Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

something is really wrong with the system when one cocksucking liberal piece of shit judge can speak for the whole country. that judge does not speak for me, or for anyone I would associate with to be honest. I hope the next terrorist mall bombing takes out his entire family. maybe then he will start to understand whats going on.
I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it. It goes into
shimon, post: 16492973 He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video
I see thanks for that info..In my opinion though and it is my opinion so it has no bearing I feel that there are grey areas in the law.. Any law and that sometimes decisions solely based on interpretations of law can be the wrong way to go... Time will tell you can study the fate of the Hindus in India to see how being just and lawfull didn't get them anywhere except death and slavery but the history books are very quite about their fate at the hands of Muslim fanatics ..Today the means of destruction are greater and easier to achieve and it only takes a handful to achieve it.. Just something to think about...

We have 3 branches of government for a reason. (To keep each other in check and make certain we remain a democracy) Without this we would turn into a banana republic. The Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Anything legal, the Judicial will have power above all other branches, including the POTUS. Federal District courts are there to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. If they can't come to a conclusive agreement then the U.S. Supreme court will decide it.

Congress writes the laws regarding immigration, and Presidential powers do not extend beyond refugees.

Don't bananna republics control media propaganda and prevent opposition parties equal access and opportunities like the Liberal media does hiding third and 4th parties and demonizes it's #1 rival party?
Don't bananna republics utilize violent protests, destabilize gov't, and
cause coupes?
Don't bananna republics use the media control to call for opposition to be assasinated ?

So the Dems are acting as
"THE Bananna Republic"?
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

Me thinks you missed this part of 44 USC § 1505.
(1)Presidential proclamations and Executive orders, except those not having general applicability and legal effect or effective only against Federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officers, agents, or employees thereof;

The EO does not have general applicability, it is tailored and specific.
.I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have already been told not to enforce the order. If they were not ordered/told we would be in a Constitutional crisis actually living under a dictator that has declared himself above the law and above the Constitution.

The fact that possibility does not alarm you is very scary indeed. You want a dictator to rule over you.
Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it. It goes into
The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video
I see thanks for that info..In my opinion though and it is my opinion so it has no bearing I feel that there are grey areas in the law.. Any law and that sometimes decisions solely based on interpretations of law can be the wrong way to go... Time will tell you can study the fate of the Hindus in India to see how being just and lawfull didn't get them anywhere except death and slavery but the history books are very quite about their fate at the hands of Muslim fanatics ..Today the means of destruction are greater and easier to achieve and it only takes a handful to achieve it.. Just something to think about...

We have 3 branches of government for a reason. (To keep each other in check and make certain we remain a democracy) Without this we would turn into a banana republic. The Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Anything legal, the Judicial will have power above all other branches, including the POTUS. Federal District courts are there to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. If they can't come to a conclusive agreement then the U.S. Supreme court will decide it.

Congress writes the laws regarding immigration, and Presidential powers do not extend beyond refugees.

Don't bananna republics control media propaganda and prevent opposition parties equal access and opportunities like the Liberal media does hiding third and 4th parties and demonizes it's #1 rival party?
Don't bananna republics utilize violent protests, destabilize gov't, and
cause coupes?
Don't bananna republics use the media control to call for opposition to be assasinated ?

So the Dems are acting as
"THE Bananna Republic"?

No it's really balanced because you have your FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest that are just as bad as left wing news. Sometimes much worse. So there is no one sided media monopoly in this country-albeit Trump would like to make it so, as long as it favored him and his actions by 100%.

As far as violent protests. It was you that elected a man that campaigned on hate and division. And that's what you got, hate and division. You have elected a man that more than half this country can hate. He has insulted, offended and threatened too many people country to ever bridge that gap.

You reap what you sow in this life, and it's come back around. So don't act like you're surprised or indignant about it. You had many other choices, like 16 of them, that you could have made and didn't.
Last edited:
Feel free to cite the Article, Section and Clause.
1st and 14th amendments

NOT EVEN CLOSE, they are not for IMMIGRANTS they are for CITIZENS of this country ONLY as referenced in the Preamble. TRY AGAIN!!!
Here this will help you: The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Bullshit YOU read the Constitution AH, The preamble addresses the people the Constitution is FOR. IMMIGRANTS are covered in a completely different LAW and when any PRESIDENT has reason to believe that it is pertinent to the safety of the people of this country they are allowed to suspend all immigration into this country by that statute. You don't know shit about your rants.
You obviously don't understand the issue at hand

Funny, I was just about to say the same thing about you
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
Trump should tell the federal judge yo go fuck himself. Safety of the country and citizens is paramount over some fucking liberal judge.

Contine the van. The judge is powerless.

And how would you have felt if Obama told a judge to go fuck himself and then did what he wanted anyway?
1st and 14th amendments

NOT EVEN CLOSE, they are not for IMMIGRANTS they are for CITIZENS of this country ONLY as referenced in the Preamble. TRY AGAIN!!!
Here this will help you: The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Bullshit YOU read the Constitution AH, The preamble addresses the people the Constitution is FOR. IMMIGRANTS are covered in a completely different LAW and when any PRESIDENT has reason to believe that it is pertinent to the safety of the people of this country they are allowed to suspend all immigration into this country by that statute. You don't know shit about your rants.
You obviously don't understand the issue at hand

Funny, I was just about to say the same thing about you
Aw meet cute!
Why haven't we burned Seattle to the ground yet ?

Typical response from one of the Comrade's hard core supporters.

But the typical action of one of Obama's supporters. They are the ones who've been smashing windows and burning buildings and cars. Republicans don't do that
oreo, post: 1649338
No it's really balanced because you have your FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest that are just as bad as left wing news.

Where do I go to find the equivalent of Breitbart on the left. Where can I go to hear the news that Trump is running a child sex slave ring from the basement of a Manhattan pizza joint?

Just curious.

Where do I find a left wing Alex Jones info wars site that is full time making shit up about the menace of WASP s in this country and throughout the world?
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

The article is wrong, but it's from Slate so that is hardly surprising. When it comes to noncitizens we decide who we let into this country and we can determine that based on whatever criteria we like. If the federal government decides they are no longer going to allow Muslims into this country who are not American citizens, which by the way nobody is attempting to do, we have every right to do so. We absolutely can and have discriminated against certain people in the past when it comes to immigration.

The constitutional question that should be asked is does the executive branch have the power to make that decision unilaterally? I would argue it does not.
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16493446
We absolutely can and have discriminated against certain people in the past when it comes to immigration.

Then why didn't Trump do what he told his deplorables what he wanted to do and ban all Muslims from entering the US?

I know why. Just want to see if you know why?

Think a bit and maybe we can piece this together for you.

Are we at war with 1.6 billion Muslims?
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

The article is wrong, but it's from Slate so that is hardly surprising. When it comes to noncitizens we decide who we let into this country and we can determine that based on whatever criteria we like. If the federal government decides they are no longer going to allow Muslims into this country who are not American citizens, which by the way nobody is attempting to do, we have every right to do so. We absolutely can and have discriminated against certain people in the past when it comes to immigration.

The constitutional question that should be asked is does the executive branch have the power to make that decision unilaterally? I would argue it does not.

The executive has the power when it's authorized by congress as in this case.
What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it. It goes into
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video
I see thanks for that info..In my opinion though and it is my opinion so it has no bearing I feel that there are grey areas in the law.. Any law and that sometimes decisions solely based on interpretations of law can be the wrong way to go... Time will tell you can study the fate of the Hindus in India to see how being just and lawfull didn't get them anywhere except death and slavery but the history books are very quite about their fate at the hands of Muslim fanatics ..Today the means of destruction are greater and easier to achieve and it only takes a handful to achieve it.. Just something to think about...

We have 3 branches of government for a reason. (To keep each other in check and make certain we remain a democracy) Without this we would turn into a banana republic. The Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Anything legal, the Judicial will have power above all other branches, including the POTUS. Federal District courts are there to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. If they can't come to a conclusive agreement then the U.S. Supreme court will decide it.

Congress writes the laws regarding immigration, and Presidential powers do not extend beyond refugees.

Don't bananna republics control media propaganda and prevent opposition parties equal access and opportunities like the Liberal media does hiding third and 4th parties and demonizes it's #1 rival party?
Don't bananna republics utilize violent protests, destabilize gov't, and
cause coupes?
Don't bananna republics use the media control to call for opposition to be assasinated ?

So the Dems are acting as
"THE Bananna Republic"?

No it's really balanced because you have your FOX News, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest that are just as bad as left wing news. Sometimes much worse. So there is no one sided media monopoly in this country-albeit Trump would like to make it so, as long as it favored him and his actions by 100%.

As far as violent protests. It was you that elected a man that campaigned on hate and division. And that's what you got, hate and division. You have elected a man that more than half this country can hate. He has insulted, offended and threatened too many people country to ever bridge that gap.

You reap what you sow in this life, and it's come back around. So don't act like you're surprised or indignant about it. You had many other choices, like 16 of them, that you could have made and didn't.

That's not fully true. They always have opposing views equal access to explain
their positions.
Only O'reilly might cut them off, but then he does that to everyone. *L*
.I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have already been told not to enforce the order. If they were not ordered/told we would be in a Constitutional crisis actually living under a dictator that has declared himself above the law and above the Constitution.

The fact that possibility does not alarm you is very scary indeed. You want a dictator to rule over you.
Hmmmm.... Are you a fan of wrestling.. He is using the same tactics...Do you not get how Donald Trump works his spiel... He appeals to emotions.. He is far from a dictator and he may take an extreme position only to come to an agreement somewhere in the middle... Yes Donald is a bit of an ass but he gets things moving unlike his predecessor who was a professional waffler as are most paid politicians because it is not in their interest to solve anything... You can disagree with me but that is how I see it...He is a negotiator.. He starts at an extreme position and then the compromise begins somewhere in the middle...
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16493446
If the federal government decides they are no longer going to allow Muslims into this country who are not American citizens, which by the way nobody is attempting to do, we have every right to do so.

"If the federal government decides... " is your problem. Trump is not the Federal Government. Trump has more Americans that don't approve of his mischief than approve of it.

Normally the process would have been that US military and intelligence agents and State Department diplomatic officials would inform the President of a weak spot in our vetting process that was a major concern regarding our national security. Then if banning all nationals from a specific country were the only option necessary, the Federal Government as one informed body could decide the proper course of action on immigration.

Trump reversed the process. He decided during the campaign that he could gin up some white make America great again Christian votes by promising to ban all Muslims in its original policy version.

Dog whistle for 'America was greater when there were no Muslims here'

Donald Trump's Call to Ban Muslim Immigrants
The Republican frontrunner demands a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.”


Donald Trump's Call to Ban Muslim Immigrants

So we know he had no Intelligence basis to call for such an absurd ban.

But unfortunately that dogwhistle and others were heard and acted upon.

So then Trump asks Giuliani how to make a Muslim ban not sound like a Muslim ban.

Rudy Giuliani said Donald Trump asked him to work out how he could legally implement a “Muslim ban.” ... “And what we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger,” Giuliani said. “The areas of the world that create danger for us, which is a factual basis, not a religious basis.6 days ago
Trump asked me how to legally create 'Muslim ban': Giuliani | New ... › 2017/01/29 › trump-asked...

That will kill Trump in Federal Courts across the country.

It is reminiscent of this:

""For bureaucratic reasons we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on," Paul Wolfowitz

So there you can see how assbackward Trump injected "DANGER" into an excuse for drastic immigration measures against members of one specific religion.

He now has to show that a danger actually existed when he signed the order. But we know he made the danger up prior to becoming President.

Trump is deplorable.
shimon, post: 16493566
He appeals to emotions..

If you think Trump wanted this judge to place a nationwide restraining order on his executive order you are too emotionally involved with Trump's hate message to think straight.

Trump lost. The legal team he sent to defend his order lost.

Trump does not want to negotiate this in a court of law. In a court room you need facts and to tell the truth. Trump can't do that.
shimon, post: 16493566
He appeals to emotions..

If you think Trump wanted this judge to place a nationwide restraining order on his executive order you are too emotionally involved with Trump's hate message to think straight.

Trump lost. The legal team he sent to defend his order lost.

Trump does not want to negotiate this in a court of law. In a court room you need facts and to tell the truth. Trump can't do that.
You are mistaken I am not emotionally involved at all and you will not know Trump's end game till he unveils it... If something happens then he can use it as a rallying point so the games continue.. Everyone thought he didn't have a hope in hell of becoming president and yet here we are.. It would be wise on your part not to under estimate him as others have done...
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
I consider the Seattle federal judge to be a traitor to the American citizens.
I love how you guys just gloss over that the vetting issue has been discussed at length in Congress for 3 years, all it's flaws and points of issue have been talked about. In fact, nearly everyone has come forward over the past 3 years and said that a pause might be necessary or that there are problems that need to be addressed. That is more than sufficient to mark probable concern and government investigation into the situation. On the other hand, the whole "he's a racist claim" is almost /entirely/ based on media lies and opinions with no facts behind it.

I find it sad that our judges are willing to sell out for partisan yapping points, or fall for propaganda, over a 90 day pause to fix our shit.

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