Sears Tax Deal - More Illinois/Chicago Crony Capitialism


Apr 22, 2007
When Gov Douche Bag raised the income and corporate tax, he said it was to get the corporations to pay their "fair share" and that he was about protecting the small business owner. Well large corp after large corp threatened to leave, starting with Caterpillar, John Deere, Navistar, Motorolla etc. These corps said IN, TX and OH look better. What did governor Douche Bag do? He did backdoor incentive deals that lowered their taxes to little to NONE, some are even getting money.

So who is up now? Sears Corp.!!! They will get a sweetheart tax deal and will stay

It’s crunch time for a Sears incentive plan -
Lawmakers will try to mold terms that would provide tax incentives to keep the company from moving out of state while still finding a way to distribute more money to Carpentersville-based Community Unit District 300, whose parents, officials and even students have protested tax breaks for Sears that limit school revenue.

So in the end who gets hit by the tax increases. The middle class. 5% is top highest in the country on the middle class. The small business owner: Small business owners usually are entities that have flow-through taxation. And the "smaller" C-Corps without lobbyist and who don't make headlines when they leave.

This is crap in a bag!
I'd move out of state if I could, but ain't gonna happen.
Yeah it's bullshit. The politics in this state is the worst.
But how many states and localities give multi-year tax abatement's, especially on property? Indiana passed an abatement law this year that allowed localities to give companies 100% property tax abatement for three years and can have lower abatement for 8 to 10 years. I know in my county the big companies are getting abatement's every year by promising new jobs that never materialize. The small business in the community gets ZERO! From Federal taxes to state taxes to local taxes the big companies get all the breaks while the small businessman gets nothing and the common man gets screwed because they have to pick up the slack.
When Gov Douche Bag raised the income and corporate tax, he said it was to get the corporations to pay their "fair share" and that he was about protecting the small business owner. Well large corp after large corp threatened to leave, starting with Caterpillar, John Deere, Navistar, Motorolla etc. These corps said IN, TX and OH look better. What did governor Douche Bag do? He did backdoor incentive deals that lowered their taxes to little to NONE, some are even getting money.

So who is up now? Sears Corp.!!! They will get a sweetheart tax deal and will stay

It’s crunch time for a Sears incentive plan -
Lawmakers will try to mold terms that would provide tax incentives to keep the company from moving out of state while still finding a way to distribute more money to Carpentersville-based Community Unit District 300, whose parents, officials and even students have protested tax breaks for Sears that limit school revenue.

So in the end who gets hit by the tax increases. The middle class. 5% is top highest in the country on the middle class. The small business owner: Small business owners usually are entities that have flow-through taxation. And the "smaller" C-Corps without lobbyist and who don't make headlines when they leave.

This is crap in a bag!

Sears is lucky to be in business still, let alone threatening to move. I guess they could just move to Michigan where Kmart headquarters is. And isn't it Sears Holding not Sears Corp?lol

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