Seattle federal judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

shimon, post: 16493637
You are mistaken I am not emotionally involved at all and you will not know Trump's end game till he unveils it.

If Trump is unveiling it how would you know that was the end game or if was only leading up to the end game. And how many end games does Trump have going.

Many of Trump's base want all Muslims banned. Is that the end game to ban all Muslims? Or negotiate to the middle and ban half at 800 million?

How does he really know if they are Muslims in the first place?
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Another activist judge that puts the progressive party above the Constitution and law.

It will be settled in the Supreme Court.
LuckyDuck, post: 16493657
I consider the Seattle federal judge to be a traitor to the American citizens

Why? Trump's legal team could not make the case for defending the order in a court of law.

Is Trump above the law in your point of view?
theHawk, post: 16493712
Another activist judge that puts the progressive party above the Constitution and law. It will be settled in the Supreme Court.

Do we the people of the United States of America have the right to find out, in a court of law, when the President causes harm to the people he represents, whether or not that harm is Constitutional or not?

You appear to be saying we do not have that right. And that Trump is above the law.
Mixed reaction to blocked ban...

U.S. Customs give airlines green light to board all visa-holders after Seattle ruling
February 4, 2017 - U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has informed U.S. airlines that they can once again board travelers who had been barred by an executive order last week, after it was blocked nationwide on Friday by a federal judge in Seattle, an airline official told Reuters.
In a conference call at around 9 p.m. EST (0200 GMT), the U.S. agency told airlines to operate just as they had before the order, which temporarily had stopped refugees and nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Individuals from those states who have proper visas can now board U.S.-bound flights, and airlines are working to update their websites to reflect the change, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The judge's temporary restraining order represents a major challenge to U.S. President Donald Trump's action, although his administration could still appeal the ruling and have the policy upheld.

Judge James Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, made his ruling effective immediately on Friday, suggesting that travel restrictions could be lifted straight away. He is expected to issue a full written ruling over the weekend. CBP and Washington-based trade group Airlines for America did not immediately comment.

U.S. Customs give airlines green light to board all visa-holders after Seattle ruling

See also:

Airlines in Iran: No tickets for Iranians holding US visas
Feb 4,`17 -- Foreign airlines have instructed Iranian travel agencies not to sell U.S.-bound flight tickets to Iranians holding U.S. visas after President Donald Trump's executive order banning visas for seven Muslim countries, including Iran.
The move comes even though a U.S. judge on Friday temporarily blocked the ban, siding with two states that urged a nationwide hold on the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country. The directive does not include U.S. airlines.

In Tehran, the Kowsar travel agency told The Associated Press they had been instructed by all foreign airlines not to sell tickets to Iranians with visas to enter the U.S.

The agency said there was no problem for those who have a permanent resident card or a U.S. passport.

News from The Associated Press


The Latest: Qatar airline allowing Muslims to travel to US
Feb 4,`17 -- The Latest on reaction to a court order blocking U.S. President Donald Trump's ban on travelers and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries (all times local):
10:40 a.m.

Qatar Airways has issued an advisory to passengers saying citizens of the seven Muslim-majority countries previously barred from entry who hold a valid U.S. visa or green card will be allowed to travel to the U.S. The airline cited a directive by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Government-backed Qatar Airways is one of a handful of Mideast airlines operating direct daily flights to multiple American cities. Like other Gulf carriers, many of its customers are transit passengers whose journeys originated elsewhere. Its U.S. destinations from its Doha hub include New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami and Washington.

10:30 a.m.

Foreign airlines operating in Iran have instructed travel agencies not to sell U.S.-bound flight tickets to Iranians holding U.S. visas in the wake of President Donald Trump's executive order banning visas for seven Muslim countries, including Iran. The move comes even though a U.S. judge on Friday temporarily blocked the ban, siding with two states that urged a nationwide hold on the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country.

The directive does not come from U.S. airlines. In Tehran, the Kowsar travel agency told The Associated Press they had been instructed by foreign airlines not to sell tickets to Iranians with visas to enter the U.S. The agency said there was no problem for those who have a permanent resident card or a U.S. passport.

News from The Associated Press
It will end up in the Supreme Court. Every politician signs an oath to protect and serve the citizens of the US. The US does not have to allow anyone entry into this country.

But they allowed you ancestors in, right?
This stupid ruling if upheld will open the gates. Everyone in the world will have the constitutional right to come to the United States. 7 billion will be the new population of our country.

Liberals can hardly contain their joy. George Soros finally did in another. Country.
I heard that even with the ban they had let a group of Iranians in anyway, that means to me depending on the circumstances the customs agent was interpreting the law and tried to or told tosmooth over those gray areas at their discretion or is using their own political preferences. To me the later is anarchy and can be dangerous.
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16491400
I don't approve of the way Trump did this Executive Order, but I really find the hypocrisy coming from the Democratic Party quite astounding, but typical. A few years back when Texas was talking about not issuing birth certificate to children born to illegal immigrants the Democrats said the states don't have standing on the issue of immigration as it is strictly a federal matter. Now all of a sudden when the federal government is doing something with immigration they don't like it's now a state issue. Funny how that works, huh.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson had sued, saying the order is causing significant harm to residents and effectively mandates discrimination. Minnesota joined the suit this week.

U.S. judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban

Trump just found out about an hour ago that he cannot be a fascist dictator under our Constitution.

What's his next move? Be a fascist dictator. Or comply with the court order and let these vetted people in.

Trump cancelled 100,000 visas, so no boarding planes w/o a visa, sorry judgie, that's how the government works...
This is great news.
This stupid ruling if upheld will open the gates. Everyone in the world will have the constitutional right to come to the United States. 7 billion will be the new population of our country.

Liberals can hardly contain their joy. George Soros finally did in another. Country.

Believe it or not there are literally billions of people who have no wish to live in the US.

But I love how the righties who live in the US are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants and yet feel they have the right to deny others what they or their ancestors did..
I finally got to see who this judge was.
*L* The guy can't even use good judgement in what type of glasses to choose at his eyewear center.
What kind of sound judgement is choosing the
John Hinckley Jr. style glasses?
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It's temporary, while Federal Court, that has stayed the President's Executive Order nationwide, and the Dept. of Justice duke it out in court. In the meantime, Visa holders are being allowed into the country, many of whom are living here for work or school and have been unable to return this past week. It certainly gives me hope that the people with power and best words can find a way to make this security minded measure more sensible and less caustic to the majority of Americans and the world.

The door is open again, folks! How strange that not a soul seems to have mentioned it here. It wasn't being headlined by Fox this morning, guess that's why.

Federal judge blocks Trump's travel ban; DOJ to challenge decision

Of course, I'm sure CNN will be running it solid for 24 hours, at least, if you want more. LOL
This stupid ruling if upheld will open the gates. Everyone in the world will have the constitutional right to come to the United States. 7 billion will be the new population of our country.

Liberals can hardly contain their joy. George Soros finally did in another. Country.

Believe it or not there are literally billions of people who have no wish to live in the US.

But I love how the righties who live in the US are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants and yet feel they have the right to deny others what they or their ancestors did..

Correct, because we made those rights.
It will end up in the Supreme Court. Every politician signs an oath to protect and serve the citizens of the US. The US does not have to allow anyone entry into this country.

But they allowed you ancestors in, right?
This stupid ruling if upheld will open the gates. Everyone in the world will have the constitutional right to come to the United States. 7 billion will be the new population of our country.

Liberals can hardly contain their joy. George Soros finally did in another. Country.
Horse hockey! Only those individuals with ALREADY APPROVED visas are being allowed in. They have already been vetted. No one else is getting in.
Hmmmm.... Are you a fan of wrestling.. He is using the same tactics...Do you not get how Donald Trump works his spiel... He appeals to emotions.. He is far from a dictator and he may take an extreme position only to come to an agreement somewhere in the middle... Yes Donald is a bit of an ass but he gets things moving unlike his predecessor who was a professional waffler as are most paid politicians because it is not in their interest to solve anything... You can disagree with me but that is how I see it...He is a negotiator.. He starts at an extreme position and then the compromise begins somewhere in the middle...

I listened to a couple of interviews with people that worked with Trump in real estate and construction. Their claim is that if there is a possible way, Trump will find it to get things done.

What leftists don't get about Trump is that he's the kind of person that likes a challenge. Libs can jump up and down now, but let them enjoy their short lived joy. It's the end of the story that really counts.
Dont Taz Me Bro, post: 16493446
We absolutely can and have discriminated against certain people in the past when it comes to immigration.

Then why didn't Trump do what he told his deplorables what he wanted to do and ban all Muslims from entering the US?

I know why. Just want to see if you know why?

Think a bit and maybe we can piece this together for you.

Are we at war with 1.6 billion Muslims?

Denying them access to our country does not constitute a war.
Hmmmm.... Are you a fan of wrestling.. He is using the same tactics...Do you not get how Donald Trump works his spiel... He appeals to emotions.. He is far from a dictator and he may take an extreme position only to come to an agreement somewhere in the middle... Yes Donald is a bit of an ass but he gets things moving unlike his predecessor who was a professional waffler as are most paid politicians because it is not in their interest to solve anything... You can disagree with me but that is how I see it...He is a negotiator.. He starts at an extreme position and then the compromise begins somewhere in the middle...

I listened to a couple of interviews with people that worked with Trump in real estate and construction. Their claim is that if there is a possible way, Trump will find it to get things done.

What leftists don't get about Trump is that he's the kind of person that likes a challenge. Libs can jump up and down now, but let them enjoy their short lived joy. It's the end of the story that really counts.

They have no idea what precedence they have set. Obviously they don't understand action-reaction, cause and affect, connectivity and such. They've totally destroyed the checks and balance 2 party system which now will be tit for tat and paybacks thereafter with affiliation coming before country=we all lose.
Ironically the left did everything they claimed the right would do thus demonized the Right based on the actual mirror reflection of themselves.
Ray From Cleveland
Can you point to the word "Muslim" in his executive order?

Don't have to. These majority being deny entry after being vetted or holding green cards are predominately Muslim. There is no evidence of a security threat.

Trump did this to appease his despicable anti-Muslim base.

You could see right through what Trump did if you wanted to.

I see, so you think this ruling has solid ground because it's based on assumptions? Think that will hold water in the higher courts?
So let me get this straight one judge in one little state can reverse or stop a law for the whole nation how is that possible... I could see if he could affect wWashington state or the Seattle area but not the whole nation and he is not one of the Supreme Court judges which need a 5 to 4 vote to pass something...

This is quite normal in controversial decisions. It will get batted back and forth until the Supreme Court hears the case. Remember that it's the lower courts that make decisions because the Supreme Court only hears cases they want. They don't have to take this case either if that's what they decide. If it boils down to that (and I doubt it will) then the last court ruling on the matter stands.
Hmmmm.... Are you a fan of wrestling.. He is using the same tactics...Do you not get how Donald Trump works his spiel... He appeals to emotions.. He is far from a dictator and he may take an extreme position only to come to an agreement somewhere in the middle... Yes Donald is a bit of an ass but he gets things moving unlike his predecessor who was a professional waffler as are most paid politicians because it is not in their interest to solve anything... You can disagree with me but that is how I see it...He is a negotiator.. He starts at an extreme position and then the compromise begins somewhere in the middle...

I listened to a couple of interviews with people that worked with Trump in real estate and construction. Their claim is that if there is a possible way, Trump will find it to get things done.

What leftists don't get about Trump is that he's the kind of person that likes a challenge. Libs can jump up and down now, but let them enjoy their short lived joy. It's the end of the story that really counts.

They have no idea what precedence they have set. Obviously they don't understand action-reaction, cause and affect, connectivity and such. They've totally destroyed the checks and balance 2 party system which now will be tit for tat and paybacks thereafter with affiliation coming before country=we all lose.
Ironically the left did everything they claimed the right would do thus demonized the Right based on the actual mirror reflection of themselves.

People on the left love setting themselves up for disappointment which is fine by me. Then when they get butt hurt, they scream bloody murder just like they did throughout the Trump campaign right up to his swearing in.

There is no precedent here because this judgement is far from the final decision. So get ready for more liberals grabbing their warm coats and pussy hats when it''s overturned. Liberals are always looking for an excuse to destroy things and cause problems.

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