Seattle City Councilvermin now wants police protection

I hope you're right, but I have no faith in Oregonian voters. I'll believe it when I see it.
And that is a problem. Voters tend to learn slowly or deny. The nation needs to stop the bleeding. And if to many Progs remain in power it may slow down but we will still be losing blood.
Radical leftist hypocrite Kshama Sawant, who led the efforts to defund Seattle PD, is now asking for protection from those same officers she wanted to defund, after having her home smeared with feces! Couldn't happen to a more appropriate low-IQ loser.

Yes, she wants to pull away cops from an already skeleton crew to watch for poop.
Yes, she wants to pull away cops from an already skeleton crew to watch for poop.
She's totally smarmy. She was elected to Seattle City Council before we escaped from Seattle and my hubby despised her! We were both lifelong Seattleites. My hubby saw less of the destruction than I did before he passed, and thus I think would have grieved less if he were still alive, and it breaks my heart to see a beautiful city destroyed.
South Dakota, where abortions cannot be had and voting is done on election day, on paper ballots, only after you've shown ID. Also, as long as you are not a felon, you can CCW nearly anyplace.

Was it a big disruption of your life and your family's to make such a big move?
Was it a big disruption of your life and your family's to make such a big move?
No. I had just lost my hubby and had little keeping me in WA. I was born and raised in SD but spent my entire adult life in WA. I was not close to hubby's kids and have none of my own.

Housing market being what it was a year ago, I bought a free home in SD with the profit I made on the sale of our WA home. No brainer. And a bigger, better, newer home on a larger lot.

I miss the few relatives still in WA but have them almost talked into moving here. Once in a while, I think I wouldn't mind smelling the ocean, but the prairie is my natural habitat.

Just curious..... are you thinking of moving?
Thanks. It was getting weird.
My wife lived most of her life in California. While even then California was expensive, over the years she has tried convincing me that when it was time to retire, she'd like us to retire in Oregon, or maybe Washington. I told her sorry, I just can't do it. Those places are just too liberally woke for me.
Radical leftist hypocrite Kshama Sawant, who led the efforts to defund Seattle PD, is now asking for protection from those same officers she wanted to defund, after having her home smeared with feces! Couldn't happen to a more appropriate low-IQ loser.

I wonder when she immigrated to the US?

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