SEASONS BEATINGS: Businesses Burn In Ferguson...

Makes you wonder when the race baiters like the liberal news outlets, Sharpton and Jackson and so on will be held responsible for inciting violence based on bullshit allegations.
Do you think it's over? Or will the protesters be back tonight?

A few will be back. But honestly, this was a pretty lame amateurish riot. L.A. had a much better one. Professionally done. These Ferguson thugs couldn't even get a riot right.
Those that went out and destroyed property and stole goods did so because they felt disrespected.
So burning down businesses and looting and firing weapons was showing respect to the community.
Many of those businesses were minority owned....

Nice going Ferguson you did not disappoint.

As Michael Brown's stepfather screamed ten times to the crowds:

Michael Brown’s stepfather last night repeatedly urged protesters to “Burn this bitch down” after a prosecutor announced that no criminal charges would be filed against the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who killed the unarmed teenager.

Louis Head, an ex-con who is married to Brown’s mother, [one year] Lesley McSpadden, was with McSpadden outside the Ferguson Police Department headquarters Monday evening as prosecutor Robert McCulloch disclosed that a grand jury declined to vote an indictment against Officer Darren Wilson in the August 9 shooting.

much more on Louis Head:

Michael Brown s Stepfather Urged Protesters To Burn This Bitch Down After Grand Jury Announcement The Smoking Gun
Lots of shirtless men in this thread's pictures. It was cold in Ferguson last night. Maybe some of those pics are from August.

There were some fires, and these events are always a huge boost for glass installers. But, no deaths. No armed occupation of City Hall or anything. I give this story a 2.5 out of 5 stars for news entertainment value. Cops kill about 400 people per year. Ferguson had its 15 minutes of fame.
And for the love of God, pull up your dang drawers people. You look so damn ignorant. Not a pleasant representation of the African American Community. Maybe Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson should address that?
Rob a store, attack a clerk, assault an officer, resist arrest and these dumbf---s cant contemplate how you can wind up getting shot......

Genetic defects
Uh hey morons, Obama's already giving out free cell phones. And looting Micky D's too? Aw man, where you gonna get yer nuggets now? You'll regret that one. Ha, dumbasses.

Looting a 'Weave Shop?' Holy shite, that's just plain hilarious. 'Hair Extensions?' No way. :rofl:


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