out, thats on them.
I still believe them though.

The men in my linka re former Seals if I am not mistaken, so why the Hell are ya busting my balls?

Oh nevermind.... I know the answer to that.

I am referring to the links of the OP....which refers to current SEALS also...and that I do not believe. I have more faith in our active duty SEALS. Former SEALS, as long as they do not reveal classified material, can say whatever advances their own agenda.

Are you saying the news story with the name of former 23-year SEAL along with the others listed is a fraud?

Damn, you had better sound the alert then.

I get it.... active duty Seals know better, but former Seals can say whatever the fuck they want!!

Again, prove me wrong :mad:

2 former SEALS, one of which is a partisan Republican hack, have said anything. Out of how many?

You fuckin coward.... I proved my point!
You assholes are are so intellectually dishonest its almost impossible to have a discussion with you.

You NEVER admit when you are wrong.

The Seals said it, and now they are hacks because of it.... you have NO respect for the men who make their CIC look heroic :up_yours:

Former SEALS, my friend. They have their own agendas.

What an ironic post coming from you

yeah but i freely admit it :D

But seriously had this been Bush i wouldn't have said shit but thank you.
You peoples hatred of this man is pathetic.

Ive got no problem saying good job, but when I see him 'spiking the ball' after saying we shoulldnt, well I have a huge problem with it.

I also know he didnt do it w/o the prior gains made by the Bush administration... namely catching KSM and waterboarding the Hell outta him.

He just should not be using it in a campaign ad... it distasteful in my opinion.

Props to Obama for making the call after all though.

Then just say "good job" and stfu about it. lol

Spiking the ball? If you want to use that analogy then that "play" was a year ago and any moron knows that this is hardly an example of "spiking the ball" after the play.

Panetta said that many soures contributed to the intel that lead to the death of bin laden however, where is your proof that the intel that lead ot bin ladens death came directly from teh waterboarding of ksm?

The fact is that romney and the right are the ones trying to politicize foreign policy and are now whining because obama struck back.
If we had followed the GOP policy Bin laden would still be alive.In 2008 Romney said he would not go into Pakistan to kill Bin laden.


Osama bin Laden would not have killed if it were not for the initial information we got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after he was waterboarded.

That is not a fact. Panetta said that they used many sources for the intel to support the raid including some info from "enhanced interogation techniques" but to say that bin laden wouldn't have been killed if not for those techniques is a stretch.

That is also changing the topic. Arguing the efficacy of torture is a whole different ball game. What's in question here is how much (if any) credit should be given Obama for the raid that killed Bin Laden. And I believe the answer is "some". The SEALs put their lives in danger and actually did the act, so they get most of the credit. However, Obama made a difficult decision and deserves credit for that.

However, conservatives choke when they try to give Obama any positive credit.

Ive got no problem saying good job, but when I see him 'spiking the ball' after saying we shoulldnt, well I have a huge problem with it.

I also know he didnt do it w/o the prior gains made by the Bush administration... namely catching KSM and waterboarding the Hell outta him.

He just should not be using it in a campaign ad... it distasteful in my opinion.

Props to Obama for making the call after all though.

Saying we shouldnt what? What did he say? Any person sitting in that sit would take some credit for it. Again th fact any of you would make issue with it is just sad.

Yes it seems you do have a problem with saying it, because it comes with a yeah but at the end.

Why shouldnt he? He is the President, it happened under his watch. Thats all the reason he needs. You have zero problem Blaming him for the economy, nor raising a issue when people say it was also Bushes fault. Yet here he has to share the win with someone else named Bush.

You cant have it both ways and you are trying rather hard.

Hey dumnbass.... Obama said we shouldnt spike the ball, not me!

And yes, Bush was in command when KSM was captured and waterboarded for information that led to Obama's big moment in the sun. Not only that.... but he wants those CIA agents who used waterboarding charged with torturing prisoners.

I dont want anything both ways.... I want Obama to act presidential for a change thats all.

Spiking the ball refers to overcelebration immediately following a successful play.

Based on the fact that this "successful play" occured a year ago how is pointing to successes under his watch in order to defend himself from the attacks by romney, who is claiming obama is weak on matters of foreign policy and national security, considered spiking the ball??

Oh and form some of what I read the source for the bin laden intel could have been al-qahtani who was not waterboarded but did go through some other enhanced interrogation techniques.
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I must admit a touch of schadenfreude watching conservatives deal with the death of Bin Laden. The simple fact is this: Unlike Bush II, Obama made this a priority, found him, and ordered the SEAL team to kill him. Done and done.

Do the SEALs deserve the lion's share of the credit? Of course. They risked their lives, not Obama. Still, it was Obama's decision and a risky one at that. If the raid had failed, the US would have looked mighty foolish and inept. (That wouldn't be fair but that's opinion for you.) I wouldn't call Obama brave for this decision but it wasn't an easy one to make either. Yet he exercised leadership and ordered the raid.

It's not that giving Obama credit for making the decision detracts from the credit rightfully due to SEALs and intelligence operatives. It's just that this decision breaks the conservative narrative and they cannot handle it.

Obama would not have done a damned thing without the Patriot Act, ALL of the work the Military including what the SEALs did under Bush, and of course the Intelligence Community's work that prior to Obama the Left HAMMERED...

Including Obama.

If you are Suggesting that Bush wasn't looking for Obama at all or that he would not have done anything when Actionable Intel was had...

Well... Then you are a Pure Fuckstain. :thup:

The only Difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush didn't take Credit for what the Military did.

Obama does.

He Sucks for it.




Osama bin Laden would not have killed if it were not for the initial information we got from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed after he was waterboarded.

Obama does not capture the terrorists... he kills them. Guess thats a good thing :dunno:

ROTFL Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had nothign to do with finding Bin Laden. Next time you decide to amke shit up at least put some effort into making it not totally bogus

Hmmm. Because a few nights ago, when the CBS lady interviewed the CIA guy who did the KSM interrogation, he said that when they mentioned the name of the courier they were tracking, KSM acted very nervous and odd, which made them focus more on the courier because it obviously was botherin KSM.

Anyway, screw these CIA guys who, you know, did the work. What the hell do they know. I'll trust a politician or better yet, a wise liberal who just knows every truth.

You do just realize that you just admitted that they knew about the courier BEFORE ksm told them about him?

So how did his waterboarding lead to the courier when they apparently even knew the couriers name and that ksm did not give it to them??

thanks for countering your own argument. lol

BTW do you have a link?

oh and I love the dueling CIA agents. he claims he has comments from some that support his arguments and you discard them even as you try to argue that your cia agents should be taken at their word. LOL
2 former SEALS, one of which is a partisan Republican hack, have said anything. Out of how many?

You fuckin coward.... I proved my point!
You assholes are are so intellectually dishonest its almost impossible to have a discussion with you.

You NEVER admit when you are wrong.

The Seals said it, and now they are hacks because of it.... you have NO respect for the men who make their CIC look heroic :up_yours:

Former SEALS, my friend. They have their own agendas.

^Hey look... It's that person who Claims to have Served and is Apparently and Expert on what SEALs will or won't say or do.

Good to have you on board. :thup:



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