Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

So, here's what Trump should do.

Rescind the order and reissue it, with an immediate effective date.
NOT EVEN CLOSE, they are not for IMMIGRANTS they are for CITIZENS of this country ONLY as referenced in the Preamble. TRY AGAIN!!!
Here this will help you: The Constitution for Kids (Kindergarten - 3rd Grade) - The U.S. Constitution Online -
You keep posting documents that do not apply anyone who is not a citizen of the US. When are you going to understand that?
They apply to federal law and executive orders
Only as far as it effects US citizens. It does nothing for anyone else.
If you are born on American soil, then it affects you. If you're a citizen and the government is endorsing 1 or more religions over yours, then it affects you.
If you're born here your a citizen. I'm not following the rest of your post. Its actually part of our refugee laws to prioritize religions based on their being a minority religion in their country and being persecuted. Based on that alone all Christians from these countries should have priority in being allowed refugee status not muslims.
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
But who in the Democratic Party is saying this is a State Issue and not a Federal?

Is that really the argument?

(NOTE! I have not read your link yet, but have seen a little news on this on tv...)

And where is the Democratic Party suing anyone on this? These are States suing to stop this order....and Municipalities suing.... not the "DNC" or State Democratic Parties, but on behalf of their citizens, and legal immigrants within their State, and Businesses.
That "thank you" below your picture of the high treason traitor says it all about you.
The Judge's order has ZERO effect since 100,000 visas were cancelled. No one from those seven countries can get on a plane. We're good.
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
Both issues violate the constitution. I don't see the problem.

Neither violate the constitution.
Two points

Just imagine a terrorist, because of this ruling, gets on a plane & flys to the US during this delay in the EO. Imagine the reprocussions for our court system.

Secondly, visas from those seven countries have all already been revoked so this order essentially does nothing in the immediate term. All those visa holders have to reapply. This kinda invalidates the first point for the immediate future.

Also it boggles my mind that a lower court can overrule a national security EO.
Terrorists can't get on planes since Trump cancelled 100,000 visas.
“No one is above the law — not even the President.” - Washington AG Bob Ferguson

damn you, Ferguson!
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16491400
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Trump just found out about an hour ago that he cannot be a fascist dictator under our Constitution.

What's his next move? Be a fascist dictator. Or comply with the court order and let these vetted people in.
The great thing about it is that if ANY person comes into this country and kills ANYONE the liberals are gonna pay with their lives and blood. Welcome to death call shit of the earth liberal scum.Ten liberals for every person that dies guys. It is time to end the lying shits ability to do anything. The only cure for stupidity and liberalisim is DEATH.
Play nice
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16491400
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Trump just found out about an hour ago that he cannot be a fascist dictator under our Constitution.

What's his next move? Be a fascist dictator. Or comply with the court order and let these vetted people in.

Trump cancelled 100,000 visas, so no boarding planes w/o a visa, sorry judgie, that's how the government works...

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