Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible... I could see if he could affect wWashington state or the Seattle area but not the whole nation and he is not one of the Supreme Court judges which need a 5 to 4 vote to pass something...

In that case I overturn his ruling, I have seniority. :)
Did you see my post to Blackrook... You will definately have seniority if they figure out how that jellyfish reversed its age So you can reverse their or his
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?
shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her for rightly telling all DOJ justices to NOT defend it.--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
Last edited:
I didn't know that the ?Netherlands? gov't official detained for visiting Iran recently was a Muslim....assuming everyobe affected is Muslim or that all Arabs are Muslim is an epic fail to the label the ban when itcs a country ban.
shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...
At least now blame for anything happening on our soil can be displaced to those wanting open borders and no strategies that they aren't smart enough to notice or understand.
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

Or does everything have to have Reich wing seal of approval on it before you read or believe it now-a-days?

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. A Federal Judge has the authority to do this. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video

This article explains A LOT.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
Last edited:
At least now blame for anything happening on our soil can be displaced to those wanting open borders and no strategies that they aren't smart enough to notice or understand.
True enough as the situation deteriorates for groups like Isis they will seek to make the countries they deem responsible to pay.. It is better to be prudent and proactive then to be reactive and pay the price by letting them in inadvertably...
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it. It goes into
shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video
I see thanks for that info..In my opinion though and it is my opinion so it has no bearing I feel that there are grey areas in the law.. Any law and that sometimes decisions solely based on interpretations of law can be the wrong way to go... Time will tell you can study the fate of the Hindus in India to see how being just and lawfull didn't get them anywhere except death and slavery but the history books are very quite about their fate at the hands of Muslim fanatics ..Today the means of destruction are greater and easier to achieve and it only takes a handful to achieve it.. Just something to think about...
Ray From Cleveland Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it. It goes into
shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video
I see thanks for that info..In my opinion though and it is my opinion so it has no bearing I feel that there are grey areas in the law.. Any law and that sometimes decisions solely based on interpretations of law can be the wrong way to go... Time will tell you can study the fate of the Hindus in India to see how being just and lawfull didn't get them anywhere except death and slavery but the history books are very quite about their fate at the hands of Muslim fanatics ..Today the means of destruction are greater and easier to achieve and it only takes a handful to achieve it.. Just something to think about...

We have 3 branches of government for a reason. (To keep each other in check and make certain we remain a democracy) Without this we would turn into a banana republic. The Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. Anything legal, the Judicial will have power above all other branches, including the POTUS. Federal District courts are there to protect the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. If they can't come to a conclusive agreement then the U.S. Supreme court will decide it.

Congress writes the laws regarding immigration, and Presidential powers do not extend beyond refugees.
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

There was no one attacking us. You can't arbitrarily say 1 out of 10K will be a terrorist and then claim that they're all terrorists--therefore banning the entire country in a travel ban. That's basically what Trump did to 7 countries, and he didn't add Saudi Arabia to that list, who are well known for attacking this country, because he does business with them.
Trump blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 but still does business there

A good article.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
Last edited:
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

There was no one attacking us.

You need to do some serious reading too.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
I didn't claim we were being attacked. To the contrary, I wrote;
Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope!
I'm thinking you you misunderstood what I actually wrote.
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

There was no one attacking us.

You need to do some serious reading too.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
I didn't claim we were being attacked. To the contrary, I wrote;
Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope!
I'm thinking you you misunderstood what I actually wrote.

Sorry I misunderstood what you were saying.
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
You are clueless of the where the sovereignty of this nation begins. US soil has naughty to do with it on its seaward boundaries! US sovereignty begins inside our territorial waters on the seaward boundaries. They were set at 3 miles until Reagan adopted the 12 mile limit after the advent of UNCLOS! Live with the law! Many people, including the VA, quibble about which is lawful and when; a lesson learned from the past. After Reagan's Proclamation of accepting UNCLOS in 1988, it became a 12 mile limit for territorial waters where US sovereignty begins along the sea boundary.

44 USC § 1505 "COULD" apply if this requirement to lawfully bypass that necessity in that Section had been met and only for this this;
"(c)Suspension of Requirements for Filing of Documents; Alternate Systems for Promulgating, Filing, or Publishing Documents; Preservation of Originals. In the event of an attack or threatened attack upon the continental United States and a determination by the President that as a result of an attack or threatened attack—"

Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope! Trump violated the statute and enforced EO 13769 three days before it was even filed with FR on Jan 31st at 11:15 AM failing to give the required legal notice, and your weaseling won't change the facts! You're wrong!

There was no one attacking us.

You need to do some serious reading too.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
I didn't claim we were being attacked. To the contrary, I wrote;
Was there an attack or threat of attack? Nope!
I'm thinking you you misunderstood what I actually wrote.

Sorry I misunderstood what you were saying.
I recognized problem!
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Here's a detailed article on why Trump's travel ban is unconstitutional if you've got the attention span & reading comprehension skills to get through it.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

What site is the link to?

Have you got a link to anything that says this Executive order is constitutional that doesn't come from FOX news, or one of your other Reich wing sites.

Or does everything have to have Reich wing seal of approval on it before you read or believe it now-a-days?

This article hits on a lot of points that are plausible, and I have no reason to be suspicious of it.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.

The absolute DUMBEST thing he did, was NOT discuss this issue with the Attorney General, Sally Watts, and instead went around her and let Rudi Guiliani concoct it.
It's laughable. Then he fires her--LOL


A detailed article as to why this executive order is unconstitutional. Very informative
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
From what I understand it can be appealed or he could issue another ban in a more acceptable form ..I don't think the DHS or the immigration officers are going to accept that judges ruling and are going to continue to enforce it till told not to...

They have accepted it at all international airports. A Federal District court has basically lifted this travel ban all over the country. A Federal Judge has the authority to do this. What happens next, is Trump will have to take it to the appeals court, the 9th district court, and see what their decision is. If they agree with the lower court, then he'll have to appeal it to the U.S. Supreme court. If the 9th district court sides with him, then it will definitely end up in the U.S. Supreme court.
Federal judge halts travel ban nationwide - CNN Video

This article explains A LOT.

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

I asked because I don't click on huffypost or mediadon'tmatter.

But I read your thread and no doubt it will go to the 9th who will undoubtedly uphold it since they are the most regressive court in the nation. I don't however think the supremes will agree. But according to you thread the order only affects legal immigrants, which are green card holders, and they are already being allowed entry. The order won't have much effect.
Washington Gov Jay Inslee is on TV now lying his butt off.
Once again they fallaciously claim 0 terrorist events by those countries banned simply because someone claimed that on fake news without fact checking, and itcs been proven false.
Then to top that, pushing the word Muslim ban over Country ban, ignoring the situation we are in and the fact these nations have acts of war against us and are performing the discrimination against faiths and gender preferences that the Gov admits is wrong=meaning he's supporting discrimination from terrorist nations we are at war with for sake of political motivation and acts of treason against his own country including risking our security and freedoms he wishes to take away, because he feels he knows better then us ignorant masses and deplorables.
Where was this Gov speaking on behalf the people stuck for days at Airports threatened by terrorist acts? Where is the Gov speaking out against these countries training camps and propaganda leading towards the needs of the ban? Why blame the ban instead of the true source? Because it doesn't suit his narative of Political party affiliation survival?
He's so busted and proved how party tactics come before country, in that he sold our country out to retake power in D.C.
The Gov doesn't realize how his position based on party not country and based on protecting enemies over security of a nation will end up biting him in the end...good luck getting re-elected.
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I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
Trump should tell the federal judge yo go fuck himself. Safety of the country and citizens is paramount over some fucking liberal judge.

Contine the van. The judge is powerless.

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