Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Just like with Roberts, George W. Bush is a progressive and appoints progressive shit bag justices...

Bush-appointed judge halts Trump travel ban nationwide
They say trumps appointment is big on limiting presidential power.

Don't forget the GOP want to limit trumps power too in case he's nuts or turns on them. So they wouldn't vote for a trump loyalist. It has to be a serious pick.
Yes the GOP has one priority, keeping their power as career politicians
Take a breath everyone, this is just temporary, it will get sorted out, and please remember Obama himself sued the state of Arizona to reaffirm that immigration enforcement is solely up to the discretion of the federal government.

Please also some of you need to understand this, the Constitution of the United States doesn't just apply to citizens, anyone on American soil whether here legally or not have constitutional rights. You can blame the 14th Amendment.

This doesn't mean they enjoy all the legal benefits of being a citizen, and keep in mind an illegal can be declared a combatant and they can be jailed or held indefinitely.

Time to change the Constitution as well.......
One court takes it away.
Another court gives it back.
By the time this reaches the Supreme Court that court will have been Americanized and the shit will cease.

Count on it

The 9th district court will get it next, we'll see what their decision is, but I imagine this will eventually end up in the U.S. Supreme court.

The Judicial and Executive branch appear to at war with each other.
Or once this ruling is overturned, Trump should extend the ban for an additional six months

Not likely, Ray. The judges' reason for granting this restraining order was heavily weighted on the grounds that the US Government would not prevail.

And the judge was appointed by GWBush.

You elected a boob with Bannon for its brain.

Think of the wasted litigation money and needless confusion. Not to mention hurting the war effort against ISIS.

Yes, the judge was appointed by Bush whom most of us conservatives hardly consider one of our kind.

Like his brother, George has a soft spot for immigrants since they have immigrants in their family to consider, and I'm sure this judge ruled with that in mind.

As the saying goes, it's not over until the fat lady sings; and I don't mean Rosie O'Donnell or Oprah. Watch and see how it's overturned because that's just the natural process until a final ruling by the Supreme Court.
what gives this Judge all of this power? i wonder if the fed judge from rhode island has this much power
DigitalDrifter, post: 16492478
Take a breath everyone, this is just temporary, it will get sorted out, and please remember Obama himself sued the state of Arizona to reaffirm that immigration enforcement is solely up to the discretion of the federal government.

Its bigger than that. It will go to the Supreme Court. Trump can't ban Muslims until it's settled. All these people Trump wanted to deny entry will be flowing in.

It takes the wind out of Trump's anti-Muslim crusade.

Trump botched this. So many other states and so many major US corporations are going to keep the pressure on Trump to eventually back down.

There is not a single American during the past decade that has been killed by any terrorist entering the US from any of the seven named countries.

Trump does not have much of a case to base his appeal and defense of his executive order.

Trump can't make America white and Christian again. That's what "Great" is code word for.
Rexx Taylor, post: 16492865
what gives this Judge all of this power? i wonder if the fed judge from rhode island has this much power

It's the Constitution that does. And it worked if Trump obeys the order.

If Trump does not obey this order we are living under a dictatorship until he is removed from office by force if necessary.

Other states are joining this. The Washington judge was appointed by GWB.

and yes,

"The Seattle judge ruled that the states have legal standing to sue, which could help Democratic attorneys general take on Trump in court on issues beyond immigration."

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Donald Trump's Travel Ban | The Huffington Post

So if state residents are harmed by repeal of the ACA in some form those state may have a right to sue.

This is huge.
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DigitalDrifter, post: 16492478
Take a breath everyone, this is just temporary, it will get sorted out, and please remember Obama himself sued the state of Arizona to reaffirm that immigration enforcement is solely up to the discretion of the federal government.

Its bigger than that. It will go to the Supreme Court. Trump can't ban Muslims until it's settled. All these people Trump wanted to deny entry will be flowing in.

It takes the wind out of Trump's anti-Muslim crusade.

Trump botched this. So many other states and so many major US corporations are going to keep the pressure on Trump to eventually back down.

There is not a single American during the past decade that has been killed by any terrorist entering the US from any of the seven named countries.

Trump does not have much of a case to base his appeal and defense of his executive order.

Trump can't make America white and Christian again. That's what "Great" is code word for.

Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Can a Judge logically make sound judgement on this subject without access to the classified info briefings? Answer:No.
Can we judge the procedure Trump took without these briefings and when it is common knowledge that telegraphing our moves only gives the enemy the advantage to rush cells in before any Publicized ban ahead of any cut off date.
You never tell them the dates and advance notice of what you are gonna do, just look at how many times the Obama administration and the media news had done this and sabotaged our success in doing so.

We nor the Judge who's swayed by propaganda and half the knowledge can make judgement on this subject and this is exactly why we need a higher judge to judge the judgements of lesser swayed intellect. Proper Judgment based on being in line with the Essence of creation and not subjected and faulty opinions that as we see are so easily manipulated by fake news, false info, and manipulations through motives and political folly.

There will be frustration and innocent victims but that's the sacrifice giving the situation, and it's never fun for the people, but then they can go complain to the people that were put out in FT Lauderdale Airport during an attack, they were the one's who went through hell. Any complaints or blames can be forwarded to the propaganda news who refuses to rationize these things and just anger baits the situation instead of informing.
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So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible... I could see if he could affect wWashington state or the Seattle area but not the whole nation and he is not one of the Supreme Court judges which need a 5 to 4 vote to pass something...
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.
HaShev, post: 16492945
Can a Judge logically make sound judgement on this subject without access to the classified info briefings? Answer:No.

The answer is yes. Trump's lawyers could not make a national security case.

The order was a campaign slogan signed into law and nothing more.
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible... I could see if he could affect wWashington state or the Seattle area but not the whole nation and he is not one of the Supreme Court judges which need a 5 to 4 vote to pass something...

In that case I overturn his ruling, I have seniority. :)
HaShev, post: 16492945
Can a Judge logically make sound judgement on this subject without access to the classified info briefings? Answer:No.

The answer is yes. Trump's lawyers could not make a national security case.

The order was a campaign slogan signed into law and nothing more.

Nonsense, most on the list are TECHNICALLY at war with us directly or by proxy, whether administrations have the gumption to admit or not.
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.
shimon, post: 16492973
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible

He is a Federal judge. This is a national federal Issue. Other states will follow.

It can be stopped because the President ordered it. It was not properly reviewed by Republicans in Congress or the entire national security apparatus.

Trump fucked up doing this in secret. He is a loser. That's why he went bankrupt so much.
OKTexas, post: 16493013
see you haven't gotten your new talking points yet, green card holders are being allowed in.

Not initially. The order was not clear. That's why all the confusion ensued.

Not a talking point. It is a fact.

After nearly a week of claiming it wouldn't change the executive order, the administration is retreating on how the order affects so-called green card holders. The seven countries affected are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan and Yemen.

Airlines were briefed on some of the changes beginning on Wednesday.

Trump administration easing travel ban restrictions for green card holders -

Why don't you get your facts right?
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