Sean Hannity felt "hated everywhere he went" in New York, finally escapes to Land of Sanity: Florida


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

I wouldn't mind living there myself.

It's not one of the most Catholic states but still...

"Most Catholic" states are New Mexico and Louisiana. Some pollsters say that Massachusetts and Connecticut have the same number of (percentage of) Catholics as NM

but I'm not buying it. My definition of Catholic involves BEING PRO LIFE

Those states are far from it (last time I heard). I never see blue states changing to red, so-----------

Hannity said that in NY he felt hated everywhere he went. I felt that way while living in the NW, although the everyday people tended toward conservativism. I never saw any hate-Trump BS while there and that's a very blue area.. Can't STAND the control freaks who are in control of the gummit there

I wouldn't mind living there myself.

It's not one of the most Catholic states but still...

"Most Catholic" states are New Mexico and Louisiana. Some pollsters say that Massachusetts and Connecticut have the same number of (percentage of) Catholics as NM

but I'm not buying it. My definition of Catholic involves BEING PRO LIFE

Those states are far from it (last time I heard). I never see blue states changing to red, so-----------

Hannity said that in NY he felt hated everywhere he went. I felt that way while living in the NW, although the everyday people tended toward conservativism. I never saw any hate-Trump BS while there and that's a very blue area.. Can't STAND the control freaks who are in control of the gummit there
Some of us will be following him there. I just need a bit of money from the sale of my home and then I will move to warmth and freedom with my dog. I can't help all of the hostages stuck here anymore than all of the East Germans could help the others who were stuck with them.

I wouldn't mind living there myself.

It's not one of the most Catholic states but still...

"Most Catholic" states are New Mexico and Louisiana. Some pollsters say that Massachusetts and Connecticut have the same number of (percentage of) Catholics as NM

but I'm not buying it. My definition of Catholic involves BEING PRO LIFE

Those states are far from it (last time I heard). I never see blue states changing to red, so-----------

Hannity said that in NY he felt hated everywhere he went. I felt that way while living in the NW, although the everyday people tended toward conservativism. I never saw any hate-Trump BS while there and that's a very blue area.. Can't STAND the control freaks who are in control of the gummit there
There's a pretty good core catholic population in Mass...Staunch too. I'm not sure what the percentage is.

The Hispanics have established a pretty good religious population in Mass....they have a signature South American type Catholicism. It has a certain beauty to it and it is very ardent.

The ethnic French, Polish and of course Italian also have well established dioceses.
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Lumpy is moving to Florida before he loses his place behind Trump's fermenting orange ass.
Some of us will be following him there. I just need a bit of money from the sale of my home and then I will move to warmth and freedom with my dog. I can't help all of the hostages stuck here anymore than all of the East Germans could help the others who were stuck with them.
I'm happy for you. I've read some of your postings and it looks like Canada is a pc of.... whatever

not just for you, either

Florida looks good to all of us these days. I think it was nearly a million people who moved from Canada Lite aka Californication

in just one year!
There's a pretty good core catholic population in Mass...
Staunch too. I'm not sure what the percentage is.

The Hispanics have established a pretty good religious population in Mass....they have a signature South American type Catholicism. It has a certain beauty to it and it is very ardent.

The ethnic French, Polish and of course Italian also have well established dioceses.
Are you from Massachusetts?
Sean just got a HUGE pay increase! NY can no longer mooch off him, poor NY sucks to be you. That's what you get for your out of control taxes, fees, tolls and all the other MOOCH schemes you people use to parasite off the people.

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