SEALs slam Obama for taking credit for bin Laden

You are the ones who said shit like there is no guarntee of habeous corpus in the constitution.

You are the ones who lied us into war.

You are the ones who crashed the world economy in the name of Bank profits.
obama didn't succeed. He simply stole the valor of those who did. He stole the command and control of Amiraal McRavem who was really responsible for the operation.
[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]
I love blackhawk bad mud needs to rip it off.

I don't doubt he spotted "someone". I pretty much give everyone the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong.

Thanks for admitting I was there.
Ah, yes.....Daddy Bush's (little-bitch) "parting-gift" to Bill Clinton!!

"Bush Senior went into Somalia with 20 thousand US troops in December, 1992 when he had been defeated in his re-election bid by Bill Clinton and was a lame-duck President. Why such a major overseas undertaking by an outgoing President was a question that perplexed many."

obama didn't succeed. He simply stole the valor of those who did. He stole the command and control of Amiraal McRavem who was really responsible for the operation.

what do you call landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a flightsuit on under a HUGE banner that says "Mission Acomplished"?
You see you peopole in the right have NO sense of fairness left in your blood.

Its been drained out of your disgruntled brains by fox news
[ame=]White House admits fault on 'Mission Accomplished' banner - YouTube[/ame]
Bush was the epitome of a conservative leader. He did a shit job..but praised himself at every turn with almost no conservative questioning that.

Bush failed.
Obama succeeded.

And that's what they absolutely hate. It's not's partisan.

Everyone in the country should laud the take down of this despicable human piece of garbage. Osama Bin Laden more then deserved his fate.

But look who's mad.


Interesting observation.

Now get back to humming Gosudarstvenny Gimn SSSR on Obama's sack.

And more butt hurt whining.

Oh no. I'm having fun with this.

The chickens are finally coming home to roost now.

People in the know are beginning to sound off.
More swifting boating piueces of shit who place party over country

When you rub people's noses in shit enough they're gonna react.

That's what blowback is.
.....And, this is what SUCCESS looks like....


.....after most Americans were pretty-much USED to failure.....

[ame=]The Hunt For Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]​
Why was it ok for Bush to run ads in 2004 about his handling of 9-11, but not ok for Obama to run ads touting the capturing of bin Laden?
Don't be an idiot. Only Republicans are allowed to pretend they are strong leaders. Everyone knows Dems are sissies.

Yeah.....that's what I thought when FDR invaded European shores and Harry Truman dropped two atomic bombs on the emperor and his army. Little Boy and Fat Man....Hiroshima and Nagasaki.......only two nuclear weapons to ever be used in combat.
Our commander in chief is just that.

The credit for OBLs death is allowed to be shared by the commander in chief who presided over his demise
Only disgruntled brained cons refuse to give credit where credit was due here

Its the kinda thing that is causing your party to die
So fucking what? As if the GOP wouldn't hammer the President if the operation had gone bad.

What about all the war posturing GW did in 2004, where were the detractors then?
So fucking what? As if the GOP wouldn't hammer the President if the operation had gone bad.

What about all the war posturing GW did in 2004, where were the detractors then?

Stay calm, my friend. These idiots thought the Limbaugh slut thing/GOP anti-women stuff helped them and Romney lost 10 points to Obama with the women's vote.

Attacking Obama for the Bin Laden success is another big loser for the Right; it will not be any less a loser just because posers like mudwhistle claim otherwise.
Yes...I'm sure SEALS are saying something about this.....*eyeroll

If any active duty SEALS's are, they had best hope they are not publicly identified. Dissing the CiC tends to not go over well in the oval office, regardless of who is in it at the time.

If they did, whose side would you take? Thought so.

The men in uniform will only take so much from this sorry excuse for a president.

There is no side to take. Refer back to the Marine who dissed the president on fb and got the boot for it. This action had nothing at all to do with President Obama. Its a military rule.

I'm sick of the damn ignorance of the rw and the constant trying to blame Obama for things he has no control over.

On the OP - this whole article is really fishy.

A serving SEAL Team member said:

Really? He'd say this, knowing he could be kicked out of the Navy, lose his job, lose his benefits?

Again, for the reading impaired rw's - this is not a decision the President of the United States makes.

Please read that line as many times as it takes for you to finally understand it.
As if the GOP wouldn't hammer the President if the operation had gone bad.

What about all the war posturing GW did in 2004, where were the detractors then?

Since it didn't go bad, since it was a complete and unqualified success, they just tried to take credit for it.

And Bush?

You mean George (Mission Accomplished) Bush?

He didn't even bother looking for America's Number One Terrorist Enemy cuz he was too busy stuffing his pockets with the tax payer's money.

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