Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16491400
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Trump just found out about an hour ago that he cannot be a fascist dictator under our Constitution.

What's his next move? Be a fascist dictator. Or comply with the court order and let these vetted people in.
Obama ignored a judge's order on his executive amnesty. Was he being a fascist?
"Judge Robart"

You are NOT the President so stop trying to be. You won't win.

they could just move all the refugees onto Rosie O'Donnell's estate. im sure she has enough food for all of them
Or once this ruling is overturned, Trump should extend the ban for an additional six months

Not likely, Ray. The judges' reason for granting this restraining order was heavily weighted on the grounds that the US Government would not prevail.

And the judge was appointed by GWBush.

You elected a boob with Bannon for its brain.

Think of the wasted litigation money and needless confusion. Not to mention hurting the war effort against ISIS.
Guess what hero, the Constitution doesn't apply to foreign nationals on foreign soil, it just ain't in there. Are you advocating changing that?
Once an immigrant passes through the 3 mile limit, they are within the sovereign territory of the US. Given the immigrants of interest with visas in hand were turned away at their respective Ports of Entry (POE), their rights as persons under the sovereign control of the US and the Constitution were well and truly established AND violated.

The actions of the US authorities at the various POE's last weekend, by turning away people with authorized entry visas were violative of the Establishment, Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of Amendments I & V. That makes the problems more than just an oversight, but rather egregious.

Further, in enforcing the EO before proper legal notice was given in the Federal Register as required under 44 USC § 1507, the Trump & Co cabal violated, at a minimum, the Due Process Clause again bypassing the legal notice required by the statute. The EO wasn't even filed until Tuesday Jan 31 at 11:15 LONG AFTER it started to be enforced on Jan 28! Just go to the federal register Calendar to peruse the dates!

The 3 mile limit has nothing to do with it, no one is technically on US soil until they are admitted through the POE. Also since this order does not have general applicability then it is not required to be filed in the manner prescribed in 44 USC § 1507, see 44 USC § 1505. 44 USC § 1505, also gives the president the authority to suspend the requirement in 44 USC § 1507.
What is fucked up foreigners have more fucking rights than citizens in this country anymore…
Why didn't this Federal judge scream when Obama took away the Cubans rights to be here? Reckon?
WillowTree, post: 16491686,
It will end up in the Supreme Court. Every politician signs an oath to protect and serve the citizens of the US. The US does not have to allow anyone entry into this country.

The US already decided to allow entry, or many were far into the process to be allowed entry. You don't even know what is going on.

Trump will have to prove the existing vetting process in those countries is not sufficient to protect the national security of the US now.

He probably can't do much with that because the scumball wrote the executive order based upon a campaign slogan and his anti-Muslim dog whistle.

Got his ass kicked in court today. His lawyers had no defense.
Take a breath everyone, this is just temporary, it will get sorted out, and please remember Obama himself sued the state of Arizona to reaffirm that immigration enforcement is solely up to the discretion of the federal government.

Please also some of you need to understand this, the Constitution of the United States doesn't just apply to citizens, anyone on American soil whether here legally or not have constitutional rights. You can blame the 14th Amendment.

This doesn't mean they enjoy all the legal benefits of being a citizen, and keep in mind an illegal can be declared a combatant and they can be jailed or held indefinitely.
Rustic, post: 16492358
What is fucked up foreigners have more fucking rights than citizens in this country anymore…

No they don't. What's fucked up is you believing that.

I agree with Rustic here.

The flaw of the Constitution is that it applies territorially. It should only apply to citizens of this country who were a) born here to citizens or b) naturalized through the existing process.

It seems to me that these refugees are being afforded more rights and protections than the citizens already here.
You liberals do understand that he can only temporarily hold off the order right? It will move forward regardless. Nice try.
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban
Does that mean the federal (trump) can do things that are wrong or unconstitutional?

For the record I agree with trump on this issue. If we can't stop people from the middle East from coming here, that's fucked up. We should be able to say no one from china if china was causing us problems.
What if one of these days, one of these refugees pulls a 911?
Just like with Roberts, George W. Bush is a progressive and appoints progressive shit bag justices...

Bush-appointed judge halts Trump travel ban nationwide
They say trumps appointment is big on limiting presidential power.

Don't forget the GOP want to limit trumps power too in case he's nuts or turns on them. So they wouldn't vote for a trump loyalist. It has to be a serious pick.
What if one of these days, one of these refugees pulls a 911?
More likely one of their kids who are born here then radicalized. We need to hook these people up to lie detectors before we let them in. Did you cheer after 9-11?

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