Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

Imagine if the Obama administration said something similar. The rubes here would have called him uppity and a dictator. But Trump?..... Yeah! He's right! What are you, unAmerican?
“Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows Wednesday when he argued that anyone questioning the success of a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen last month was dishonoring Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation.

Amid reports about a lack of adequate intelligence and sufficient ground support, the White House has faced mounting pressure to justify its authorization for the Jan. 29 operation against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen’s al Bayda province. The raid claimed the lives of Owens and several civilians, including women and children. Three other Americans were wounded, and a U.S. aircraft was lost.

The surprise attack, the first counterterrorism operation President Donald Trumpauthorized since taking office, was supposed to gather intelligence about al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Despite the heavy loss of life, the White House has insisted that the raid was “highly successful.” Spicer doubled down on that assessment during Wednesday’s White House press briefing, suggesting that whoever was saying otherwise was not only wrong, but also doing a disservice to Owens.

“Anyone who would suggest otherwise doesn’t fully appreciate how successful that mission was,” Spicer said in response to a question from NBC’s Kristen Welker. “Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, hadtold reporters on Tuesday after receiving a briefing on the operation that he would not call the raid a success.

More: Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

Sounds like more "circular reasoning" from Sean Spicer. Also, what about the 8-year-old girl who was killed?

John Mcain, one of the biggest chicken hawks aside from his girl friend Lindsey Graham. Who gives a crap what he says. Honestly, the dude was all about bombing Iran. Remember that ?

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential contender John McCain, known for having a quirky sense of humor, joked about bombing Iran at a campaign appearance this week.

In response to an audience question about military action against Iran, the Arizona senator briefly sang the chorus of the surf-rocker classic “Barbara Ann.”

“That old, eh, that
WASHINGTON — Republican presidential contender John McCain, known for having a quirky sense of humor, joked about bombing Iran at a campaign appearance this week.

In response to an audience question about military action against Iran, the Arizona senator briefly sang the chorus of the surf-rocker classic “Barbara Ann.”

“That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran,” he said in jest Wednesday, chuckling with the crowd. Then, he softly sang to the melody: “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ...” The audience responded with more laughter.

So in all Mr. McCains war mongering about Iran, had an American jet sent to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran been shot down and the pilot killed, yet all of their targets hit would his planned raid have been a failure? McCains comments are nothing more then a two time losers bitching.
“Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows Wednesday when he argued that anyone questioning the success of a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen last month was dishonoring Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation.

Amid reports about a lack of adequate intelligence and sufficient ground support, the White House has faced mounting pressure to justify its authorization for the Jan. 29 operation against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen’s al Bayda province. The raid claimed the lives of Owens and several civilians, including women and children. Three other Americans were wounded, and a U.S. aircraft was lost.

The surprise attack, the first counterterrorism operation President Donald Trumpauthorized since taking office, was supposed to gather intelligence about al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Despite the heavy loss of life, the White House has insisted that the raid was “highly successful.” Spicer doubled down on that assessment during Wednesday’s White House press briefing, suggesting that whoever was saying otherwise was not only wrong, but also doing a disservice to Owens.

“Anyone who would suggest otherwise doesn’t fully appreciate how successful that mission was,” Spicer said in response to a question from NBC’s Kristen Welker. “Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, hadtold reporters on Tuesday after receiving a briefing on the operation that he would not call the raid a success.

More: Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

Sounds like more "circular reasoning" from Sean Spicer. Also, what about the 8-year-old girl who was killed?

Well first off, I find it odd that one of the biggest chicken hawks in Washington would say such a thing since during his 2008 presidential campaign he promised in a very glib manner to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. He and his girlfriend Lindsey Graham we're really hot on sending Americans into Syria to. So had he decided to move on Iran to bomb all their nuclear reactors and a pilot was shot down and killed, yet they got all the targets would he have considered that a failed operation too ? This comes off as nothing more then being pissed because he lost BIGLY in two presidential attempts, not that he even gives two shits about an American serviceman, or an 8 year old kid.
Obama signed off on the planning. The plan was not the problem.

The leak of the plan was the issue. And I still want to know who the yahoo was that sent in the forces even though everyone was aware that AQ was fully aware that they were coming and were completely prepared for a firefight.

The leak? Those 4 IT personell that worked for House D's who were on very sensitive committees were fired and are under criminal investigation. They were funnelling House information to an outside server.

Very suspicious. Maybe they were the leak.

No, Obama did NOT sign off on the planning. That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Stop lying and spreading fake news.

The only reason that this plan was not implemented on Obama's watch was that it required a moonless night.

Again though, there was no problem with the plan. The problem was with the fucking leak.

Someone tipped off AQ. And then someone knowing that their plan was up in smoke still sent the forces in.

"Trump approved the early Sunday morning raid, but it had been in the works under the Obama administration for months.

The New York Times reported that Obama's national security aides had approved the plans for the risky attack and that Obama had not acted because the military wanted to launch that attack on a moonless night. The next such night would have been after his term."

NOW here's the kicker for the "botched raid". Who's the mother fucker who tipped off AQ that's a biggie.

Would anyone hate Trump that much that they would tip off AQ to insure that the raid would be a failure?

There's a hummer of a question.

"and that it appears al Qaeda fighters in Yemen were tipped off to the approaching forces from the United States and United Arab Emirates."

Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen

Funny. You're still beating a dead horse. Several people who were actually in the Obama meeting have stated that President Obama did NOT approve the plan. Period. Trump owns this clusterfuck.

The White House says a deadly raid in Yemen was long planned in Washington. Not true, say officials who served Obama.

Your precious CNN disagrees:

The raid had been planned for months, and the Obama administration first considered and approved it late last year, multiple officials told CNN. But it was delayed for "operational reasons," according to Obama administration officials

Yemen raid: The plan, the operation, and the aftermath -
Obama signed off on the planning. The plan was not the problem.

The leak of the plan was the issue. And I still want to know who the yahoo was that sent in the forces even though everyone was aware that AQ was fully aware that they were coming and were completely prepared for a firefight.

The leak? Those 4 IT personell that worked for House D's who were on very sensitive committees were fired and are under criminal investigation. They were funnelling House information to an outside server.

Very suspicious. Maybe they were the leak.
So it's Obama's fault? That Trump gave the order?

What about all the civilians Obama killed in his first Yemen attack?
Guess you don't remember:

Obama also oversaw the air campaign in Yemen against al Qaeda targets, and his first strike in 2009 was a disaster -- it mistakenly took a Bedouin village for a terrorist training camp, killing 41 civilians, according to Human Rights Watch, in addition to 14 suspected terrorists.
And while the January raid reportedly killed Anwar al-Awlaki's daughter, a 2011 strike ordered by the Obama administration killed the former AQAP leader's son.

Yemen raid: The plan, the operation, and the aftermath -
Spicer is using the death of a soldier that dies under Trump as a shield for criticism... how cowardly of him. I read Trump wasn't even in the situational room when the attack occurred... We have a giant turd for President.

A giant turd for a President or a Secretary of State would be those that didn't even bother to pay attention the night of an Embassy under attack by AQ. No one still to this day can say where either of them were as Americans were being slaughtered.
You can't talk about Benghazi. Spicer says so
Obama signed off on the planning. The plan was not the problem.

The leak of the plan was the issue. And I still want to know who the yahoo was that sent in the forces even though everyone was aware that AQ was fully aware that they were coming and were completely prepared for a firefight.

The leak? Those 4 IT personell that worked for House D's who were on very sensitive committees were fired and are under criminal investigation. They were funnelling House information to an outside server.

Very suspicious. Maybe they were the leak.
Yeah....we saw this coming...9/11 was Clinton's fault.....this botched raid was Obama's fault. SSDD


Killing children is part of Trump's plan.

I believe him.

Unfortunately the woman who put that kid in harms way survived, they should find her and introduce her to a hell fire missile, just like her husband.

Meanwhile you will get back to applauding Trump and his shoot-first leadership.
I figured you would agree, since it was an Obama Administration planned operation.

Spicer on Thursday stressed the raid was first conceived by the military under President Barack Obama's administration. According to a timeline he outlined, U.S. Central Command first submitted a plan to the Pentagon on Nov. 7, when defense legal teams vetted it. On Dec. 19, it was approved by the Defense Department and recommended by then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter [under Obama] to move ahead.

The national security staff at the White House approved it and convened a meeting on Jan. 6 of the National Security Council Deputies Committee – among the highest interagency organizations for national security issues – which approved the plan "so easily it was sent straight up," Spicer said.

The plan at the time called for a moonless night to carry out the raid, which would only happen next once Trump had become president, Spicer said.

Deadly Yemen Raid Was Planned by Obama

The buck stops where? lol
Spicer is saying implicitly that because Trump doesn't call the Iraq war a success,

he's denigrating every American who died in that war.
I figured you would agree, since it was an Obama Administration planned operation.

Spicer on Thursday stressed the raid was first conceived by the military under President Barack Obama's administration. According to a timeline he outlined, U.S. Central Command first submitted a plan to the Pentagon on Nov. 7, when defense legal teams vetted it. On Dec. 19, it was approved by the Defense Department and recommended by then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter [under Obama] to move ahead.

The national security staff at the White House approved it and convened a meeting on Jan. 6 of the National Security Council Deputies Committee – among the highest interagency organizations for national security issues – which approved the plan "so easily it was sent straight up," Spicer said.

The plan at the time called for a moonless night to carry out the raid, which would only happen next once Trump had become president, Spicer said.

Deadly Yemen Raid Was Planned by Obama
It was approved by Trump... Simple as that..

Any proper president would have read the intelligence reports and knew what was going on and be in charge...
Spicer is saying implicitly that because Trump doesn't call the Iraq war a success,

he's denigrating every American who died in that war.

Would you consider the Korean and Vietnam wars a success? I would say militarily, yes, politically, not even close. So far the same could be said about Afghanistan and Iraq. None of which are denigrating the people who served in those wars. You fucking hypocrites need a good bitch slapping.
Out of respect for our soldiers and sailors, I will hereafter refer to Pearl Harbor as an American victory.
“Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows Wednesday when he argued that anyone questioning the success of a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen last month was dishonoring Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation.

Amid reports about a lack of adequate intelligence and sufficient ground support, the White House has faced mounting pressure to justify its authorization for the Jan. 29 operation against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen’s al Bayda province. The raid claimed the lives of Owens and several civilians, including women and children. Three other Americans were wounded, and a U.S. aircraft was lost.

The surprise attack, the first counterterrorism operation President Donald Trumpauthorized since taking office, was supposed to gather intelligence about al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Despite the heavy loss of life, the White House has insisted that the raid was “highly successful.” Spicer doubled down on that assessment during Wednesday’s White House press briefing, suggesting that whoever was saying otherwise was not only wrong, but also doing a disservice to Owens.

“Anyone who would suggest otherwise doesn’t fully appreciate how successful that mission was,” Spicer said in response to a question from NBC’s Kristen Welker. “Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, hadtold reporters on Tuesday after receiving a briefing on the operation that he would not call the raid a success.

More: Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

Sounds like more "circular reasoning" from Sean Spicer. Also, what about the 8-year-old girl who was killed?

John Mcain, one of the biggest chicken hawks aside from his girl friend Lindsey Graham. Who gives a crap what he says. Honestly, the dude was all about bombing Iran. Remember that ?

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential contender John McCain, known for having a quirky sense of humor, joked about bombing Iran at a campaign appearance this week.

In response to an audience question about military action against Iran, the Arizona senator briefly sang the chorus of the surf-rocker classic “Barbara Ann.”

“That old, eh, that
WASHINGTON — Republican presidential contender John McCain, known for having a quirky sense of humor, joked about bombing Iran at a campaign appearance this week.

In response to an audience question about military action against Iran, the Arizona senator briefly sang the chorus of the surf-rocker classic “Barbara Ann.”

“That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran,” he said in jest Wednesday, chuckling with the crowd. Then, he softly sang to the melody: “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ...” The audience responded with more laughter.

So in all Mr. McCains war mongering about Iran, had an American jet sent to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran been shot down and the pilot killed, yet all of their targets hit would his planned raid have been a failure? McCains comments are nothing more then a two time losers bitching.
“Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer raised eyebrows Wednesday when he argued that anyone questioning the success of a controversial U.S. military raid in Yemen last month was dishonoring Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, the Navy SEAL who died in the operation.

Amid reports about a lack of adequate intelligence and sufficient ground support, the White House has faced mounting pressure to justify its authorization for the Jan. 29 operation against suspected al Qaeda militants in Yemen’s al Bayda province. The raid claimed the lives of Owens and several civilians, including women and children. Three other Americans were wounded, and a U.S. aircraft was lost.

The surprise attack, the first counterterrorism operation President Donald Trumpauthorized since taking office, was supposed to gather intelligence about al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Despite the heavy loss of life, the White House has insisted that the raid was “highly successful.” Spicer doubled down on that assessment during Wednesday’s White House press briefing, suggesting that whoever was saying otherwise was not only wrong, but also doing a disservice to Owens.

“Anyone who would suggest otherwise doesn’t fully appreciate how successful that mission was,” Spicer said in response to a question from NBC’s Kristen Welker. “Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, hadtold reporters on Tuesday after receiving a briefing on the operation that he would not call the raid a success.

More: Sean Spicer Says Questioning Success Of Botched Yemen Raid Is Offensive To Dead Soldier

Sounds like more "circular reasoning" from Sean Spicer. Also, what about the 8-year-old girl who was killed?

Well first off, I find it odd that one of the biggest chicken hawks in Washington would say such a thing since during his 2008 presidential campaign he promised in a very glib manner to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. He and his girlfriend Lindsey Graham we're really hot on sending Americans into Syria to. So had he decided to move on Iran to bomb all their nuclear reactors and a pilot was shot down and killed, yet they got all the targets would he have considered that a failed operation too ? This comes off as nothing more then being pissed because he lost BIGLY in two presidential attempts, not that he even gives two shits about an American serviceman, or an 8 year old kid.
John McCain......a "chickenhawk"? You're a moron. You might want to educate yourself as to what a chickenhawk Drumplethinskin.
Obama signed off on the planning. The plan was not the problem.

The leak of the plan was the issue. And I still want to know who the yahoo was that sent in the forces even though everyone was aware that AQ was fully aware that they were coming and were completely prepared for a firefight.

The leak? Those 4 IT personell that worked for House D's who were on very sensitive committees were fired and are under criminal investigation. They were funnelling House information to an outside server.

Very suspicious. Maybe they were the leak.

No, Obama did NOT sign off on the planning. That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Stop lying and spreading fake news.

The only reason that this plan was not implemented on Obama's watch was that it required a moonless night.

Again though, there was no problem with the plan. The problem was with the fucking leak.

Someone tipped off AQ. And then someone knowing that their plan was up in smoke still sent the forces in.

"Trump approved the early Sunday morning raid, but it had been in the works under the Obama administration for months.

The New York Times reported that Obama's national security aides had approved the plans for the risky attack and that Obama had not acted because the military wanted to launch that attack on a moonless night. The next such night would have been after his term."

NOW here's the kicker for the "botched raid". Who's the mother fucker who tipped off AQ that's a biggie.

Would anyone hate Trump that much that they would tip off AQ to insure that the raid would be a failure?

There's a hummer of a question.

"and that it appears al Qaeda fighters in Yemen were tipped off to the approaching forces from the United States and United Arab Emirates."

Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen

Funny. You're still beating a dead horse. Several people who were actually in the Obama meeting have stated that President Obama did NOT approve the plan. Period. Trump owns this clusterfuck.

The White House says a deadly raid in Yemen was long planned in Washington. Not true, say officials who served Obama.

Your precious CNN disagrees:

The raid had been planned for months, and the Obama administration first considered and approved it late last year, multiple officials told CNN. But it was delayed for "operational reasons," according to Obama administration officials

Yemen raid: The plan, the operation, and the aftermath - notice you are admitting that the Obama Administration was smart enough to put the raid off.....while the so-called president Drumplethinskin administration just plowed straight ahead.
Trump's getting sucked into yet another bloody quagmire war. And that's very sad. When will this endless war end?
Trump's getting sucked into yet another bloody quagmire war.

Are we talking about the same Donald "Bomb the shit out of them" Trump?

The guy who is willing to shoot at someone who pops off a bird at a US vessel?

I think he's jumping into that vortex with both feet.
Obama signed off on the planning. The plan was not the problem.

The leak of the plan was the issue. And I still want to know who the yahoo was that sent in the forces even though everyone was aware that AQ was fully aware that they were coming and were completely prepared for a firefight.

The leak? Those 4 IT personell that worked for House D's who were on very sensitive committees were fired and are under criminal investigation. They were funnelling House information to an outside server.

Very suspicious. Maybe they were the leak.

No, Obama did NOT sign off on the planning. That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Stop lying and spreading fake news.

The only reason that this plan was not implemented on Obama's watch was that it required a moonless night.

Again though, there was no problem with the plan. The problem was with the fucking leak.

Someone tipped off AQ. And then someone knowing that their plan was up in smoke still sent the forces in.

"Trump approved the early Sunday morning raid, but it had been in the works under the Obama administration for months.

The New York Times reported that Obama's national security aides had approved the plans for the risky attack and that Obama had not acted because the military wanted to launch that attack on a moonless night. The next such night would have been after his term."

NOW here's the kicker for the "botched raid". Who's the mother fucker who tipped off AQ that's a biggie.

Would anyone hate Trump that much that they would tip off AQ to insure that the raid would be a failure?

There's a hummer of a question.

"and that it appears al Qaeda fighters in Yemen were tipped off to the approaching forces from the United States and United Arab Emirates."

Questions rise about Trump-ordered raid in Yemen

Funny. You're still beating a dead horse. Several people who were actually in the Obama meeting have stated that President Obama did NOT approve the plan. Period. Trump owns this clusterfuck.

The White House says a deadly raid in Yemen was long planned in Washington. Not true, say officials who served Obama.

Your precious CNN disagrees:

The raid had been planned for months, and the Obama administration first considered and approved it late last year, multiple officials told CNN. But it was delayed for "operational reasons," according to Obama administration officials

Yemen raid: The plan, the operation, and the aftermath - notice you are admitting that the Obama Administration was smart enough to put the raid off.....while the so-called president Drumplethinskin administration just plowed straight ahead.

Nope, he approved it, the Pentagon delayed it.
“Anyone who undermines the success of that raid owes an apology to the life and service of Chief Owens.”

What? Asking about and challenging the sufficiency of the planning and execution of the failed raid has nothing to do with Chief Owens.

What kind of kindergarten operation does Spicer (presumably Trump -- it's hard to know whether Spicer speaks for himself or for Trump, though he's the WH Press Secretary; thus he should be speaking for Trump) think the White House and the U.S. military is?

The operation clearly didn't achieve its objectives. Any good manager would want to know why. They wouldn't want to know for punitive purposes; they'd want to know so they and others know whether the failure resulted from preventable errors and if be they were, managers will want to know that so they can not make the same mistakes in similar situations and operations in the future.

Here again, we have the Trump administration displaying the fact that there simply is no good operational management going on over there. One'd expect Trump to take no exception with the post-mortem diagnostic analysis of the event because, supposedly, he's an excellent business manager. Clearly he's not if he's authorizing Spicer to make remarks like the one in this thread's headline.

Spicer, as a (former?) Commander in the Navy Reserves, should know better than to make such a statement. I don't know what motivated him to do so. I realize he wasn't a flag officer, but still, Commander is far enough up the chain that the basic principles of management should have been known and routinely and rigorously practiced by him. I know I require my lowest level managers to regularly perform critical "lessons learned" analysis of their successes and failures. ("Failure" being something that didn't quite go as planned/expected, but that were yet not complete failures.) Anything that is a full on failure is vigorously evaluated by the people involved as well as managers at least two more levels up the "food chain," and this if it's relatively minor.

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