Sean Hannity's "Freedom Concerts" are a Scam

Just when I thought he couldn't get any lower..

Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity?

In fact, less than 20%–and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively–of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferret the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style. And, despite Hannity’s statements to the contrary on his nationally syndicated radio show, few of the children of fallen soldiers got more than $1,000-$2,000, with apparently none getting more than $6,000, while Freedom Alliance appears to have spent tens of thousands of dollars for private planes. Moreover, despite written assurances to donors that all money raised would go directly to scholarships for kids of the fallen heroes and not to expenses, has begun charging expenses of nearly $500,000 to give out just over $800,000 in scholarships.

The tax forms available to the public for the Freedom Alliance–for the years 2006-2008–paint a tragic story, a story of a charity that makes gazillions and spends very little for the purposes it claims, a charity that spends millions more on its small staff and crony consultants than it ever gives in scholarships to the children of the fallen or severely injured troops or in aid to the injured troops themselves. While Hannity’s Freedom Concerts take in millions, only a few hundred thousand go to the claimed intended recipients.

And then, there are the 2008 Freedom Alliance tax forms, which were signed in November 2009 and filed only recently. That year, Freedom Alliance took in $8,781,431 in revenue and gave $1,060,275.57 total–or just 12%–to seriously wounded soldiers and for scholarships to kids of the fallen. Remember, this is well below the 75% required to be considered a legitimate charity. And after claiming in written letters to donors that 100% of the money donated, via the Freedom Concerts or otherwise, to the scholarships would go directly to the scholarships and not to expenses, the Freedom Alliance decided to do the contrary and charge expenses anyway–charging a whopping $436,386 to give out $802,250 in scholarships. That means that 35% of the $1,238,636–all of which was supposed to go to scholarships for these kids of the fallen–went to Freedom Alliance.

I learned that the organizations which evaluate charities are entirely worthless. Freedom Alliance is certified as “Best in America” by the “Independent Charities of America.” It is also rated a “Four Star Charity” by “Charity Navigator.” Both of these “ratings” are posted prominently on Freedom Alliance’s website, misleading donors into believing they are donating to a worthy cause, when in fact they are mostly donating to a black hole of expenses. Even Charity Navigator notes in its strange, illogical, and mostly inaccurate Four Star rating that Freedom Alliance has a fund-raising “efficiency” of only nine cents on the dollar.

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hey dogshit! don't go to em, then you won't get scammed.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Controlling punks like you is easier than teaching fish how to swim.

I get it. So you're really DON'T think that this is a scam...DON'T believe the 9/11 conspiracies...and you go so over-the-top retarded in your faux outrage to really make people swing to the other side.

Wow, you're a subtle one alright...

Where did I say it is a scam?

I quoted the person who pointed out the scam.
Cruising Skank, Hannity doesn't care about the troops any more than he cares about waterboarding. He's found a way to make money, he's found a way to do it from his studio, and he's ripping off our soldiers.

By the way fuckstick......I'm one of those veterans. What did you do, run to Canada for a while?

Thank you for your service

Drop Fucking Dead.

Yeah Frank, did your cruising ever bring you into military service?


How is that any of your business? How is that relevant to the topic?

On second thought, how about mind your own fucking business.
I get it. So you're really DON'T think that this is a scam...DON'T believe the 9/11 conspiracies...and you go so over-the-top retarded in your faux outrage to really make people swing to the other side.

Wow, you're a subtle one alright...

Where did I say it is a scam?

I quoted the person who pointed out the scam.

Thank you. It is a scam by pretending it's core purpose is to help soldiers and dependents. It's own website states less than four million in scholarships has been provided during it's entire existence. Do you know how much income has been accumulated in that same time frame? Or maybe you can bring up 9E again or call me an asshole because you sure as hell don't have the balls to be honest.

Thank you. It is a scam by pretending it's core purpose is to help soldiers and dependents. It's own website states less than four million in scholarships has been provided during it's entire existence. Do you know how much income has been accumulated in that same time frame? Or maybe you can bring up 9E again or call me an asshole because you sure as hell don't have the balls to be honest.

Calling you an asshole IS being honest ya ijit.
thank you for your service

drop fucking dead.

For those saying this is for kids who are 1-5 years old now. Are people seriously stupid enough to believe there are no children of any veterans who are college age now?

Thank you. It is a scam by pretending it's core purpose is to help soldiers and dependents. It's own website states less than four million in scholarships has been provided during it's entire existence. Do you know how much income has been accumulated in that same time frame? Or maybe you can bring up 9E again or call me an asshole because you sure as hell don't have the balls to be honest.

Calling you an asshole IS being honest ya ijit.

Thank you for proving again you jackasses only pretend to care.
Thank you. It is a scam by pretending it's core purpose is to help soldiers and dependents. It's own website states less than four million in scholarships has been provided during it's entire existence. Do you know how much income has been accumulated in that same time frame? Or maybe you can bring up 9E again or call me an asshole because you sure as hell don't have the balls to be honest.

Calling you an asshole IS being honest ya ijit.

Thank you for proving again you jackasses only pretend to care.

Pretend to care about what? I haven't fallen to either side on this debate.

Keep trying tho :thup:
Sean Hannity in serious military charity scandal - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - True/Slant

When conservatives commentators begin eating their own, you know that something is up.

Debbie Schlussel is a reasonably well-known conservative commentator with a large radio and online following. While I have always found her to be over the top – particularly with her anti-Muslim rhetoric – she certainly has the respect of the conservative community. So when she broke a story a few days ago accusing Sean Hannity’s charity of being a ‘scam’, this naturally got my attention.

Note that Schlussel does not accuse Hannity or the charity of doing anything illegal. Rather she accuses the popular radio and television talker of wasting an inordinate amount of the funds to feather his reputation as a great friend of our troops while burning up money on private planes and expensive hotel rooms. This is money that those who donated to the charity believe is going to meet the objectives of the charity.

It’s not a pretty picture. While I encourage you to go through the return on your own, here’s the bottom line –

In 2008, the charity raised $8,781,431 in revenue and gave out just $1,060,275.57–or 12%–to seriously wounded soldiers and for scholarships to kids of soldiers who have died. About 80% was spent on expenses, including $1,055,791 on postage, $925,392 on printing and $157,041 on travel.

Folks, when a charity’s expenditure on stamps equals the amount they spent fulfilling the actual mission of the charity, something is seriously wrong.
This speculation about Hannity and his charity isn't going to hurt anyone.

The people in this country are waking up to hate and tricks of the left and Progressives.

Hannity will be just fine, the same as Rush has been after twenty of attacks, speculations, etc.

must suck eh.:lol:

Oh yeah, Rush and his hillbilly heroin was complete speculation.

I applaud you for being a loyal disciple to the voices that come out of your radio though.

"Bow down before the one you serve."

what was that you said in another thread, DONT HATE. I guess that doesn't apply to you eh.:lol:

I don't hate the perpetually dim-witted. I pity them.
Most of us not consumed by jealousy or resentment, would understand that being hauled around in a G5 with all the stuff that's needed to do what he is doing just barely makes it bearable, and not really something any sensible person would call "Pleasure riding."

It would be all but impossible to do what he does any other way.

Surely you aren't suggesting that Hannity's image pimping is so hard on him that he can only be hauled around in a G5 to make up for it? Barely bearable? Are you fucking kidding me? You act like he was shitting in a can for a year. That's what we were doing in A-stan and nobody suggested our fragile bodies needed a gulfstream ride to make the ordeal "bearable".

I guess flying commercial would be just too much for him, huh? Because a 16 hour commercial flight is how we got to Kyrgyzstan.

Again, I don't care that Hannity enjoys the fruits of his labors. I care if he is using proceeds from a supposed charity event to do so.

Especially considering how much fucking mileage he tries to get out of the freedom concerts.
Thank you for proving again you jackasses only pretend to care.

Pretend to care about what? I haven't fallen to either side on this debate.

Keep trying tho :thup:

You really suck at trying to deflect but with people like you it's to be expected. You don't have to be on any side of the debate to discuss the facts you fucking useless ****.

Deflect what ya maroon?

You like to throw that word around a whole lot, but I have serious doubts that you know its proper usage.
Pretend to care about what? I haven't fallen to either side on this debate.

Keep trying tho :thup:

You really suck at trying to deflect but with people like you it's to be expected. You don't have to be on any side of the debate to discuss the facts you fucking useless ****.

Deflect what ya maroon?

You like to throw that word around a whole lot, but I have serious doubts that you know its proper usage.

Go back to sucking frank's dick and eating callygirl's shit'll let us know when you're ready to discuss the actual topic.
You really suck at trying to deflect but with people like you it's to be expected. You don't have to be on any side of the debate to discuss the facts you fucking useless ****.

Deflect what ya maroon?

You like to throw that word around a whole lot, but I have serious doubts that you know its proper usage.

Go back to sucking frank's dick and eating callygirl's shit'll let us know when you're ready to discuss the actual topic.

Can't answer the question, huh.

Now THATS deflection.
Lets look at some of the other things Ms Schlussel has written...

Alhamdillullah: Obama, Biden, Hillary Ignite Violent Muslim Riots in Israel – “Third Intifada”

Is Simon Cowell Really Converting to Islam?

Big Brother v. St. Patrick’s Day; Luck O’the Muslims

Does Your Local Bank Have a Muslim, er . . . “Arab Affairs Manager”?

Fed to the Wolves: Our Soldiers in Afghanistan Don’t Have Bullets!

I Warned You About Glenn Beck (& Prince Al-Waleed & FOX News)

The lady clearly has a screw loose. I'd take any "reporting" she does with a case of Morton's Salt.

Also, it seems she has a hard-on against Fox News because of Prince Al-Waleed. I'm guessing her gunning for Hannity stems from this as well.

Don't know if the charity thing is true or not. I will say that I am 100% certain there are better charities to send your money to if you want to help the troops. BUT, if you like the kind of music the concerts promote, why wouldn't you go anyway? If a portion of the proceeds go to a charity, even a small portion, great. If you are going strictly for the concert experience, who cares?

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